
Showing posts with label 19th century. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 19th century. Show all posts

07 June 2024

BOOK: Raphaël CAHEN, Sara L. KIMBLE, Pierre ALLORANT, Walter BADIER & P. Sean MORRIS (eds.), Relations internationales et droit(s): acteurs, institutions et législations comparées (1815-1914) (Paris: A. Pedone, 2024), 515p., EAN 9782233010674, 44 EUR



L’histoire du droit international et l’histoire des relations internationales connaissent un renouveau historiographique depuis une vingtaine d’années. Le bicentenaire du congrès de Vienne a notamment permis de reconsidérer la mise en place du concert européen, comme système international, au XIXe siècle. L’étude des rapports entre relations internationales et droit(s) permet ainsi de faire émerger un champ de recherche qui se révèle d’une grande richesse. Ce livre en apporte la preuve. Il s'articule autour de trois axes : les actrices et acteurs des relations internationales et du droit international (juristes, magistrats, avocats, activistes, éditeurs) ; les institutions du droit international et du droit comparé (ministère des affaires étrangères, tribunaux, Conseil d’État, universités, académies) ; les experts et les expertises en droit international. L’ouvrage réunit plus d’une vingtaine de contributions inédites, en anglais et en français, proposées par des auteurs venant de plusieurs continents. Chaque contribution explore des aspects novateurs du rapport entre droit(s) et relations internationales au XIXe  siècle. Soit en s’intéressant à une ou des institutions, soit à un groupe d'actrices ou d’acteurs, conseillers juridiques, avocats, juges, activistes, publicistes, ou encore à travers la biographie d’un juriste. Plusieurs chapitres éclairent la naissance de la profession de « juriste internationaliste », de même que le lien entre les législations comparées et le droit international.

More information:

The table of contents is available here.

30 November 2023

BOOK: Svenja GOLTERMANN, Victims. Perceptions of Harm in Modern European War and Violence [The History and Theory of International Law, eds. Nehal BHUTA, Anthony PAGDEN & Benjamin STRAUMANN] (Oxford: OUP, 2023), 224 p. ISBN 9780192897725, 90 GBP


(image source: OUP)

Classifying people as 'victims' is a historical phenomenon with remarkable growth since the second half of the 20th century. The term victim is widely used to refer both to those who have died in wars and to people who have experienced some form of physical or psychological violence. Moreover, victimhood has become a shorthand for any injustice suffered. This can be seen in many contexts: in debates on social justice, when claims for compensation are made, human rights are defended, past crimes are publicly commemorated, or humanitarian intervention is called for. By adopting a history of knowledge approach, Victims takes a fresh look at the phenomenon of classifying people as victims. It goes beyond existing narratives to provide a new and comprehensive explanation of the complex genealogy of modern concepts of victimhood. In order to reveal the fundamental shifts in perceptions and interpretations of harm, this book reconstructs the emergence of the figure of the victim from the late 18th century to the present. Focusing on Western Europe, it shows that neither the World Wars nor the Holocaust were the only reasons for this shift. Instead, changing power relations and new knowledge, especially in medicine and law, fundamentally altered perceptions and interpretations of death and suffering, of legitimate and illegitimate violence. Today, the debate takes another turn with the widespread criticism of victim attribution and the increasing delegitimisation of the term. Svenja Goltermann tells this story with brilliant clarity - without subscribing to the new denigration of the victim.

On the author:

Svenja Goltermann is Professor of Modern History at the Department of History at the University of Zurich. Her research focuses primarily on the history of violence, the history of changing conceptions of suffering, vulnerability, and trauma, the history of memory cultures, and the history of knowledge. She has published widely on these subjects, including the award-winning book The War in Their Minds: German Soldiers and Their Violent Pasts in West Germany (2017), first published in German in 2009. Her most recent monograph dealt with changing perception of victimhood (2017). She is currently working on a book-length project that explores the broadening of the understanding of violence in Western Europe since the 1960s to trace the genealogies of this recent phenomenon and to reveal its effects. 

