Showing posts with label fae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fae. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 May 2015

A Beltane Evening.

Strolling through the woodland at the back of our home on this Beltane Evening,  the whisper of a breeze blowing the hawthorn petals across the mossy path I walk and the sun low in the sky making every white petal glow like fireflies against a darkening green of the trees.

The woodland is full of bird song and everywhere I see tiny woodland homes, almost fae like. In this part of the woods are foxes and rabbits almost living next to each other.

I hear an owl calling close by.  He's waiting for the moon light.  The Sun has made longer shadows and will soon be gone from the sky.  Golden light shines through the young green leaves.

The natural sculptures and shadows of the old will make way for the new.

The Bee. Hand embellished with gold leaf.

Spiral.  These are tiny original paintings .  This time I used watercolour and inks instead of acrylic.

The Guardian.    Some of these you can find in my Etsy shop and I will be painting more miniatures soon.    Beltane Blessings!