Our Eternal Family

Our Eternal Family

Sunday, October 21, 2012

To think I could have a 4yr Old

The past three weeks I have been spending a lot of time practicing being a Great Aunt.  My Oldest Niece Kjirsten became a mommy to the most perfect looking newborn I have ever seen.  Baby Morgan and I have been spending a lot of time cuddling of late.  I'm grateful that my niece is so kind to share her precious baby with me.  I kind of informed her that she must share because I don't have a baby and I really want one.  Not demanding at all, ha ha!
 But seriously though I have been grateful to get to hold Morgan and spend quality time with her.  Some days are harder then others and certain things will remind me of things that make me sad to not be a mom yet.  For instance the 3rd week in October is when I was due to have our baby back in 2008.  Its so crazy to think that I could have a 4yr old.  Maybe that's why some of my favorite little friends right now are the 3 to 4yr olds at Church and some of my friends children. 
I know that through waiting for what seems so long on this earthly life is really not so long in the big scheme of things.  But I always remember the first part of March every year is when I miscarried and then when October comes along I think we could of been celebrating a birthday besides Joel's.  I also know that when we do finally get that little one, its going to be a very joyous occasion!   Another way to look at it is I'm going to be a whole lot more prepared then I would of been if we would of had a baby when we where first married.  But also on the other hand I'm worried that because we have waited for what seems like forever I'm going to spoil my child rotten.  I guess we will just have to wait and see!


lauren said...

Marta, Marta....Seriously SO excited for you to get a little one to spoil! I think by now you've had enough time to think of how you'll raise a kid that your kids will probably turn out perfect! :) Can't wait to meet the little fellow. Miss you guys!!!

The Gang said...

Great to hear how things are going! I'm sure there are about a million emotions going at the same time ALL the time. I decided to get on and read some blogs again and saw you were turning private. I would like to still read :) email is the.braves.fan@hotmail(dot)com
If we decide to start pursuing adoption through lds services again maybe you can give me some advice. :)

WalkConkies said...

I just barely saw this blog update, Marta! We are so excited for you and I can't wait to see you on Tuesday! Miscarrying is so much harder than most people can imagine. You really do mourn for that child you were so excited to share your life with. You will spoil this baby with love - which is what every baby deserves!!!

WalkConkies said...

Marta, we need to get an update on your little guy on here :)! Hope you are doing well!!! I'm trying to get back to blogging and thought I'd encourage my fellow bloggers along the way :)! Miss you!