Showing posts with label Calling Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calling Cards. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Business Card Holder

Business Card Holder Group Picture

I particpated in a fun project at StitchMAP.  If you are interested in learning more about needlework see the right side bar for a link.  The project was for a Business Card Holder.  It was meant as a case for my member business cards but is also perfect for credit cards or gift cards.  We had a due date but no other parameters.  We could be as creative as we wished.

I had recently found some linen at a thrift store.  Nice big pieces of both pale pink and cream.  I knew I wanted to use my pink linen.  My first thought was to do a cross stich motif, but after 3 or 4 mistakes I abandoned the idea.  I was having too much difficulty with spacing. 

 The light bulb went off when I thought that this might be a good opportunity to use the bullion stitch and make some roses.  I pulled out my reference book, "A-Z of Bullions".  I had been excited to win the bid on this book on an e-Bay auction.  I won for $23.95 and I had seen the book at Amazon for over $100.  It contained some nice motifs that I knew I could adapt.

I had to practice the stitch, but I succeeded in making recognizable bullion roses.

Card Holder 1

My goal for the first one I completed was to have a design that did not need an orientation as I wasn't sure what the front of the holder would be.  One of the mentoring tips I received was to baste a large X on the front of the piece to find the center. That worked very well but I should have measured and gridded for the other elements.  I added the rose buds at the end hoping that it would distract  from the uneven placement.  Also, there wasn't room for a button closure so I settled for a velcro closure.
Card Holder 2

 On the second one, I chose a spray pattern.  It was a good opportunity to add some bullion loop flowers to the roses.  I added some yellow french knots and some detached daisy chain leaves.  I think it looks very dainty.

The third has more elaborate foliage.  I wish that it were more symmetrical but I have learned not to scoff at preplanning.  I used more muted colors and I believe that it does make it look older, more vintage.  This card holder has a special meaning for me. One of my girlfriends has survived a divorce. I am so proud of the actions she has taken to improve her life including her health and her social life.  This cardholder will hold little personal cards that she gave give out if she meets someone she would like to know better.

Card Holder 3

Here are some articles about calling cards.