Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts


An exciting MAY!

7 months ago (also the last time I had a hair cut), I left my day job and started freelancing as an illustrator and photographer full time!  I'm still going and it's the most amazing change I've ever made in my life. I feel so lucky to have such a supportive group of creatives, family and friends around me, and a special mention to my greatest supporter and love of my life Mr Shane Hannan.

I've been having a little break from my blog so that I can put all of my time into launching my new Illustration and Photography websites!!  Lots of exciting things are in the works for the future...
But in the meantime! A few things have happened that are too exciting not to blog about.

May has been a magical month for me with lots of exciting projects and adventures...

I entered a brand spanking new illustration in the YEN Art Awards Competition. This one is pretty close to my heart and will be for sale on my online shop soon...
Illustration for YEN art awards

Princess Polly got me to illustrate a whole wall in their new Indooroopilly store!! I took a few Instagram photos on opening night and it was packed with people. It's pretty special to think that I can go and see my illustration at my local shopping centre whenever I like.
May Projects May Projects Illustration for Princess Polly

My favourite shop Sunday Social asked me to photograph their new Autumn / Winter Look Book.
We had an amazing day at the beach with perfect weather. Make sure you visit the store in Winn Lane if you are in Brisbane or head over to the online shop:
Models: Thea, Penny and Jesse,
Styling by Jess and Thea,
Makeup by Penny
Hair by Jenni
Sunday Social Lookbook Sunday Social Lookbook Sunday Social Lookbook Sunday Social Lookbook Sunday Social Lookbook
As a little bonus I got to have a bit of a shopping spree! I was in my element!! I'm really serious when I say Sunday Social is my favourite shop!

Forkmyfood invited me over to be an official taste tester for her raw, vegan dessert blog post.
It was my lucky day.
This is what I got to taste:
White chocolate, strawberry, lemon cheesecake,
Home made almond milk
Raw hazelnut chocolate
Coconut & cashew icecream
 (Photo by Photo by forkmyfood. )

Pommy entered in the Winn Lane dog show and won BEST IN SHOW!! What a little champ!! (And I took around a million dog photos, in a dog happy delirium ). I've been thinking that this might have been the best day of my life... and that maybe I am destined to be a dog photographer. haha
Photography by Emily Nelson Photography by Emily Nelson

My childhood friend got married in Clare Valley, which totally made my heart melt!  I illustrated a portrait for the newly weds.
Emily Nelson Illustration Emily Nelson Illustration

Just a few things going on at the moment that have put a big smile on my face and made it all worth while...


Lavender Tea & Pretty Dresses

Illustration Inspiration: Pretty Dresses at Ra Ra Superstar 
Water colour and digital illustration by me!

Lavender Iced Tea
The weather is getting warmer, the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air and listening to all of your neighbours splashing and laughing with glee in their pools, while you sweat it out is just not cool. This lovely refreshing Lavender iced tea will make you feel as cool as a cucumber as you sit by the fan and embrace summer with elegance and grace.  

1L Boiled Water
A pinch of fresh lavender OR a small teaspoon of dried lavender
2 Black Teabags 
Honey to taste 
Sliced lemon & ice to garnish

Pick some fresh lavender from your mothers garden (or dried lavender from the store). 

In a glass jug add 2 black teabags with a light sprinkling of lavender flowers. Be careful to only use a small amount of lavender to avoid the taste of drinking from a perfume bottle. 

Add the boiled water and let the tea bags brew for 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and add a heaped table spoon of honey for a sweet tea or less to taste. 

Once cool add ice and sliced lemon to the jug and pour into cute retro glasses like your granny used to have. For a naughty variation add a big scoop of vanilla ice cream to your glass. 

If you are an impatient iced tea drinker like me; speed up the process by making a condensed version of this with only 1/2 a cup of boiled water and then fill the jug with cold water and ice. Instant iced tea. 

Lavender Iced Tea Lavender Iced Tea Lavender Iced Tea Lavender Iced Tea
Glasses and Jug from my local op shop. 


Leah Goren Interview

Today I am very excited to share an interview with Leah Goren, a Brooklyn based illustrator and textile designer. I love following Leah's work on her blog and am also a big fan of her etsy shop.
Leah Goren Patterns
Your range on Etsy (and Anthropologie) is beautiful!  Where else can I look out for your designs?

A handful of my products are stocked at a tiny boutique called Violet and Claire in Tokyo, but beyond that everything I make I sell myself. I work primarily in freelance illustration and licensing, and the items in my shop are more of an example of how my work can be used rather than their own line.
Leah Goren Anthropologie

How did you get into textile and pattern design as an illustrator? 

