Just days before PAX East, Robert Khoo posted this picture to his twitter account. Khoo is widely regarded as the the business genius who has taken Penny Arcade from a webcomic into a worldwide phenomenon and so when this picture appeared many onlookers were anxiously awaiting the forthcoming announcement of a new PAX. Rumors of possible locations sprang up and everyone seemed to have a favorite location for the wildly successful convention.
On the second day of PAX East, April 12, the announcement was made: PAX South would premier on January 23 - 25, 2015! The convention would be held in San Antonio, Texas in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. This brings another major convention for gamers of all sorts - whether you play video, board, or role playing games - to the south. Yet unlike ever other major southern convention this one doesn't occur in Atlanta, Georgia.
No word yet on ticket prices, when they will go on sale, or which celebrities and noted guests will be attending.