When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Hunter S. Thompson

Showing posts with label Dylan Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dylan Thomas. Show all posts

21 July 2008

Following in Dylan's footsteps

A walking tour of Greenwich Village, following in Dylan's footsteps.

No, not that Dylan.  Dylan Thomas.
Drawn up by Dylan’s daughter Aeronwy, who is also a poet, and Welsh writer Peter Thabit Jones, the tour takes in all of his old haunts, including the Cherry Lane Theatre, where he held a special reading of his poems; the Washington Square Hotel, where he often stayed; and, of course, the White Horse Tavern, where he enjoyed drinking with his contemporaries. It also includes St Vincent’s Hospital, where Dylan died after allegedly downing 18 straight whiskies – a fact that is discounted during the tour.

When I recently visited New York for the first time with three friends, our trip coincided with the inaugural tour, led by Catrin Brace from the [Welsh] Assembly’s New York office.
Following in Dylan's Footsteps (WalesOnline.co.uk)