Showing posts with label Dictatorships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dictatorships. Show all posts

April 27, 2016

Can American Voters Recognize Potential Dictators Before Electing Them?

In the article at the below link, Mala argues that Trump is too old to be a dictator.

March 21, 2016
No, Trump Won’t Be Another Hitler
By Adam Mala

[From article]
Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that "We the People" are too dense to learn from our mistakes? Paging through humanity's history, time and again we find numerous instances of costly historical errors where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a "savior." And time and again, we have ended up paying the price for our folly. If we are not genetically doomed to make these ruinous mistakes --which I am certain we are not -- then do we commit them out of wishful thinking, laziness, desperation, or some combination of the three?
History has warned us of three kinds of people: charlatans, demagogues, and politicians. And more often than not, someone will rise up who is all three of these characters wrapped into one. Our liberty is our most precious possession. Many will aim to rob us of it and, by so doing, add to their own power, while trying to force us to become robots.
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Just a few old and recent cases of this tragic misstep should warn us not to be victimized in the future by frauds.
From the primitive land of the Arabian Peninsula of over 14 centuries ago arose Muhammad, an illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming that he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from God -- the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people must embrace Islam -- surrender -- by surrendering their liberty to Muhammad.
To this day, in places where Islam rules, many books are banned, newspapers and magazines are systematically either censored or shut down, and other non-print media are methodically blocked. Liberty, deeply cherished by democracies, is replaced by submission -- unquestioning obedience and adherence to the dictates and precepts of the all-knowing and all-wise Allah.
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From the “civilized” land of Germany arose a syphilitic lout who called on the German people to surrender their liberty to him in exchange for a surefire solution to all their economic and social ills. He successfully portrayed the Jews as the main cause of the nation’s suffering. Before long, the masses of gullible easy-solution seekers formed long lines in towns and villages of the land, tripping over each other in their eagerness to surrender their liberty to the savior Führer.
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To fool a majority of the people for a considerable period might be fatal. Hitler needed only a few years to ruin Germany.
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where a charlatan managed to hoodwink a nation, rob the people of their liberty and cause so much death and destruction.
It is unthinkable that an ancient nation -- Iran -- with a distinguished history, allowed a high order demagogue, Ayatollah Khomeini, to rally the people against the Shah with promises of rule for the people and justice for all. The long-suffering Iranians of all strata readily surrendered their liberty to the turbaned bigot and his gang of murdering sycophants.
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Gullibility was not limited to the Iranians who swelled the ranks of the fraud. On the other side of the world, the President of the United States of America -- Jimmy “lust in my heart” Carter -- saw Khomeini as a saint and a savior. Carter provided the crucial support to the man
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No sooner had this fraud of Allah ascended to power than the Iranians of all strata began to pay the price -- tens of thousands with their own lives --
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For over thirty-eight years, the Iranian people have been paying for the tragedy that has befallen them.
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In the land of the free and home of the brave, a Prince Charming rose up in the person of Barrack Hussein Obama, 
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The skill to arouse the public to frenzy does not make one a worthy leader, nor should one automatically assume that his policies will equal prosperity or liberty.
In the year 2007, in a climate of insanity, the people of the land called America, having been deceived by a deceptive Marxisant that would exalt himself as their protector and provider, chose a charismatic, soft speaking “prophet" as their savior, and some people even called him “The Messiah.” He emerged from the fog with a message that had no meaning, yet he was able to spellbind people by telling them he was sent to save us from ourselves with hope and change.
Many Americans forgot that anyone who claims special privileges and status for himself, makes outlandish promises and threats, pits one people against another, fill the bill of three-in-one. The most dangerous person of all is anyone who persuades you to give up your liberty in exchange for your security.
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In the year 2016, a billionaire businessman, Donald Trump, a sudden convert to the Republican Party, is undergoing a meteoric rise in his battle to capture the party's nomination for the Presidency of the United States, a truly mystifying accomplishment for him and has promised, he will “Make America Great Again,” if you elect him as an undisputed leader. Many Americans who felt deceived by the “Washington cartel”, lobbyists and establishment Republicans, joined the waves of loyal and dedicated devotees and sang his songs without paying any attention to his dark past.
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Now that he has tasted success in getting his way in the financial world, he wants the ultimate prize: the presidency of the greatest country in the world. He is brash enough to see it just as another deal-making venture. Hence, he is using the same old strategy that has made him a financial juggernaut to attain his goal: say and do anything. And it is working.
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America is the stronghold of freedom. The peace of our universe hangs on the power of America, and its fragility renders into the success of terrorism and success of rogue nations. America is at a crucial moment in its history.
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Let us learn from our past mistakes.