Read more here

19 September 2023

BOOK: Chiara MANNONI, Artistic Canons and Legal Protection. Developing Policies to Preserve, Administer and Trade Artworks in 19th-Century Rome and Athens (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2023). ISBN 978-3-465-04547-2


The edicts on the antiquities and artworks issued in the Papal States and Greece in the early 19th century constitute the first comprehensive legislation for the protection of heritage in Europe. In this volume, such laws are analysed from a cultural, juridical and art-historical perspective in order to understand how both legal and artistic scholarship affected the guardianship of artefacts, fluctuations in the art market and the establishment of innovative systems for heritage administration in Rome and Athens. The analysis of the origins of these laws, discussed in comparison to earlier edicts (5th–18th century), and of their cultural consequences also sheds light on the development of new definitions of “art”, “artwork” or “monument”, which have become fundamental to contemporary approaches to heritage protection in Europe.

More information can be found here.

28 June 2023

BOOK: Giacomo PACE GRAVINA, La terra e il codice: l'enfiteusi. (Milano: Giuffrè, 2023). ISBN 9788828853411 17,10€


Tra le figure dell’esperienza giuridica relative al possesso terriero un posto importante, tra Ottocento e Novecento, è stato occupato dall’enfiteusi. Bandita dalla Rivoluzione francese, esclusa dal Code Napoléon, venne accolta dai codici preunitari della Restaurazione perché ritenuta cruciale per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura e della ricchezza fondiaria. La ricerca parte da queste premesse per tracciare una storia dell’enfiteusi fatta di terra e di uomini, di interessi e di problematiche sociali, ove l’antico contratto agrario gioca un ruolo centrale per l’eversione feudale e l’appropriazione della manomorta ecclesiastica da parte di un nuovo ceto ‘civile’ che si appresta al proprio ingresso nelle dinamiche socio-politiche dell’Italia unita. Scienza giuridica, logiche proprietarie e istanze progressiste si intrecciano tra la fine del sec. XIX e l’inizio del XX fino alla ridefinizione dell’enfiteusi come diritto reale, e alla sua inclusione nei progetti che condussero alla codificazione civilistica del 1942, anche in prospettiva coloniale, con un palese rafforzamento del diritto del concedente. Il secondo dopoguerra e le seguenti riforme declinarono l’istituto a favore del dominio utile, provocando così la crisi dell’enfiteusi, tanto da farne presagire la scomparsa: l’esperienza degli ultimi anni invece ne documenta persistenza e vitalità. 

Table of contents


1. « Notre Code civil serait un vrai chaos »

2. « Poi vennero i francesi a scompigliare il mondo »

3. La versione di Vienna 

4. Nei laboratori della Restaurazione 

4.1. La forza della tradizione

4.1.a. Stato pontificio ed enfiteusi ferraresi

4.1.b. I livelli toscani

4.2. Le vie del Codice

4.2.a. L’enfiteusi nella codificazione del Regno delle Due Sicilie

4.2.b. Il Codice parmense 

4.2.c. Il Codice estense  

4.3. Il peso del modello francese: il Codice albertino

5. Fortune dell’enfiteusi in Italia 

6. Sopravvivenze dell’enfiteusi in Francia


1. Due recensioni, tra Sicilia e Toscana 

2. Riflessioni meridionali

3. La ‘Scuola siciliana’ 

4. L’enfiteusi in Sicilia tra vecchie realtà e nuovi interessi

5. Il ruolo della Giurisprudenza


1. La testardaggine di Simone Corleo

2. « Vincoli d’impura origine »

3. Una chiave di lettura

4. L’enigma del dominio

5. L’Arcadia di Vincenzo Simoncelli

6. Tempo di riforme


1. Una nuova vita

2. Nel labirinto della codificazione

3. Il comitato Vassalli

4. La Commissione delle Assemblee legislative

5. Verso il traguardo

6. Propaganda fascista e miraggi coloniali


1. Nuovi assetti sociali e normativi

2. Il dominio diretto ritorna sulla scena

3. Per una forma alternativa di proprietà

29 December 2022

JOURNAL: Forum historiae iuris, debatten "Entangled international and national legal orders in the long 19th century", Herausgegeben von: Raphaël Cahen Frederik Dhondt Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina


