Showing posts with label happy day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy day. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Creamy Delicious Vintage Linens and Lace

Creamy vintage linens and lace are such  lovely things.
They are so pretty....
to the eye....
and to the touch.
You can do such wonderful things with old lace....

I put some of my collection in a huge jar to make a pretty display.

You can use vintage lace
 to tie old books together in a bundle.

It looks down-right fetching with 
Creamware and Milk Glass!


And happy day, jump up and turn around news!

I am so excited! I get to learn from not just one amazingly gifted lady....
 but five
creative and generous ladies!
 I have been sick with a really nasty virus, 
my bank card got hacked
[thankfully didn't lose any money]. 
Didn't feel like even checking my email this morning!
 So when I opened Tracey's post and saw my name listed as one of the winners.....

I will leave you with one of my favorite groups
singing 'Happy Day'!
 Because it is a happy day even if you don't win a give away and you have a virus and some nitwit far away that you don't even know tries to hack your bank card.....
because He's Alive!

Hope your week is blessed
 and that you have a happy day!

Newbie Party Graduate at Debbiedoo's
Masterpiece Monday at

Showoff Your Cottage at

Make It Pretty at the Dedicated House
Make the Scene Monday at Alderberry Hill
Metamorphosis Monday at
Show It Off Monday at Get Outta My Head Please

CowgirlUp Tuesday at CedarHill
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at
Knick of Time Tuesday at
Tablescape Tuesday at
Tuesday’s Treasures at
Transformation Tuesday at The Ironstone Nest
Turning The Daunting Into the Do-able at
Wednesday is Rednesday at

What’s It Wednesday at

Open House Party at

Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Pearls and Lace Thursday at

Share Your Cup Thursday at
Tablescape Thursday at
Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage
Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits at Stone Gable
Treasurehunt Thursday at frommyfrontporchtoyours.blogspot.

Air Your Laundry at

Freestyle Friday at
Home Sweet Home at

Show and Tell Friday at

Simple and Sweet Friday's at Rooted In Thyme


Pink Saturday at


Sunday’s Best at
Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming
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