April 23, 2016
Failing to Learn from History
By Amil Imani

March 21, 2016

Donald Trump Too Old To Be A Dictator

[From article]
Donald Trump has been compared to Hitler by some famous and influential people lately. But rest assured, Mr. Trump will likely not cross the Rubicon and break America’s increasingly tenuous grip on Republican governance.
For one thing, it is hard to envision how a man of almost 70 who spent his entire life working in the private sector could be a Hitler due to his age. History shows that becoming a despot is a young(ish) man’s game. Here are twenty of the worst despots of the past two centuries, along with their ages when they became the head of state, to illustrate my point:
[List of top twenty dictators by age, embedded]
So Donald Trump would be the oldest despot in the list by 14 years were he to become the head of state, and older than the average by almost 30.
I suspect this is not a coincidence. If you’re too young, you can’t ascend to power except if it’s one of those hereditary promotions (e.g. Hirohito). On the other hand, if you’re too old you don’t have enough testosterone to want to be a dictator. The Mayo Clinic says T declines by about 1 percent a year after you’re 30 or 40, meaning that by age 70, Mr. Trump’s is probably less than 75% of his peak level.
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the oldest of the 19 9/11 hijackers was 33 years of age: Smashing oneself into a building full of innocents while hoping that Allah will reward you is, among other things, extremely risky.
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Democratically elected heads of state tend to not be despotic, despite the widely known (especially this year) stupidity of voters. Therefore this is a second reason making it unlikely that Donald Trump would declare himself Fuhrer after election.
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With free will, for instance, Barack Obama can argue against his opponents’ actual arguments instead of using straw men at his next “I’m quite a bit better than the Americans who elected me” speech. Hillary Clinton could tell us why, really, she didn’t use a federal email system even though it was cavalier at best to shun it. And Debbie Wasserman Schultz can answer a question – any question – directly, ever. I just wouldn’t count on these things.
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My fear is that he is a president that we have seen before -- that he is one who will fray the edges of our Constitution one millimeter at a time while soiling the Republican brand for decades to come by increasing the size, scope, and debt of the federal government.
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*It should be noted that before it was all over, Amin’s title expanded from “President” to “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.” That he did not Conquer the British Empire seemed to cause him hesitation only as much as not being Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas. That is, not at all.
**It is a common myth that Hitler won election to become ruler of Germany. In reality he lost his last election to famed WWI hero Paul von Hindenburg in 1932 and was thereafter tragically appointed to an influential position in Hindenburg’s government, which he used as leverage to take complete control of the country when the President died in office.

March 21, 2016
No, Trump Won’t Be Another Hitler
By Adam Mala

September 18, 2014

NYC Assembly Candidate Shows His Love For Dictatorship, Black Racism

Cambridge City Councilor E. Denise Simmons used to display a Zimbabwe flag on her desk during council meetings, contrary to US law for several weeks. She ignored my letters complaining, as did the veteran's department of the city. It was ignored under the rubric of free expression. But it was not protected speech in so far as it violated a federal statute. 

[From article]
Charles Barron famously hosted Zimbabwe’s repressive President Robert Mugabe at City Hall as a freshman councilman in 2002–and said yesterday he would like to repeat the performance in his first term at the state capital.
In an exclusive interview with the Observer, Mr. Barron, who won a Democratic primary for an open Assembly seat last week and is very likely to crush his GOP rival, expressed hope that he could persuade the foreign official to visit Albany.
“I would love for him to come to Albany. I would love for him to come anywhere in the United States, really,” Mr. Barron said in an interview at his former campaign office in East New York, Brooklyn. “I think he’s a shining example of an African leader on the African continent.”
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“He was one of the few African leaders who had the courage to take the land back from the settlers,” said Mr. Barron, comparing him favorably to the late South African leader Nelson Mandela, who he argued allowed whites to retain too much property.
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He seized control of the nation in 1983, after initiating an ethnic cleansing campaign against a minority tribe that led to between 10,000 and 20,000 deaths.
In 1987, he was declared president and instituted martial law. He also enacted draconian laws against homosexuals, whom he has described as “worse than dogs and pigs” and demanded be arrested on sight.
He has been repeatedly re-elected in referendums marred by the use of military force against rival political parties.
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“All my heroes were America’s enemies,” Mr. Barron said.
Mr. Barron was term-limited out of the City Council last year, but voters in his home neighborhood of East New York elected him last week to succeed his wife, Inez Barron, in the state legislature. Ms. Barron had stepped down from the Assembly to take her husband’s Council seat.