Raphaël Cahen
Frederik Dhondt
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina


1This special session of the journal “Forum Historiae Iuris” collects the contributions presented at the conference “Entangled international and national legal orders in the long nineteenth century”, which took place in Zurich on 2 and 3 March 2020.1 

Pietro Costa

Nation-building e State-building nel ‘lungo’ Ottocento: miti identitari e strategie di dominio

Frederik Dhondt

Legal arguments in the debate on recognition of Italian independence in Belgian parliament (November 1861)

Lisa Ford

Sovereignty and the Problem of Order in Belize, 1763-1821

Inge Van Hulle

African Lawyers and the Strategic Uses of Legal Entanglements: the Case of the Gold Coast and Lagos (1880-1920)

Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

National, Colonial and International Entanglements in Nineteenth-Century Legal Discourses on Land Law and Land Registration Systems

Raphaël Cahen

The Consultative Litigation Committee of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: A Study in Constitutional and International Legal Entanglements

More information:

08 November 2022

CONFERENCE: International conference Law and Art in the 19th Century: Power in Images (Verona and ONLINE, 19-21 October 2022)

The conference "Law and Art in the 19th Century: Power in Images" (CfP here) investigates the ways in which, during the nineteenth century, the substantial change in the structural characteristics of the legal phenomenon, and the emergence of an alternative legal experience, corresponded to the replacement - or re-semantization - of the symbols and images traditionally expressed in the law, so that they were more suitable to convey the new concept of the juridical in society.



Saluti Istituzionali e Introduzione ai lavori

  • 14:30 Giovanni ROSSI (Università di Verona): A proposito di immagini e diritto

La rappresentazione del potere -  Presiede Giovanni ROSSI (Università di Verona)

  • 15.00: Boris BERNABÉ (Université Paris-Saclay): “Napoléon dans son cabinet de travail” (Jacques-Louis David, 1812): le possible Code civil
  • 15.30: Mario RIBERI (Università di Torino): Lo strano caso di un quadro scomparso. “Gli ultimi istanti di Lepeletier” di Jacques-Louis David
  • 16.00: Vincenzo TOSCANO (Università di Milano): Celebrare il potere, celebrare la gloria. Diritto e arte in due opere di Jean Baptiste Mauzaisse

16.30: Discussione e pausa

  • 17.00: Renato Sedano ONOFRI (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): The Code civil’s embossment at Napoleon’s sepulcher in the Église des Invalides. The ‘presence’ of law and statute beyond legal hermeneutic
  • 17.30: Pietro SCHIRÒ (Università di Verona): L’immagine di una imperatrice. La rappresentazione di Maria Luigia d’Asburgo: tra diritti e potere

18.00: Discussione


Rivoluzioni, leggi e arti - Presiede Giacomo PACE GRAVINA (Università di Messina) 

  • 9.00: Cecilia PEDRAZZA GORLERO (Università di Verona): Demoni della Rivoluzione: Maria Antonietta di Francia fra immagine storica e immaginario artistico 
  • 9.30: Sara PARINI (Università di Milano): “Le Gazetier cuirassé, ou anecdotes scandaleuses de la cour de France”. Quadri convincenti di un mondo in evoluzione sul finire dell’Ancien Régime
  • 10.00: Tania Ixchel ATILANO (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): The Execution of Emperor Maximilian by Édouard Manet. Intervention, Sovereignty and the Laws of War 

10.30: Discussione e pausa 

  • 11.00: Mattia RUZZARIN (Università di Verona): Storia, identità e indipendenza della Nazione Polacca attraverso i dipinti di Jan Matejko 
  • 11.30: Emőd VERESS (University of Miskolc): “Interrogation”: law, justice, morality in the last decades of the 19th century in Hungary 

12.00: Discussione 


La forza del diritto e la tirannia del potere - Presiede Boris BERNABÉ (Université Paris-Saclay) 

