Showing posts with label World Bird Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Bird Wednesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tricky Killdeer/World Birds

Killdeer making sure I saw it and its "broken wing"

I must have been very close to the killdeer's nest because it was putting on a very convincing act, trying to distract me.  It worked. I never did look for its eggs.

Leading me far away from the nest

Not quite far enough away from the nest, this killdeer was not yet ready to "magically heal."

Turned around to give us another look

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Night Heron/World Birds

 Black-crowned night-heron #1

This medium-sized, stocky heron is the most widespread heron in the world but most of us rarely see any because they are most active from dusk through dawn. Their range includes five continents, excluding Australia and Antarctica.

Black-crowned night-heron #2

Like their cousin the great blue heron, they forage in shallow waters, feeding on crustaceans, fish, amphibians, insects. and small rodents.

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wilson's Snipe/World Birds

Wilson's snipe, Carden Alvar, Ontario

This snipe would be well camouflaged if it were standing in a field, but as you can see it was feeling bold standing on a fence post, apparently something they are well known for. 

Can you hear it saying wheat wheat wheat?  If it were flying overhead you might hear an eerie woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo.  It's breading season and apparently there's a lot to talk about.

Is it listening?

Notice its long beak, short neck and short legs. With it's long bill it probes for insects and worms in wet meadows and fields, as well as along the edges of streams and ditches.

Yep, it heard my camera click

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baltimore Oriole/World Bird

 Papa Baltimore oriole forages for goodies

This fence is a comfy spot for papa to rest. Orioles like insects as well as fruit and nectar, and here papa seems intent on finding some yummy protein.

 Oriole nest hidden in the leafy branches of a quaking aspen

Is the nest empty? Hmmm. It's very quiet.

 Papa returns home

Oh, here comes Papa! He arrives quietly...but CamaraGirl spots his orange feathers. It's hard to hide when you're dressed in such bright colours.

 Papa jumps into the nest

He jumps in part way. CamaraGirl wonders what he's hanging on to as his tail bobs up and down. He must be feeding Mama as she sits on her eggs.

Papa rests, having done his job well

Good work, Papa!

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Eastern Meadowlark/World Birds

 Eastern Meadowlark

I was just saying a few weeks ago that I had never seen an Eastern Meadowlark...and NOW I have seen three - this one just a few kilometres from home.

This one was very quiet, as was the first one I saw less than a month ago. I mention this because I live in an area where the Western Meadowlark's range overlaps with the Eastern. The two species are difficult to tell apart and their songs are one of the major ways to be sure of which is which.

Napkin, please

Notice the dirty beak. I suspect he had recently extracted worms or grubs from the muddy soil below. It was the evening of a rainy day.

Sitting atop a wild apple tree

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cedar Waxwing/World Birds

 Cedar waxing foraging highbush cranberries

Cedar waxwings are familiar summer residents here. Few birds will eat highbush cranberries, but waxwings are desperate for berries this time of year so eat these that ripened last fall and are still hanging onto their bushes.

Another view of cedar waxwing

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Common Mergansers/World Bird

 Male common merganser

Saturday, my husband and I were in Barrie on the shore of Kempenfelt Bay when this male...
 Female common merganser
and female landed a little way from where we were standing.

 Male and female inspecting the environs

They swam around a bit, apparently checking out the ins and outs of a small island close to shore.

She's NOT taking a nap or playing dead

Then the female assumed the above position, which turned out to be part of their mating ritual. (The private moment has been censored.)

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sapsucker/ World Birds

 Male yellow-bellied sapsucker

This is the time to listen for yellow-bellied sapsuckers. (Yes, they are real birds, not made-up cartoon characters.) Right now they are drumming away, creating holes in trees to gather nutritious sap that also helps them capture insects.

This sapsucker is chiseling several sap wells in this tree and will move on to make more nearby.  He's a good dad and soon will be treating his young to insects dipped in sap.

Yellow belly

Other animals and birds  - such as warblers, hummingbirds, nuthatches, squirrels, bats - benefit from the yellow-bellied sapsucker's hard work as they will also help themselves to the nutritious sap.

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Osprey/World Birds

 Osprey removing leaves

Nest building, nest cleaning...the ospreys living atop a soccer field light standard near where I live are busy, busy, busy.

 She's off 

 And away she goes

Then returns empty

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Red-shouldered Hawk/World Bird

 Red-shouldered hawk

We drove by, then had to back up.  The hawk used the tree for cover and I used the car... but we both knew the other was there.

Wary but in a better spot for a shot

How nice of the hawk to pose for me!

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Northern Pintail/World Birds

 Male northern pintail duck

This guy was resting at the side of a huge puddle in a farmer's field. Dapper, don't you think?

 Female northern pintail

This female was hanging out with her mate. They make a handsome pair.

Off they go look for a spot to breed and raise their young

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Great Blue/World Bird/Nature Notes

Great Blue Heron

Yesterday, I spotted and photographed my first great blue heron of the year. Actually, it spotted me first and flew from one side of a narrow inlet to the other. He/she watched me carefully until I left.

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hooded Mergansers/Nature Notes

 Female and male hooded mergansers on Lake Ontario

Many birds are migrating back to their breeding areas. This pair was very shy so I couldn't get very close before they slowly paddled away. I cropped the photo so you could get a better look.

Wind messing up her "hair"

Here you can see the wind blowing the feathers in her crest. I've never seen that before!

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.