The past week has seen a right-ing of things, enough to put life back on a more tempered and even keel. Such a nice feeling. And then today dawned full of sunshine which was quite the treat after a week of continual rain, crazy schedules, and two boys with colds. We did take in the Body Worlds exhibit a day or so back (along with a gagillion others). Squeamish-ness aside it really is quite extraordinary. I hope the past week has treated you well - did you celebrate Thanksgiving? If so I hope you had fun. Oh and this poem is one of the nicest things (thanks to Kimia for the link). Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, love, love this image.
Thank you J Crew this is on my Christmas wish list.
Dainty moonstone ring by Carla Caruso.
A zigzaggy green and white tote.
A great gift idea. I'm thinking I'm gonna try growing these myself...
Merchant no.4's covetable cynosure jars.
And How it Ends by DeVotchKa.
Images from Pinterest, J Crew, Carla Caruso, Anthropologie, Pinterest, Sur la Table, Faber and Faber, and Merchant no.4. Clip from You Tube.