Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts

September 26, 2014

Pennsylvania Part 2

 Get ready for an explosion of the coolest vintage kitchen wears! Eye candy times 20!

The first few pictures are of the Barnes Foundation museum. These are the four pictures that I managed to get before I got in trouble hahaha.  You can see how unusual the display is at least. The documentary that I mentioned and linked in my last post, is really worth a watch if you love art and museums. The collection was mainly Renoir, Cezanne, with an occasional Van Gough and other notable artists like El Greco. The walls had a really cool burlap wall treatment, that highlighted the metal work and made it very warm and inviting. It was like being in someones home looking at their art collection.  I could spend hours in a museum, I think that is why I'm a member to all the big ones in San Francisco, so that I can go there over and over again and visit my favorite paintings.  My dad is an artist, and we have fun going to museums when ever we are together.
The following day we hung out at my dad's house and then had lunch in a charming town near by called Lambertville. It is know for all it's antique stores, which we wandered around in. The next day we ended up in Hopewell New Jersey at the "Tomato Factory." OMG I could not get enough of this vendors collection. It was impressive, beautiful, dust free for how much was in there and just pure eye candy. The woman,who was the shop keeper, laughed when she heard me say, "I really want to be this guy's friend." She wrote his name on the back of a card (Fritz Karch), and it wasn't until I just now googled this guys name, as I type this post, that I discovered who he is!!! Check this video out! Of course I would love his collection. I can always spot quality! I'm so glad now that I bought something from his stall! Now if I want something from here, I can ask my step-mom to look for me :)
The weather was so beautiful the day we walked around my dads town, and I snapped a few photos near his home. I can't say it enough....I LOVE all the old homes on the east coast! Everything in my town is too new :(  Tomorrow I'll do my Wyeth post, so come check it out.

October 25, 2011

I just had to show you this

I'm not by any stretch of the imagination, a doll collector, but when I saw this little cutie at a local thrift shop, I had to take her home. I probably paid too much but since the thrift shop is for the hospice, I don't feel to badly about shelling out $20.00 dollars for her. There was something about her little face that spoke to me.
If there are any collectors out there who may know anything about this type of doll, please leave me a message. The only tag in it, says that it was made in the Soviet Union. The lace looks quite old. The buttons are shell, and the fabrics are really nice. Both the vest and skirt are made of cotton sateen. The shoes are really cute too, though not made of leather, the fabric really looks like it.
As I took it home, I started to wonder about its story. There seems to be a large population of Russian people in our town, so perhaps it came with a family when they emigrated here, I'll never know, but it is fun to think up stories on how she did make it here. I have a couple of old toys in my work space that she now sits with. The inner little girl in me is very happy to have found her.