
Showing posts with label Life?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life?. Show all posts

Thursday 27 October 2016

You said.

Even though you want me to be there but you 
commanded me to go to the mission :)

Thank you and hopefully I'll see you really soon.

Thursday 1 September 2016

8 years, 11 months and 3 weeks.

Yup, 8 years, 11 months and 3 weeks.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Counting days.

I do not know if I am ready, but bismillah.
I pray that this is the right decision with full of barokah  from the Almighty. 

Go Iffah and take care of yourself.

Saturday 16 July 2016

My Eid Party.

Thank you for coming to my mini eid party. You're my sweethearts.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Final Submission

= me tak tido semalaman sebab ade submission wei

Monday 9 May 2016

Saturday 23 April 2016

Seluar tidur.

Hyde Park 2015 = Park tepi rumah

Me: Tadi saye ingat nak pakai seluar tido pergi university, rupenye baru teringat yang saye ade presentation dengan client.
Ammu:  -_-

Basically, lepastu saye melawo la sikit sebab nak present idea depan client. Dah la design saye buat malam sebelum present. Lol Iffah, You're so Iffah. Suke buat last minute. But anyway.

Design last minutes tu la yang dishortlisted kan oleh client. Tak reti la ambe nak explain shortlist tu ape. Tapi gitulah.

Alhamdulillah for everything.

P/s: seluar tido yang saye nak pakai pi Uni tu bukan seluar buat tido ye. lol bye

Saturday 9 April 2016


Dear kamu,
I am sorry to say that I am getting fat.

I cannot be help to eat a lot of junk food (and fruits) whenever I am stressing out especially during my deadline weeks.

I promise I will be more active after I submit this brief.

Friday 25 March 2016

Japanese Scholarship.

Knaresborough, Friday 25 March 2016
Wei serious drama time nak submit application tu. Arghh, But Alhamdulillah for everything.

The scholarship form arrived at Embassy of Japan, Kuala Lumpur just on time via post ok T.T

Dear Allah. I hope and pray that I will get the Japanese scholarship for 2017 academic year. Amin.
Say amin, please :)

I went to Knaresborough today ! Yey, dream place to visit kut :)

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Hayah Boy the Meow Meow

Meet my temporary roommate, Hayah Boy the Meow Meow.

This is my friend's cat. My friend went back to Malaysia for 10 days so I need to babysit Hayah until she got back to the United Kingdom.

Okay la jaga Hayah. Rasa macam ade anak lol.

I need to clean his popo, feed him and entertain him and Hayah suka kacau saye time orang tengah buat design. The most important is I need to keep my room tiny kalau tak nanti Hayah habis sepahkan bilik. 

Ja ne !

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Dear studio mates.

Dear lovely studio mates,
Thank you for keep reminding me not to give up whenever I feel like to.
Thank you for criticising my illustrations in a good way.
Thank you for always make me laugh and happy whenever I am sad.
Thank you for always be here for me.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Adakah ini dinamakan chenta?

Adakah ini dinamakan chenta?
Hayah (kucing) tengah FaceTime dengan saye. hihi.

Wednesday 17 February 2016


Ini Hayah. Pengigit tegar saye.
Peh kalau dia gigit, memang berdarah pon kulit ni.

Tengok muke dia, bersungguh kut dia gigit. hahaha.
Tapi, Hayah ingat dekat Allah sepanjang masa. Iffah pulak macam mane?

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Who am I ?

Who are you as an Illustrator?

Are you a children book illustrator?
or are you an editorial illustrator?
or are you a merchandise illustrator?
or are you a pattern illustrator?
or are you an illustrator but also an animator?
or are you a ...

I don't know. 

Friday 29 January 2016


 I always got really mad with myself. I'll be like..

'Whyyy whyyy selalu tak jadi? why selalu lukis tapi tak jadiiiiii?, why I can't be like Adam or Sopie, lukis ja teruih pum pang jadi teruihhh. Mana pi Iffah yang sangat passion in drawing and art?'

I lukis, then lukis then lukis, selalu tak jadi *nangis*. Then tetiba terclick, 'Oh maybe tak cukup doa dengan Allah and terlupa cakap bismillah'. Lets study harder yey !

K Iffah K. k k k k k.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Lupakan dia.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

No More COP Ever !

Tomorrow this time, there will be no more COP (Context of Practice). It is a module that I will submit tomorrow inshaAllah; and every year this module is the leastttttt favourite module because I don't know. I just found it was really difficult and sooooo challenging. But oh well.. no more COP for FOREVERRR. *Dragon dance*

Let me tell you a bit about COP. COP is a module which I have to write a 3000 words essay or 6000/9000 words dissertation (long essay) then I need to visualise my essay/dissertation. But alhamdulillah. I managed. Yattaaaa.

Now, I shall draw forever and ever and ever

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Kerana manusia bukan tuhan.

Pernah tak rasa kecewa dengan 
manusia yang korang sangat percaya ?

I do. 
Twice in a row. 

But oh well. Mereka hanya hamba
kepada sang pencipta.

Bila kecewa dengan manusia
baru tahu bertapa jauhnya diri ini dengan tuhan. 

Monday 2 June 2014

Brimham Rocks.

A small talk with my little sister. Lol.
Semalam saye pergi Brimham Rocks dekat North Yorkshire.

Pemandangan yang sangat cantik, udara yang sangat nyaman, sangat kampung okay.

Saya pergi dengan kawan baik saye, Isobel namanye. Saye duk layan je la dia bercakap. Ape yang kami sembangkan pon tak tahu. Ade je bende yang nak disembangkan.

Tapi nak sampai kat Brimham Rocks ni punya la payah. Naik texi, bus, kereta api, lepas tu jalan kaki turun naik bukit, lalu tempat lembu, lalu tempat kambing biri-biri, lalu jalan kampung bagai. Tapi serious pemandangan sangat cantik and worth it la.

Lepas tu bila perjalanan balik, saye dengan Isobel pengsan dalam bus dan train. Letih punya pasal dan hari ni kaki saya lenguh2 tapi tak ape. Ape jawapan skema dalam buku text 'sakit itu kifarah dosa'


Sunday 1 June 2014

Satey yang sedap

how beautiful.
Haritu housemate saye ade usrah, lepas habis usrah dia bawak sate balik. 4 batang. Nak dependekan cerite, sorang sebatang lah sebab ade lagi 3 orang housemate.

Jadi, bila saye makan satey tu, cuba bayang kan dah la last sekali makan satey time bulan 9 atau 10 2013 hari tu then ni baru dapat makan satey. Sebatang pulak tu.

Haa, mana taknye, saye makan dengan slow dan kunyah dengan perlahanye. Sebab nak menikmati rasa satey tu la katekan.

Maka bersyukurlah ye | I am almost there :')