Showing posts with label Al Gore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Gore. Show all posts


Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb Dumbs

Sober up, Dems.

You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp!

And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. You dig, Dem dumb dumbs?

You thought you could just party like it was 1999. You can't take a beer bong and pour healthcare reform, trillions in spending and bailouts to fat cats down the average 'Merican's throat and not expect a fight. But, as usual, you didn't fight - you just kept doing Jager-bomb shots.

Let's not only blame the Prez for this election. Just go straight down the line - all the way to the grass root dumb dumbs who didn't lift a finger to dial up fellow dems to get them out of the bar and into the polls.

Too many Dems turned away after 2008, assuming the Prez and the Congressional majority would take care of "our" business. We drank up, while they did what we asked them to do. But, we didn't follow up on our end of the bargain - work our butts off to help them stay in office.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Can you say you worked as hard in 2010 as you did in 2008? Did you bring your neighbor to the polls? Did you give $$ to a candidate? If you didn't do that, how can you expect Joe the Bartender, Joe the Plumber, or any average Joe, to understand the complexities of the issues of the day?

How can you expect Joe to deal with this: the worst economy in two generations; soaring debt; jobs lost; home foreclosures, etc. That stuff scares the crap out of people. If you don't help them to understand that you're trying to solve their problems today - and for tomorrow - they're going to do exactly what they did: vote for the other team.

You have to expend energy to inspire 'Mericans to vote. Let's make a quick list of the "no shows" when it came to putting energy into this fall's campaign: Chris Dodd (thanks for nothing), the Prez, the Veep, Rahm "Windy City" Emmanuel, Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Al Gore, etc. I'm sorry - you can't count the Prez's work in the final week as really getting it done; he should have been out there since labor day. Were you all having a beer in the Rose Garden?

Who deserves real credit for working his tail off? William Jefferson Clinton. He was busting his hump out there, putting his stent-laden heart on the line 24/7. Let's give the man some credit.

Learn from Bill: you have to work hard to win elections. Not other people - YOU! You have to get it done. You have to contribute time, energy, $$. If you can't contribute any of these, then you can't complain about the outcome.

To bring it back to a local level, look at Chris Murphy. He worked his butt off! I saw him in New Milford a few times - and I never saw Sam Caligiuri (if I had paid $100 to attend the RTC's Reagan Dinner, maybe I would have caught a glimpse of Sam C).

And I saw Ann Cutter (local Dem) leading Chris Murphy around the Harvest Festival. She worked hard the entire election cycle - organizing phone banks and other get out the vote efforts. Where was the rest of the local Dem leadership? Show up or shut up!

Here's the deal: You've gotta work hard lefties, or the righties are gonna kick your butt in 2012, too.


Coulter Trying to Redefine Words

Let the conservatard's batshit-loopy rant begin:

Words mean nothing to liberals. They say whatever will help advance their
cause at the moment, switch talking points in a heartbeat, and then act
indignant if anyone uses the exact same argument they were using five minutes

When Gore won the popular vote in the 2000 election by half a
percentage point, but lost the Electoral College -- or, for short, "the
constitutionally prescribed method for choosing presidents" -- anyone who denied
the sacred importance of the popular vote was either an idiot or a dangerous

But now Hillary has won the popular vote in a Democratic
primary, while Obambi has won under the rules. In a spectacular turnabout, media
commentators are heaping sarcasm on our plucky Hillary for imagining the
"popular vote" has any relevance whatsoever.

It's the exact same
situation as in 2000, with Hillary in the position of Gore and Obama in the
position of Bush. The only difference is: Hillary has a much stronger argument
than Gore ever did (and Hillary's more of a man than Gore ever was).


After nearly eight years of having to listen to liberals crow that Bush was "selected, not elected," this is a shocking about-face.

While it is true that Gore won the popular vote, it is nowhere near the same situation and Coulter - a lying republican mouthpiece - knows very well that Bush was SELECTED by the Supreme Court and NOT by the actual votes.

This set into motion a series of recounts (portions by machine, and
portions by hand), questions about portions of the Florida vote, and finally

These ultimately resulted in a December 12 7-2 United
States Supreme Court decision
that the Florida Supreme Court's plan for
recounting ballots was unconstitutional, as well as a 5-4 United
States Supreme Court decision
that ended the Florida recounts and allowed
Florida to certify its vote. The vote was certified according to Florida state
election law by Katherine Harris, the Republican Secretary of State who had been the Florida co-chair of Bush's campaign.[34] Because Bush's younger brother, Jeb Bush,was the governor of Florida, there were allegations that Harris and Jeb Bushhad manipulated the election to favor the governor's brother.[35][36]
In reality, if it had been left to the actual votes and the delegates in Florida Bush Junior would never have been SELECTED by the Supreme Court... And Gore would have been President in 2000.

It would be nice if stupid republicans would stop trying to rewrite history and redefine words so liberally. Until the Supreme Court has to decide on the 2008 Democratic party candidate for President, Coulter's false comparison is just more dumpster diving from the fanatical right wing.

[update] Though it has little to do with Coulter trying to redefine what liberals mean by "Bush was selected", I should have pointed out the other obvious flaw in her false argument (since there has been a lot of discussion on this), but thanks to MLN's Jon Kantrowitz for pointing this out in comment:
Hillary DID NOT win the popular vote - her claims rest on uncontested
states - FL and MI - where there was no real vote.
Not to mention that the people that claim Hillary won the popular vote completely ignore caucus states. Dubious claims at best.