Showing posts with label margaret atwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label margaret atwood. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekly what:nots...

Hello! Life has settled down (well, just a bit) and I'm almost on top of things. In the good news department we have found a wonderful school for the boys (hooray!), and planning for our epic adventure is just about complete. The boys' play was a resounding success, and summer has finally arrived in Portland (even if today is rather grey). Thank you for hanging in there in my absence, and for your kind comments - they make me smile. Here's a long overdue what:nots - enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Another beautiful image from Shine By Three.

The perfectly pretty 'Suri' summer top
(the link for which I have lost! If by chance you recognise it please let me know).

Absolutely loving these bracelets from wsake.

Neëst's clever (and cute) little kitchen gadget.

The versatile Jane dress from J Crew.

I'm somewhat obsessed by these Ben Seibel bookends.

James Westwater's Wall Installations (found via Seesaw).

A quote from Margaret Atwood's Looking in a Mirror from The Journals of Susanna Moodie (found via Field & Sea).

And to end with, a cutting from one of the delights of our new garden - an ancient  lilac tree.

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