Male cardinal with crumbs on his beak
I have never been so lucky before to meet a cardinal so willing to pose for me. Yesterday, this male was clearly not terribly afraid of me, though he was keeping his eye on my camera.
Munching on a tasty seed
The reason? My husband and I were visiting a conservation area where some visitors provided yummies for the birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and - yes - even raccoons.
The seeds were in the sun. Isn't it interesting how some of the cardinal's feathers appear to be yellow? The sun was very bright.
Hmmm. Is this seed as tasty and fresh as the last one?
I have never thought of cardinals as bullies, but there were two squawking male red-winged blackbirds waiting in line that didn't enter the seed tray until the cardinal was gone.
OH YUM! Big seeds are the best!
I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.