Showing posts with label Infantile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infantile. Show all posts

July 8, 2015

Heartless Narcissistic PR Flack Hired By Democratic Party

Photo: Instagram
One more indication that public officials need adult supervision. They show their inability to adjust their behavior to conform with the law. They abuse their power acting like children. Add misguided journalists who worship these infantile officials and you get an idea why so many problems remain unsolved, and are only getting worse.  

[From article]
Christina Freundlich was among those exposed in a Post front-page story about thoughtless out-of-towners who took smiling selfies ­after the March 26 disaster in which two people died.
After The Post ran a story headlined “Village Idiots,” Freund­lich apologized, saying “it was inconsiderate to those hurt in the crash and to the city of New York.”
Freundlich worked on both of President Obama’s White House campaigns and served as the communications director for the Iowa Democratic Party.

‘Village idiot’ explosion selfie taker now Dem spokesperson
By Natalie Musumeci
New York Post
July 8, 2015 | 12:55am

October 19, 2014

Misguided Arbitrary Limitations on Length of Life

This is the brother of the Mayor of Chicago. One flaw in his argument is his obsession with novelty. Must any and all contributions be new? Some of the best work is done improving, or maintaining what is and what is known. This adult appears to have an infantile opinion on the purpose of life. Nazis used to refer to "useless eaters." Then there was the eugenics movement. Why must everyone make novel contributions to humanity? Are people who just live, less valuable? He also indicates an elitism which is shared by the current leaders of government and corporations.

[From article]
It is true, people can continue to be productive past 75—to write and publish, to draw, carve, and sculpt, to compose. But there is no getting around the data. By definition, few of us can be exceptions. Moreover, we need to ask how much of what “Old Thinkers,” as Harvey C. Lehman called them in his 1953 Age and Achievement, produce is novel rather than reiterative and repetitive of previous ideas. The age-creativity curve—especially the decline—endures across cultures and throughout history, suggesting some deep underlying biological determinism probably related to brain plasticity

Why I Hope to Die at 75

An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly
Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Photos by Jake Chessum
SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
* * *

SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 4:58 PM
Should We Hope to Die at 75?
Contra Ezekiel Emanuel, age is no absolute barometer for human vitality and dignity.
By Victor Davis Hanson

August 13, 2014

White House Exhibits Immaturity

[From article]
It's certainly true that the president is much further left than he'd ever admit, but the deepest truth about Obama is that there is no depth. He's smart without being wise. He's glib without being eloquent. He's a celebrity without being interesting. He's callow.
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What Winston Churchill was to thundering statements of resolve, he is to snotty put-downs.
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He has made the Republican reaction to his lawlessness an ongoing joke.
His natural venue is the fundraiser or campaign rally, any gathering of adoring partisans who don't need convincing that he's the greatest wit since Oscar Wilde.

The Callow President

By Rich Lowry
Published August 8, 2014

April 25, 2014

Infantile President

[From article]
Adolescents also try to truncate arguments by saying that nothing remains of any arguments against their arguments. Regarding the ACA, Obama said the debate is “settled” and “over.” Progressives also say the debate about catastrophic consequences of man-made climate change is “over,” so everyone should pipe down. And they say the debates about the efficacy of universal preschool, and the cost-benefit balance of a minimum-wage increase, are over. Declaring an argument over is so much more restful than engaging with evidence.

Barack Obama, the adolescent president
By George F. Will
Published: April 23, 2014
Washington Post

August 16, 2010

Obama and Rich Kids' Entitlement

[From article]
The White House has made it clear in recent months that it is frustrated by what the Framers called “the legislative branch,” what President Obama calls “politics” and what I call “the wishes of the American people.”
[. . .]
Obama deems Arizona guilty of “irresponsibility” for taking upon itself the federal duty to keep illegal aliens out of the country. Peculiar.
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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are an entirely different story. They used their implicit government backing to behave like spoiled rich kids who knew that if they ever got drunk and crashed the Porsche, their daddy would bail them out — then buy them a new car.

The end of responsibility

From homeowners to government, the buck stops nowhere

Kyle Smit
New York Post

Last Updated: 4:55 AM, August 8, 2010

Posted: 1:01 AM, August 8, 2010