Showing posts with label Individuals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Individuals. Show all posts

January 2, 2015

Collective Punishment, Individual Rights and Terrorism

[From article]
Modern terrorism is in many ways just a revival of customary tribal retaliation or the application of ‘guilt by association’. The September 11 hijackers had no particular beef with the individuals in the World Trade Center. They were out to slaughter anyone in New York. None of the people in New York had to be individually guilty of anything. They were simply the most handy targets available to expiate the collective Western guilt for its real or imagined offenses against Islam.
The participants of the Jihad see it as a matter of “them” against “us”. Even though Western politicians are at pains to deny there is any “them”, “they” know who “they” are, despite the fact that “we” do not acknowledge who “we” are. ’Us’ versus ‘them’ pervades everything. When the Taliban could not strike at the Pakistan military directly it struck at the Pakistani Army Public School in Peshawar. The hand-wringing articles asking why innocent children were attacked miss the point completely. To the Taliban there are no “innocent children”. In a world of collective guilt there is naturally only collective punishment.
[. . .]
But the prohibition does not run the other way. There is no strong taboo among ISIS or al-Qaeda, for example, against punishing individual Jews for the collective guilt of Israeli existence. It is enough to kill a Jew, any Jew. It doesn’t matter who. Their model of punishment doesn’t require detailed information.
[. . .]
When hackers bring down companies or terrorists commit outrages and then obfuscate their identity, the Western moral code goes “tilt” because it cannot resolve the contradiction between having to punish somebody and not knowing the name of that someone to punish. Although we might guess the identities of the guilty parties — more or less — that’s not good enough to mete out only individual punishment. Without the names of individuals to punish the whole Western defense and legal mechanism grinds to a halt. Without information and the ability to punish individuals lawfare is nothing but a pitiful, helpless giant.
Terrorism uses obfuscation to defuse lawfare knowing that the West will not turn to the alternative form of warfare.
The danger of course is that a “pitiful, helpless giant” sooner or later loses the the legitimacy to govern. A sufficiently enraged public will demand something more than impotence. Collective punishment is what happens when individual justice is seen to fail.
[. . .]
In order to avoid the horrors of war The King’s Justice cannot afford to be seen as totally impotent. The best way to forestall private revenge is for the King to act against those who would disturb his realm, if not strictly according to the law then at least in the spirit of justice.
[. . .]
That is human nature. Every king worth his throne must defend his subjects or they will defend themselves.

The Future of Collective Punishment
January 2nd, 2015 - 2:03 am
by Richard Fernandez

December 28, 2014

NYPD Leadership Ordered Crackdown on Sale Of Loose Cigarettes

Explosive video shows a cop putting Eric Garner in a chokehold as he screamed: 'I can't breathe.'

[From article]
An order to crack down on the illegal sale of 75-cent cigarettes in Staten Island came directly from Police Headquarters, setting off a chain of events that ended in Eric Garner’s death, the Daily News has learned.
Chief of Department Philip Banks — the highest-ranking uniformed cop in the city — sent a sergeant from his office at 1 Police Plaza in July to investigate complaints of untaxed cigarettes being sold in the Tompkinsville neighborhood, a source close to the investigation told The News.
“(Banks) set the whole thing in motion,” the source said.
The sale of loosies had been on Banks’ radar since at least March, when it was discussed at a meeting at Police Headquarters about quality-of-life issues, a police source said.

NYPD No. 3's order to crack down on selling loose cigarettes led to chokehold death of Eric Garner
EXCLUSIVE: Chief of Department Philip Banks made the order to investigate complaints over the sale of untaxed cigarettes in Tompkinsville, Staten Island, a source told The News. That fierce crack down resulted in the lethal manhandling of Eric Garner.
Thursday, August 7, 2014, 2:30 AM

July 24, 2012

Obama's Misguided Belief in Government Not People

Obama's America -- and Ours
Pat Buchanan
July 24, 2012

January 30, 2012

Individualism vs Collectivism

Village idiocy
January 30, 2012
by Don Surber

December 28, 2011

Major Media Propaganda Opposed by Individuals

The Breitbart ‘Ambiguous Entity of the Year’: The Tent of the Unknown Rapist
by Andrew Breitbart
December 28, 2011

January 20, 2011

Collectivism Is Destroying American Exceptionalism

This essay did not discuss the collectivism of blame, e.g., regarding the tragic shootings in Tucson. Instead of holding the individual accountable for his evil actions they were blamed on hate speech by conservatives, mental illness, and public policy toward access to guns. A corollary is that benefits, e.g., government protection and financial aid are allocated based on membership in groups. Some groups are favored over others. Members of favored groups get protection and benefits. Others do not.

Collectivism, the Loss of Individual Power and the Future of America
by Jeff Dunetz
January 20, 2011

October 16, 2010

Study of Revenge

This study is limited to individuals. In contemporary US (society) people identify as members of groups, even though the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution are for individuals not groups. They take an offense against a member as an offense against all members. Thus there are multiple events passing for revenge against an individual by a group. Not only was this aspect not included in the study it raises further questions about the breakdown in fairness of society, and denial of Constitutional protections for individuals.,0,2305011.story

Revenge may be all in the anticipation
Behavioral studies suggest that thinking about revenge stimulates the brain but that following through doesn't improve mood.
By Marilyn Elias
Special to the Los Angeles Times
October 18, 2010

December 28, 2009

Obama Exposed

A paragraph of this essay was posted on The New Republic and taken as a whole by the liberal gliterati. Fortunately one commenter posted a link to the entire essay.

December 23rd, 2009 9:54 am
Where Did These Guys Come From?
Victor Davis Hanson

January 9, 2009

Whose Interests?

Whose Interests?

The assumption of the article is faulty. (David S. Bernstein, “Political Virgins,” Boston Phoenix, January 9, 2009, News, Page 11) Bernstein provides no evidence for his sweeping statement “Everyone in Massachusetts wants to be represented on Beacon Hill by someone with clout, someone with connections and the power to step in and fight for his or her home district’s interests.”

Voters want to believe that their representative is not a crook. Individuals are more concerned about their own interests rather than the interests of the district. The representatives are concerned with the district in order to get re-elected. A problem is that lobbyists and campaign contributors have access to the reps, not needy citizens .

Bernstein writes from the perspective of the politicians. Has he become lost among the trees and no longer can see the forest?

The political virgins
With a crucial state-legislature session looming, Boston residents turn to untested newbies to fight for their share of the pie
Boston Phoenix
January 8, 2009