you sit you
stand fill
the room you
sound an opinion
violent you because
and you draw
attention tied under
your breasts
you confidently you as in
and don't you defend
an absent-minded gesture
you wish you had
you had ideals but
if asked strangers you
left you in fear and you wonder
a pronoun stopped
in the young day
Rosmarie Waldrop's recent poetry books are Driven to Abstraction, Curves to the Apple, Blindsight (New Directions), Splitting Images (Zasterle), and Love, Like Pronouns (Omnidawn). Her Collected Essays, Dissonance (if you are interested), was published by University of Alabama Press in 2005. A small chapbook of prose poems, OTHERWISE SMOOTH, appeared recently with above/ground press.
Two novels, The Hanky of Pippin's Daughter and A Form/of Taking/It All are available in one paperback (Northwestern UP, 2001).
She has translated 14 volumes of Edmond Jabés's work (her memoir, Lavish Absence: Recalling and Rereading Edmond Jabés, is out from Wesleyan UP) as well as books by Emmanuel Hocquard, Jacques Roubaud, and, from the German, Friederike Mayröcker, Elke Erb, Oskar Pastior, Gerhard Rühm, Ulf Stolterfoht.
She lives in Providence, RI. where she co-edits Burning Deck books with Keith Waldrop.
the Tuesday poem is curated by rob mclennan