OKlah kali nie this DIY done by my sis fatimah... masa tue cuti sek bln 6, tgh bosan x tahu nak buat apa n duit tgh kering, then i ask her nak duit sampingan x.. mesti nak kan.. so i mintak dia buat felt keychain for doorgift for my friend... so i let her calculate berapa dia nak charge i.. terserah padayer bayar mahal pun x apa adik sendiri kan... alhamdulillah berjaya dia siapkan.... it was luvely and cukup kemas.. Tq so much dear. oklah layan ajelah pic kat bawah yer..
ohh lupa nak letak bahan2 yer:
1. Kain felt
2. kapas utk letak dlm felt
3. Ribbon hitam
4. Ring book.. boleh jumpa kat kedai buku
ohh lupa nak letak bahan2 yer:
1. Kain felt
2. kapas utk letak dlm felt
3. Ribbon hitam
4. Ring book.. boleh jumpa kat kedai buku
and the final outcome
final felt key chains
This felt kechain is limeted.. sapa yg datang awal tue rezeki lah dapat... hahahah.. nak jual hurmm tgh plan nak buat family biz.. tunggu my sis fatimah habis exam SPM dia then tgklah mcm mana.. sorang lagi my sis sue pandai buat box.. sapa yg mencari box boleh lah usha kat my sis Sue yer blog.. and me buat masa nie focus dulu on my wedding then insyakallah will c lah 3 SIS biz..