Showing posts with label Billboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billboard. Show all posts

July 21, 2014

Billboard Upset Liberal Activist

[From article]
The billboard just educates people about reality. If you raise the cost of labor, then it becomes economical to replace labor with automation, in this case touch screens, which are declining in cost as labor prices itself out of the market through high minimum wages.

July 20, 2014
Hilarious: lefty flips out over billboard explaining consequences of $15 minimum wage
By Thomas Lifson

September 29, 2011

Obama Billboard Upsets Some

Anti-Obama sign in Uptown neighborhood draws controversy New Orleans LA
Posted on September 28, 2011 at 2:29 PM
Maya Rodriguez / Eyewitness News

March 26, 2010

Pittsburgh Bill

Bill, the owner of Casa D'Ice restaurant

In North Versailles, PA

(10 miles southeast of Pittsburgh )

> http://







February 9, 2010

Billboard: Miss me yet? (George Bush)

Bush billboard on I-35: "Miss me yet?"

Last update: February 9, 2010 - 11:25 AM