  • 15.00: Giacomo PACE GRAVINA (Università di Messina): Il giurista: percezioni visive 
  • 15.30: Anthony CRESTINI (Université de La Rochelle): La Caricature de Louis XIV en costume de sacre (par William Thackeray): une démythification des pouvoirs traditionnels au XIXe siècle 
  • 16.00: Alessandro LALLI (Università di Ferrara): ‘Ungentlemanly Art’ e potere: le vignette satiriche come strumento di diffusione della cultura antitrust tra Otto e Novecento 

16.30 Discussione e pausa 

  • 17.00: Marco FIORAVANTI (Università di Roma Tor Vergata): “Le nègre blanc”. Diritto, schiavitù e razza in Francia attraverso una litografia inedita di Honoré Daumier 
  • 17.30: Olufunmilayo B. AREWA (Temple University, Philadelphia): Law, (Il)legality, and Justice: Colonial Hangover and Art 
  • 18.00: Magalie FLORES-LONJOU (Université de La Rochelle) - Nicolas THIRION (Université de Liège): “L’affaire Dreyfus” de Georges Méliès (1899): une dénonciation en images tous azimuts 

18.30: Discussione


Forme tangibili del diritto - Presiede Cecilia PEDRAZZA GORLERO (Università di Verona)

  • 9.00: Zoltán József FAZAKAS (Károli Gáspár Reformed University): The laying of the foundation stone of the Chain Bridge and the foundation of modern Hungarian civil law 
  • 9.30: Martin SUNNQVIST (Lunds Universitet): The Eye of the Law and the Scales of Justice: Law and Art in the Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal 1821-1917 
  • 10.00: Faustino MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): La decoración del tribunal supremo en el siglo XX. ¿Algo más que imágenes? 

10.30: Discussione e pausa 

  • 11.00: Ulrike MÜßIG (Universität Passau): The Iconography of the Royal Constitutional Oath. Communicating the Decisive Moment of Monarchical Sovereignty 
  • 11.30: Claire WROBEL (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas): The arts of indirect legislation: symbolism, allegory and theatricality in the writings of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) 

12.00: Discussione e chiusura dei lavori

More information can be found here.

28 October 2022

ARTICLE: Giuseppe MECCA, “ ‘Discorso’ costituzionale e progetti istituzionali: il caso di Giuseppe Vacca (1808-1876)” (Forum Historiae Iuris, 26 OCT 2022) OPEN ACCESS


(Image source: blogger)


Il saggio prende in considerazione il processo di unificazione nazionale italiano attraverso il punto di vista di Giuseppe Vacca, esponente della classe dirigente risorgimentale, impegnato nel progetto di State Building e nel ruolo di mediazione tra potere governativo centrale e poteri locali. A ben vedere, il progetto istituzionale di Vacca si muove lungo tre principali direttrici ovvero il tema della buona amministrazione, dell’unificazione legislativa e del rapporto del potere giudiziario con gli altri poteri costituzionali. Il ‘discorso costituzionale’ di Vacca è di rilevante interesse anche per la sua coerenza interna e costituisce un punto privilegiato di osservazione per interpretare ideologie e programmi di una fase decisiva della storia istituzionale italiana.

Read more here (DOI 10.26032/FHI-2022-012). 

11 July 2022

BOOK: Emmanuel HEREDIA GONZÁLEZ, El poder judicial en México durante la primer república central, 1836-1843 ¿Un guardián para los derechos? [Historia del Derecho en América Latina] (Maxico: Tirant lo Blanch, 2022), 304 p. ISBN 9788413976204


(image source: tirant lo blanch)


Esta obra estudia un proceso fundamental de la historia de México durante el siglo XIX: el intento por convertir al poder judicial en el guardián de los derechos individuales. Durante la primera república federal mexicana (1824-1835), una vez esfumado el optimismo inicial tras la Independencia, la disputa entre las facciones políticas a nivel nacional reveló un grave problema: la inexistencia de instrumentos jurídicos efectivos a los cuales pudieran recurrir los habitantes cuando sus derechos eran vulnerados por disposiciones ilegales o inconstitucionales. Como planteaba uno de los políticos más relevantes de la época, aunque los derechos estaban reconocidos constitucionalmente, no existían garantías para su cumplimiento en la práctica, garantías que eran "lo más esencial e interesante para el ciudadano, a quien nada le importan promesas sino seguridades, nada palabras sino hechos y realidades". Con el propósito de convertir al poder judicial en el "verdadero garante de los derechos individuales", la constitución de 1836, mediante la cual se estableció la primera república central mexicana (1836-1843), definió que el poder judicial debía estar caracterizado por tres grandes principios: independencia respecto los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo, facultades para organizarse a sí mismo, e integración por profesionales del derecho. Sin embargo, dicho ideal normativo se enfrentaría a una complicada realidad política, económica y social, la cual puso a prueba la capacidad del poder judicial para fungir como el guardián de los derechos.

