Creating, collecting & recycling textiles & papercrafts. I love preserving the past for the future.
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Thursday, 14 July 2011

Where Bloggers Create 2011 Part Two

             Where Bloggers Create 2011 
 Part Two
        This is part 2, as I had trouble trying to complete it all in one post....
  sorry everyone.

            One of my champion rosettes from the 
Royal National Show
                 I have competed every year now since 1994 and look forward to doing so every year.
      There is nothing like a deadline to motivate me.
The Seamstress
Mum's Moment

Cute buttons in a little box I painted and lined with felt

My 1st ever Janome.
Bought a few years ago.
Not my favourite machine,
I still love my Pfaff 1475 CD the best,
even though it's 21 yrs old now.
Such an innovative and delightful machine.

Cute little doll's house made by my DH
painted and decorated by me about 15 yrs ago.

Thanks so much for taking the time to look through my creative space
as some
It's been a lot of fun and I can't wait to look through eveyone else's spaces.
Thanks again
GOD Bless

Where Bloggers Create 2011 Part One

                   Spool rack assembled, painted, stencilled and varnished by me.
         Where Bloggers Create                  
                      Thanks to Karen for hosting
Annual Blog Party
I recently changed my creative space from a medium sized bedroom to what is really the formal living room. DH and I moved to a little house on the Darling Downs 18 months ago leaving all our family and friends behind about 100km away. I decided to swap sewing rooms as we don't get so many visitors anymore and the new room is larger, airier and great in summer as it's on the easterly or cool side of the house. As I just turned 50 and left my beautiful big house behind when we moved I don't really care about formalities like what rooms should be what anymore. Having said that I'm happy with the swap and can't wait to fully utilise the new area. I am recovering from major back surgery and am only 9 weeks into recovery, so have not sewn since December 2010 which is un-heard of for me!
I have made a few cards but not without pain, anyhow let's start the tour.

                                    This Beirne treadle sewing machine does not work anymore
                                             but belonged to my great grandmother Annie.
                                                   She died when I was about 20yrs old.

Some beautiful vintage hand embroidered/crocheted doileys. I just love them!

This beautiful stitching carousel made by my friend Jenny
for my christmas pressie last year.

Some of my little collection in an old bookcase from my nursing days.

A busy little shelf of pretty things.

 Vintage glass buttons & bobby pins (still on original card)

None of these clocks work but they were too good to be thrown out, wouldn't you agree? Some of them belonged to my grandparents and I actually retrieved them from the wheelie bin after my aunty had thrown them out.

Who could resist these Derwent pencils in such good pre-loved condition?
I always wanted a set like this when I was at school, so I only had to wait about 40yrs! LOL
As well as being so pretty, they are practical.

More pretty things, collected over many years. Did anyone realise I love collecting little things? It's just occurring to me as I post these pics.

One wall of my newly moved sewing/craft room. Had to leave the piano in situ so used the top to display more little things.

Everything looks very crowded in this shot and it is! However I know where everything is and I never spend any time 'searching' for bits and pieces. The main thing I still have trouble with is finding a particular pattern in one of my hundreds of craft magazines. That can easily turn into a search that takes hours. I love tidiness and do not create well in any type of dis-order. I can never even come into my creative area to make something i have in mind unless all my household chores are up to date, therefore I do feel frustrated quite a lot. All the time thinking of what I want to make and never really spending the amount of time in the craft room that I would like. I'm sure many can relate to this???

Some of my special hard cover sewing/crafting books. Some of my buttons on top shelf.

Antique Australian Silky Oak day bed with handmade cushions.
Another quiet area of my work room. White melamine drawers store fabrics in themed order.

Handpainted and decorated (by me) workbox lid.

This is where part one ends as I cannot upload anymore pics at this stage. Stay tuned for part 2, should only be an hour or so away.