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Showing posts with label FHE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FHE. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Have I mentioned how much I looovvve our Thanksgiving Point membership? Well, I do, and we have had another fun, family night outing down there. We went and had our FHE fun at the gardens. It was a BIG, FUN, RED, JELL-O FIGHT! We met up with our lovely family friends the Stones, and everyone had a blast. It's great getting together with them because everyone has a friend to play with including the hubs and me, haha =).All the kids after their sticky, messy, fun!
Laney posing, but giving Scott a weird look. Silly monkey girl!

Lookin for more jell-o. It went fast and flyin' through the air.

Noah finding all kinds on the ground, to then come running full throttle towards Liz.

Logan was having a blast at getting mom. Crazy boy, but sooooo funny! Yep, I got dragged into the big, sticky, mess. It was fun, however, not so much to the hubs. He hung back with Bella the whole fight. He was disgusted with the sticky mess, which as he says is funny with him being the mess-maker, unorganized one of us, and me being the neat/organized one.

Kaleigh's back side after she slipped on jell-o and got pelted with a bunch of jell-o. I think she had the most fun of all of us, but then that's Kaleigh for ya.

After the sticky, messy fight they turned on the sprinklers and well... all the kiddos got themselves soaked. Mental note: next time bring towels. This was all the kids laying in the sun that was left, so they could dry off. They all look like such good friends. We definitely do enjoy meeting up with the Stones. Good friends, good times, and a GREAT FHE once again.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Christian's Garden

For the last few years I've had a really hard time getting up to the cemetary to visit my little boy. It brings me nothing but anguish and pain, so I really hate going up there. I decided about 3 years ago we would do a little garden in memory of our Mr. C and we finally got it done. It has been done for 2 weeks now and everything is really growing fast. I had a little kid size bench I wanted to put in his garden, but it needed some sprucin', so enter my BFF, spray paint. Love the stuff, and his bench is gorgeous. I painted his name on it and placed it in his garden. We planted some forget me nots, bleeding hearts, hostas, and some pretty foxgloves. I thought all the plants names fit real well in his garden. We placed the statue we got shortly after he passed away. The lovely in-laws gave it to us and it fits perfectly. We placed all the stepping stones we made and they bring some more color and love to his special place. The kids all love it and they love to see his plants growing more everyday.

It was a long FHE project that took us a good 3 weeks to complete, but well worth it. Everyone had a part in it and the kids loved prepping the area to make it nice and clean, and rock-less, for Christian's garden. They took great care and pride for their brother's special place. They miss him tons, but enjoyed making a lasting place for him in our yard.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FHE two weeks and counting

For the last two weeks we have been working on a project during FHE. About a year after Christian passed away I decided we would make a garden for him in our yard, mainly due to the fact it is extremely hard to see him up at the cemetery. It has taken us a long 4 years to do this, but this year we are putting it together in front of our big window in our front yard. We have ordered plants and I designed the way we want it to look. I thought it would be nice for the kids to add a little decor to it too, so...
We came up with stepping stones for the garden. The first week we went to Hobby Lobby-my all-time new, fav-to get all the supplies to make them each a stone. We would have just got kits, but buying all the supplies for all 5 stones cost the same amount as one kit-CRAZY! They all got to design their own and were hard at work.
Very hard at work designing their stones on paper. We thought this would help them to know exactly where they wanted their pieces to go. Such cute, creative little kiddos.

The second week was time to do the actual stone. We spent the evening mixing, pouring, arranging, and stamping to our delight! It was a blast and the kids had fun too! Haha!
Alexis giving it a turn at mixing it up. She didn't believe Eric when he said it was "tough."
Finished products-at least until we can remove them and place them in the garden next week.




Eric and I did a big one with little Noah and Bella's hands. Isn't is cute. Our family had a blast with this project and will finally finish it up when we can place them in the garden next week. It takes a week until you can "step" on them, so we don't want to place them outside until then. I'll post pics of Christian's garden once the stones are placed. Take a little time to do some crazy, fun family project with your little ones. I promise you'll have a BLAST!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

FHE Week 3!

This week's lesson was on God's gift to us all- Nature and how to take care of our surroundings. Eric taught a fun lesson and for our activity we made some cute garden signs to show where everything is planted once we get to actually plant our garden. The weather has been bad, and in fact it is snowing right this very minute. Only in Utah, right. But we want to be prepared and ready for when we do plant the garden. It was Noah's week to do the treat so I had to make it a simple thing to do. So, we made a rainbow. I thought it tied in nice with Eric's lesson and Noah had a blast at sprinkling all the colors and dipping the marshmallows in the chocolate.
Here is our cute marshmallowy rainbow.
Noah loved getting to lick the spoon and was quite pleased with himself at his rainbow. I had to keep reminding him the treat was for everyone, because he kept saying "ooh, my treeet." Such a happy little guy, don't ya think.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Prayer was our family's theme for the week and Alexis and Kaleigh had the lesson and activity.We started out with the song A Child's Prayer-Noah's pick, and then some stories and a quiz game. Logan and Laney had the treat and chose rootbeer cupcakes with rootbeer frosting. They were delish. Our family is on a rootbeer kick right now. We had some homemade rootbeer on Sunday and it was finished to the last drop.
Here's Logan mixing the cupcake batter and having fun. He was singing, "I love my family, I love my family," it was the cutest thing. That's a boy who is very happy and proud of himself.

Laney got to do the decorating and here is her masterpiece. She had fun and so wanted one right away, but alas, she had to wait until after the lesson. "Darn it," as she said.
Don't these look yummy? They are! I'm really glad the recipe only made 12 cause they were so good my waistline would have expanded. There were just enough for everyone to have one that night and the kids to have one for lunch the next day. I love baking, but my waistline and hips sure DON'T!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

FHE fun with a refresh lesson/activity!

We finally started our Family Home Evenings up again. It's been a trial for us to keep it going consistently with everyone's schedule, but I'm determined to make it work. This week's theme was Do As I'm Doing. Thanks to my lovely dad for making me a little anal about how stuff is done and cleaned/straightened I decided to refresh my kids in how stuff is suppose to be done. We started with the song "Do As I'm Doing," then Laney opened us up with our prayer-such a cutie that one. We then discussed who we are suppose to follow, i.e. mom, dad, Jesus, teachers, and yes even brothers and sisters-if they are doing what is right. So the activity went like this... we learned again how to vacuum, make a straight bed, and tie our shoes. The kids had to watch how I did it and then repeat it exactly the same way. I even tricked them with some stuff and questioned way things were done. The kids had a blast and then came the TREAT...
Both Alexis and Kaleigh were assigned this one. They made our lovely family SLIME! Yummy,yummy!
Silly girls!
We learned, loved, laughed, and had some good eats! A very good and productive FHE!
1 small box of pistachio pudding(dry mix only)
1 c of sliced strawberries
1 lrg can of crushed pineapple
8 oz. cool whip
1/3 bag of mini marshmallows
Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and stir until everything is well mixed. Chill for at least 30 minutes and ENJOY!