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It took a billionaire living the glamorous New York City life to exhibit real Christian courage by going against every elite group in the nation, every media outlet, every well-heeled donor, to defend America from destruction by immigration.
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Sometimes the country needs a man.
The idea that Christians are supposed to be milquetoasts is liberal propaganda. Ask the money-changers how meek Jesus was. (Not the Clintons; I mean the other money-changers.) God commanded the Israelites to go to certain cities and kill “every living thing.” As I recall, the Crusaders were a little rough around the edges.
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Trump’s personal style is denounced by the Piety Police with smug certitude, to showcase their superior moral understanding.
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Trump’s a Christian. This is a Christian country. How about helping keep it that way?
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This is an election about saving the concept of America, the last hope for Christianity on the planet.
A country in which partial birth abortions are freely available, but children can’t hold hands and pray in school, is not a country where Christians are winning.
What difference does it make where a candidate stands on abortion or gay marriage, when a few more years of our current immigration flow will mean no Republican can ever be elected president again and nine Ruth Bader Ginsburgs will sit on the Supreme Court?
Unless Americans stop being outvoted by foreigners, Christians — as well as libertarians, neoconservatives, fiscal conservatives and moderate Democrats — have no hope of winning anything, anywhere, anytime. The last Christian country on Earth will be no more.
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Even after Trump rocketed to the lead with his immigration policies, the media still refuse to discuss the issue. The demand for ever-more poverty-stricken immigrants from primitive cultures has gone beyond cheap labor and has become a mass hysteria.
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Donald Trump actually is an elite, but he doesn’t care what his friends on Fifth Avenue think of him.
Some Christians want proof that a candidate has memorized Bible verses. I want a candidate who lives by this verse: “So do not be afraid of them.”
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, But They Shouldn’t Be President
Ann Coulter
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015 4:14 PM