I just sort of fell into it naturally. I've always been interested in fashion, and once I realized I didn't want to actually study fashion in school I started designing patterns for fabrics on my own. I like that putting a painting on a product makes the painting instantly interactive, and isn't just a stagnant thing on a wall or piece of paper.

Leah Goren Bears Print Tan

What helped you to follow your dreams and take the risk to create your own business? 

I started my Etsy Shop while I was in school, so there was really no risk!  I didn't have to support myself yet so I wasn't concerned with making a profit at the time, it was really just a good outlet for the things I made.

Can you tell us about the process of your work? 

I start by painting, and I always use reference images. I'll just Google images of specific things if I know what I'm going to be drawing, or just scroll through blogs if I need ideas.
After I'm done painting, I scan my drawings and assemble a repeating tile in Photoshop.
From there I can edit colors and the final layout before I send it off to be digitally printed on fabric.
Leah Goren Process Leah Goren Process Leah Goren Process Leah Goren Process

Can you tell us about your cat Moses? Is he supportive or distracting to your work? 
Does Moses have any funny habits? 

Definitely a distraction, he's terrible. He walks all over my desk, tries to jump on my shelves, tips over my paint water on purpose, lunges at my scissors when I'm cutting fabric. Sometimes he just makes me hold him and will do anything so that I just hold him while he sleeps, and of course then I don't have any hands to do work with. I like him the most when he's done wreaking havoc and falls asleep on the chair or in his box. He's the best though. His favourite foods that he's not supposed to have are smoked salmon, butter and cream cheese, and he loves playing with wire twist ties.He's also great at playing fetch.
Moses the cat - A Future Present

What is it like living in NY and what do you enjoy about your neighbourhood? 

Recently I've been really enjoying walking around my neighbourhood, Bushwick. It's really "up and coming" as they say, and there aren't a ton of shops, bars, restaurants, etc. here yet. So it feels smaller, I feel more connected to people I see, and as new places open it really feels like I'm part of a growing community. I go to yoga here, I pick up my CSA here, we are forever loyal to our little cafe on our block. It's great!

Do you have any new exhibitions or projects that we should look out for? 

I'm always working on projects with friends when I can. Right now I'm doing some quilting projects with my neighbour who is a whiz at quilting. We're going to make some pillows too. I have a zine I did that I'm about to get printed, which a bunch of my friends contributed to, that'll be up in my shop soon as well.

What are your dreams for the future? 

Keep making things! And I would love to do house wares at some point, table ceramics or kitchen things would be so fun.

For more Leah Goren:
Etsy Store:

My two new beautiful long skirts that I ordered from Leah Goren, below. 
It was a very tough choice deciding which patterns I wanted to go on the skirts.
I love wearing a maxi skirt to the markets, to a picnic or to the beach.  
Leah Goren Patterned Skirts
I'm not sure about you, but I'm totally inspired to try my hand at some textile illustration/design.
Thank you so much Leah for doing the interview and I LOVE my new skirts!!


Are you out there?

I need work.
Full- Time, One day a week, Internship, Contract, Casual. Anything to get me started.
I want design work,  illustration work, photography work, animation work, video editing work.
Working with a creative company, in a creative environment, in a creative team.

I need a life change.
Can anyone hear me?  Are you out there?

I have a new portfolio website with all of my illustration, design and photography work  on show:
Emily's Portfolio Website

Employ Emily Nelson

I had a few escapes recently, which felt magical.

A trip to Caloundra Music Festival - morning swims at the beach, afternoons and evenings spent listening to music and a big catch up on LOTS of sleep.
Me playing with an old lens at the beach below:
jump01 perfectwater perfectwater2

And my birthday on Thursday - which I dedicated a whole day to self indulgence and relaxation.
I had a beautiful white chocolate and raspberry cake that I ordered from the lovely Lauren Tregenza and her business Flame Tree.
cake birthday02

October Love:
My full moon clock - so that it will remind me I am staying up too late when it's in the early AMs

Glitter nail polish - always makes me happy (but makes me look like a 7yr old)

Possums in the tree outside my studio! Oh Hello Possums.
treepossum treepossum2 treepossum8

My new mint green Golden Ponies that I bought at The Happy Cabin
Golden Ponies shoes

Two new snuggly fluffy fox cushions from a snuggly fella I know.

Mukti Botanicals - Chemical free, Australian made and owned, not tested on animals, certified organic skin care. BAM!

This dress: YO VINTAGE

I would like to try this Food and Wine School
Cooking classes at Golden Pig [Img via: The Golden Pig | Food & Wine School website ]

White with three - has just opened an etsy store with a range of beautifully designed new prints!
White with three etsy

This is a particularly pretty Tumblr to check out:

Instagram!! My old phone died and made way for a technology catch up.
I'm obsessed with documenting, tweeting and instagramming everything I do.
Find me on Instagram @emilynelsonart