Charles Barron Wants Robert Mugabe to Visit Albany
By Will Bredderman
09/18/14 9:23am

July 11, 2014

Patterns of Dictatorship

[From article]
In his book entitled A Splendor of Letters, author Nicholas A. Basbanes reminds us that "[i]n the totalitarian world of [Orwell's] 1984, a morally corrupt government maintains absolute power by systematically depriving its subjects of their identities and by denying them any hope of a cultural legacy." Obama and the left constantly distort and ultimately wish to erase the wonder of America and its amazing successes. Consider the deliberate fostering of historical illiteracy in this country.
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We have an evil miasma emanating from this White House. This President's ongoing lawlessness and the concurrent lack of will by the Republicans to use the power of the purse is rushing us headlong into total tyranny.
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Until we truly understand that Obama's lawlessness will lead to the complete dismantling of our rights, we will not be able to keep our liberties from being ravaged. Once this pattern of lawlessness becomes entrenched we can no longer "continue to be a republic under the rule of law." Rather "we will be subject to Presidential whim" and abuse by any future leader of any political party. This is the true legacy of Obama unless we take up the gauntlet and fight back and never let up.

July 11, 2014
The Signs of Dictatorship
By Eileen F. Toplansky

June 10, 2014

Good Intentions Led U.S. To Tyranny

[From article]
As I was saying, the United States has pretty much given up even on the pretense of equality before the law. What we have instead are the caprices of tyranny.

Jewish World Review 
June 2, 2014 4 Sivan, 5774
Eric Holder's Money Shot
By Mark Steyn

December 14, 2013

U.S. Rep. Rangel Urges Obama To Drop Charade of Democracy

[From article]
Charlie Rangel told NY1 that “President Obama should drop the charade of democracy and rule directly through executive orders.”

Charlie Rangel: “Drop the charade of democracy”
Written by Allen West
November 25, 2013

November 3, 2013

Uzbekistan Princess Shunned By Dictator Dad, Threat To Succession

Could semi-naked pictures of the 'Uzbek Princess' put paid to her dream of inheriting power from dictator father?
Possible coup as secret services present leader Islam Karimov with dossier of 'compromising material'
President is said to have launched ash tray and phone across the room before slapping daughter Gulnara in the face after seeing the pictures
Spat could pose problem for the UK after the Government negotiated a deal to use the country to exit military equipment from Afghanistan
By Will Stewart
PUBLISHED: 12:13 EST, 3 November 2013 | UPDATED: 13:32 EST, 3 November 2013

March 16, 2013

False Facts on Foreign Aid, Do Not make Sense

[Published in the Cambridge Chronicle online Monday, March 18, 2013]

Chatzky gives two reasons in support of foreign aid: "We can help the neediest, both at home and abroad, [and] alleviating poverty is one of the most economically stimulating investments we can make." In their informative book, The Dictator's Handbook, the authors Bruce Bueno Mesquita, and Alastair Smith, explain that foreign aid is used for foreign policy reasons, to hire allies. Taxpayer money is given to dictatorships, which do not share the money with their poor people. The dictators give money to their supporters in order to stay in power and in turn support the interests of the US. Though it sounds nice for low information voters, the truth is much more helpful to understand how the world works and why taxpayer money is given away.

LETTER: Protecting foreign aid is important
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Mar 15, 2013 @ 08:09 AM
Andrew Chatzky
Watson Street
Cambridge MA
regional director for the Borgen Project

September 24, 2012

US Government Officials Warn of Dictatorship

2 U.S. Supreme Court Justices – And Numerous Other Top Government Officials – Warn of Dictatorship Posted on September 18, 2012
by WashingtonsBlog

March 19, 2011

Dictators Buy University Support

Foreign Dictators ‘Buying Control’ Of British Universities
Posted by The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)
Mar 19th 2011 at 8:05 am

November 2, 2009

Free Speech Under Attack Here and Abroad

Crushing the media
Left's global drive for control
Ralph Peters
Last Updated: 4:39 AM, October 31, 2009
Posted: 12:19 AM, October 31, 2009

June 4, 2009

Democracy Threatened

Democracy Threatened

Democracy seen threatened by new authoritarianism
Thu Jun 4, 2009 2:18pm BST
By Paul Eckert