Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mama na me

Oh yes, i am. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Moving, moving, moving...gone.

Hej! Since I've moved continents a few days back, I've decided to move to a new blogspot address:

Im keeping my multiply account to consolidate everything (although it's not efficient in doing so), but don't bet on it's update schedule. :)

See you there!

-Rica, blogging from the land of the gentle giants.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Retiring the JacketS

I have a thing for jackets.
Aside from the simple truth that they keep my huge arms wrapped and out of sight,  jackets for me serves the most practical purpose of pulling a person together.
It may be that pulled together look crisp jackets provide, or the security of providing a private wiggle room to breathe (because good jackets hide insecurities like heavy breakfasts or heavy thighs).
It keeps you warm, and protects you from dust.
If Ally McBeal had her pajamas, I had my jackets.

My two most special pieces are entirely different from each other (in no order, whatsoever).

2005. Graduate School sa NUS. Mahal pa ang kanin noon.

I got my Political Science Forum (TPSF) jacket in 2002, and it's a sort of sports-wind breaker jacket with the hood. It was very memorable, because I remember pretty well how I got it, and the things that were going on that time. I was among one of those 'first' few people who got this black jacket with grey piping (hence the cloth used for you jacket was entirely different from those made later on), and I remember Tere (the now Atty Teresa Bautista), our Board Member, insisting that being officers, we get to have our jackets for free. It was such tumultuous times at the TSPF, because judging by the things our organisation has gone through over the past months-- impeachment proceedings, factions and all this real life political circus, I can't believe we were even able to make it through in our Senior year. Not everyone survived. I remember that time--after receiving my jacket for free (I have to emphasize free goods as fundamentally cherished by college kids like me), an impeachment some people believed I discreetly masterminded, and new found friends within my major-- I felt that I belonged. At last.

Ever since, I've used this jacket to guard me (and my hoochie bags) from rain, from nocturnal insects whenever we decide on road trips in the provinces, and contact from people I don't like (no kidding). It became my comfort blanket for eight years, and it served me well.

Now Im sending it back to Manila, to retire. It served me well, and I'll probably still be using it every now and then, when rain showers grace Ortigas Pasig. But it should be respectfully returned to this very country I grew up in, endured heartaches in, and yet in the end, still love to the core of my soul.

Fres na fres. Yess.

My other favourite jacket was from my ex boyfriend,  Jay. :) He gave me this jacket in 2004, and it's a black cotton zippered number from Esprit. I loved it so much, I still wear it often even if its missing a real zipper slider. I've worn it with literally everything, and was even called JLo while wearing it one time. My sister loved it and asked Kuya Jay to buy one for her. My then-boyfriend had no choice, and dollars poorer later, he was instantly declared as the jacket-supplier.

2008. Wala nang slider yung zipper nyan. waw.

Now, this post is not just about the jacket and their impending retirement. This is also about my sister, Tinay. We were sorting clothes for laundry last week, and when she saw the state of distress of this six-year old jacket I've been wearing, she offered to give  me her jacket since -eherm- it wont fit her anymore. It was a 'Jay' jacket with minimal difference in style. She supplies me everything, actually-- pants, shoes and underwear (I only shop for tops). I was just so glad to have it and it didn't tell that I was touched by her generosity and her way of getting out of her way when she helps other people.

My sister doesn't earn that much when she was back in Manila, and will probably correct me in saying she earns better now. Because that's not so true. But really, I've never met anyone who can give more than what they get, without expecting in return, and just give for the sake of giving. She's not the nicest (haha) person, nor is the easiest to deal with, and this may mean to show that we have our own quirks, strengths and weaknesses.

My sister is the most generous person I've ever known. And I pray, really really pray that the universe take care of her the best way possible, and not to let anyone take advantage of that generous heart. I was lucky enough to have a sister like her. I'm never trading her with any shoes, pants or jackets.

A Chanel bag? Maybe. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wanted: donations for Dyowsa's Flickr Pro

To make benefit glorious nation of beckystan. :D 

Give to charity. Give them a home:

All taken with an LC-A+, 35mm film (which for the life of me-- I can't remember which, but I do believe it's not Ektar).

i love your side burns. :)

Patrick is Mr Changi airport.

T3, how much do we love thee?

the father

the mother

the post-woman

hanapin si becky and win a prize!


Lan Kwai Fong, HK

i wake up to where the skies are blue...

and margarine... are... well... carved from mountain-hills.  

And I accept paypal.

Monday, July 12, 2010

una bien merecida victoria, EspaƱa

Extended yung game. I've never stayed up this late (or early. and sober) since college years, at nagtutukatok nako ng konti. 

Iniesta's goal was the clincher.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Notes to self:

1) Huwag mag madali, makakarating ka rin.

2) Huwag atat. Mas mataas ang market value ng taong marunong humindi.

3) Matutong mag enjoy (talaga naman).

4) Huwag pilitin ang mga bagay na hindi ayon sa panahon. Ang manggang hinog sa piliit ay mapait (naks).

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Little Boxes

cover by Regina Spektor (bet you saw that coming. :) )

Little Boxes
Malvina Reynolds

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And the people in the houses
All went to the university,
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school,
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university,
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business
And marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.