Knock, knock - anybody home? Um... clearly I've been slacking BIG time in the whole 'blog' department lately - so sorry. My short hiatus from crafting turned into a loooong break altogether and now I find myself only creating cards and small items for gifts and such. I reeeeaaally want to try to get back at it - inspiration is lacking however. In any regard, I have actually managed to create a few things here and there - which I remembered to take photos of prior to giving away as gifts. The scrapbooker in me will live on!
Here is a card I created for a sweet friend for her 40th birthday. A whole lotta
7 Dots Studio papers on this gem as well as metal pieces from
Graphic 45. Two of my fave manufacturers!
Thanks so much for staying with me. I do apologize for my absence and will try to post more content on this little blog of mine - whether it be craft related or family related or me related. Sound good? Cheers my friends!
Wow!! Love your card!!! Look at all those gorgeous layers! Stunning piece of work!! Looking forward to seeing more of your work soon:)
Have a great weekend!
Yeahhhh Tara welcome back in blogland grin.....your card is outstanding hon :-)
This card looks amazing, love all the layers.. and life seems to gallop off and if we are not looking the weeks have gone with it!! always love to see what you have been creating!
Hope you are still creating, even if you aren't blogging anymore. You have such a beautiful style and this amazing creation with all the layers and details shows your style off so beautifully.
Thank you for sharing! :)
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