Showing posts with label World Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Birds. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cardinal/World Bird

 Male cardinal with crumbs on his beak

I have never been so lucky before to meet a cardinal so willing to pose for me. Yesterday, this male was clearly not terribly afraid of me, though he was keeping  his eye on my camera.

 Munching on a tasty seed

The reason? My husband and I were visiting a conservation area where some visitors provided yummies for the birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and - yes - even raccoons.

The seeds were in the sun. Isn't it interesting how some of the cardinal's feathers appear to be yellow? The sun was very bright.

 Hmmm. Is this seed as tasty and fresh as the last one?

I have never thought of cardinals as bullies, but there were two squawking male red-winged blackbirds waiting in line that didn't enter the seed tray until the cardinal was gone.

OH YUM! Big seeds are the best!

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Red-headed Woody/World Birds

 Red-headed woodpecker

This woody had been working on a hole a little further down the tree, perhaps this year's nesting place.  It scuttled up the tree so I wouldn't know where it had been working.

Sitting on a branch wondering when CameraGirl would go away

This tree will be a great spot in a deciduous woods close to a swamp where the woody can find plenty of insects, berries, fruit, seeds, mice, bird eggs...all the goodies it loves to eat.
I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Among the Reeds/World Birds

 Female on her way down to her nest

Local cattails are alive with the sound of music  screeching.  Red-winged blackbirds are among the noisiest of birds but I do admit that I like to watch and photograph them. Usually I'm intrigued by the handsome males, but this lovely drab female posed for my camera so she gets to be first up today.  Besides, look what she made!

Red-wings' nest

Notice how the nest is held up by the reeds.


These guys ALWAYS have something to say, this time making sure everyone for miles around knows that I'm in his territory.

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Heronry/World Birds

 Standing guard

Last week my husband and I discovered a small heronry consisting of about a dozen (maybe more) nests.

As great blue herons aren't that fond of humans, especially when they are building nests or raising their young, the heronry was in an out-of-the-way place that I could barely reach with my zoom lens fully extended. I have also cropped the photos to make them appear closer.

The heron above was much nearer to me than the heronry, but still a long way away. This one was in a tree across a marshy area where it had a clear view of the water below and of the heronry.

Delivering nesting material

One by one, herons left their nests to collect materials for their nests or to look for food.

The heronry

Meanwhile other herons guarded huge nests high up in trees that are not yet leafed out. I imagine the nests will be well hidden in a couple weeks.

Flying over

I am linking yo World Bird Wednesday.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.