Wednesday, November 26, 2008


My sister Jessie came over last Saturday to play. We went and saw Lakeview Terrace, then went to dinner at IHOP (she had never been, I couldn't believe it)! Then we came over to my house and played with Yuki and took some pictures because we don't see each other very much.

I try to keep the mood light and fun, most of the time, when she is around. But the truth is I worry so much about her, how she is really doing, if I am being there for her like I should, etc. Jessie is 17, and is kind of in a hard spot in life right now, everyone she has gotten to trust and love has abandoned her. She has a lot of issues, and most of the are not her fault. I don't think she is making her situation better by making some of the choices she does, but the underlying reasons/causes are not her fault! I just wish that I could make everything right...she is a beautiful young girl who has so much potential, but she doesn't see that. Do you ever wanna hurt someone, not for what they have done to you, but for what they have done to someone you care about? That is how I feel right now. Sorry, I don't mean to be so negative in this post, it is just something that I am constantly thinking about.


Callan and Jaci said...

SAVANA!! How dare you talk like that about edward lol jk. Some pics he looks a little crazy, but i think he looks mighty fine in those two ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I haven't seen (even in pictures) Jessie in so long. It's a good thing she has you to take her to IHOP--no wonder she's having a tough time if she'd never been to IHOP! Seriously, though, what she needs (just as all of us need) is to know that she is loved and accepted. That's really all you can do. We all wish we could make everything right; if you ever figure out how to do that, be sure to let me know.