Showing posts with label Economic Depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economic Depression. Show all posts

June 6, 2014

Steve Forbes, Link Money To Gold Or Face Major Depression

[From article]
"[The Fed's] vastly misguided monetary policies are now setting the stage for a new economic and social catastrophe — one that could rival the financial crisis and horrors of the 1930s,” he wrote in the book co-authored by Elizabeth Ames.
Just like many financial conservatives have advised in the past, notably former Reps. Jack Kemp and Ron Paul, Forbes said that economic prosperity can come only if the dollar is linked to gold and not printed willy-nilly at inflated rates.
[. . .]
The book is extremely critical of the Fed, especially former Chairman Ben Bernanke and current Chairwoman Janet Yellen. "The Federal Reserve must stop trying to run the banking system and the economy."
Steve Forbes: Link dollar to gold or face Great Depression II
JUNE 3, 2014 | 1:14 PM

November 29, 2012

US Birth Rate Lowest Since Depression

U.S. Birth Rate Hits Record Low
Decline Greatest Among Immigrants. Recession a Likely Factor, Report Says
By Stephanie Czekalinski
Updated: November 29, 2012 | 4:05 p.m.
November 29, 2012 | 2:09 p.m.

January 7, 2012

Barack Hoover

Herbert Hoover (1874-1964), a Republican, was president when the Great Depression began. He infamously declared in March 1930 that the U.S. had 'passed the worst' and argued that the economy would sort itself out. The worst, however, had just begun and would last until the outbreak of WWII (1939). - Provided by