Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I've been tagged!

8 Favorite TV Shows
*Prison Break
*Biggest Loser
*King of Queens
*Everybody Loves Raymond
*Law and Order CI

8 Favorite Restaraunts
*The Olive Garden
*Village Inn-only for the pies!
*Los Hermanos

8 Things I Did Yesterday
*Fished for nine straight hours
*Caught one small trout
*Played with Yuki
*Ate at a nice, but overly expensive "Shady Nook"
*Cuddled my husband
*Played hand and foot till the wee hours of the night
*took a bunch of pictures
*Sat in the car for a very long time

8 Things I Love About Fall
*The weather is not to hott or cold
*Wearing sweaters
*Halloween costumes
*Driving up the canyon
*my birthday!
*being with Dan

8 Things I Look Forward To
*Dan's birthday!
*owning a home
*having a car that was made in this decade :)
*Yuki being potty trained
*Yuki not eating/chewing on everything she sees
*Dan finishing school
*Being with Dan off work every night!

8 Things On My Wish List
*That Dan was already finished with school!
*More time to just travel and play
*To win some kind of tennis torny
*Kids...some day
*loosing some weight and shaping up
*a nice camera

I Tag:
Anyone who has not already done this!


Misty said...

I love GSN's so easy to let half an hour slip away when you're playing along...:)

Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Ha ha I love that you always comment on the things I write! Makes me feel good :) Thanks