On the author:

EMMANUEL HEREDIA es Doctor en Historia por El Colegio de México. Ha trabajado en distintos proyectos de investigación y publicado sobre temas del siglo XIX. En 2019 recibió el Premio para proyecto de tesis de investigación histórica del INEHRM y en 2021 obtuvo el Premio de investigación doctoral en historia del derecho de América Latina de la editorial Tirant Lo Blanch. 

(read more with the publisher

13 June 2022

CfP REMINDER: International conference Law and Art in the 19th Century: Power in Images (Verona, 19-21 October 2022), DEADLINE: 30 JUNE 2022

(Image source: Wikipedia)

The Coronation of Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David; the courthouse of the Court of Cassation in Rome; the statues of Justice or Liberty; the caricatures by the painter Honoré Daumier: these are just a few examples of the artistic representation of law, power, justice and rights in the 19th century. Sometimes faithful reproductions of the legal values produced at the time, sometimes exaltation, transfiguration or denunciation of certain aspects of the legal system. 

Art, like law, is a human factor that is sometimes able to assert itself from below, from the society that produces it; at other times it comes from above, in tune with the designs of those who hold political power and who use art to put forward a certain image of power, as well as to disseminate a precise idea of the juridical.

The importance of artistic images and, more specifically, of the iconographic representation of key themes and concepts of law in their various legal contexts, requires no lengthy demonstration. The evocative capacity and symbolic potential released by images has often been used in Western history to effectively  express, and at the same time to reinforce, key ideas from the legal world through the strength and immediacy of an iconic message, so as to obtain the broadest possible understanding and adherence in the community of reference for the model of legal organisation in force at any given moment.

The research team set up to further study the project Images, Law and Power in the Modern Age, within the framework of the Excellence Project of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Verona (2018-2022), is organising a conference on the theme of the artistic representation of law in the 19th century, from the French Revolution to the early twentieth century.

The purpose is to investigate the ways in which, during the nineteenth century, the substantial change in the structural characteristics of the legal phenomenon, and the emergence of an alternative legal experience, corresponded to the replacement - or re-semantization - of the symbols and images traditionally expressed in the law, so that they were more suitable to convey the new concept of the juridical in society.

By studying the painting, sculpture and architecture of a particular epoch, it is possible to understand and delve into the legal reality, observing law in its complexity, as well as its ability to reside within society and give it order and structure. In this sense, the nineteenth century is a complex century, which begins with the French Revolution and the great break with the social and legal order of the Ancien Régime, and with the simultaneous establishment of a new socio-political order, marked by the affirmation of bourgeois society. The century ends with the emergence of a plural and complex society, marked by the advent of positivism, Darwinism and an unprecedented technological and industrial order.

The cultural, political and economic changes are intertwined - in a play of reciprocal influences - with the legal and institutional ones, and are also expressed in an extensive and coherent iconographic system, either new or repurposed, which not only serves to describe the new order but also aims to make it empathetically present to the minds and hearts of those who confront it.

These were sometimes the result of a specific cultural policy expressed on an iconographic level with reference to the world of law, and sometimes the result of a series of progressive ‘adjustments’ of the iconic baggage of the past to the new situation of modernity. Art follows the movement of history and the needs of society. Taking up the simple forms of the past in neoclassicism, it at the same time felt the urgency to describe the new, perceiving a cultural and social restlessness capable of evolving rapidly at the turn of the century. Architecture, with its harmonious neoclassical geometric forms, clashed with the utilitarian architecture desired by governments and required by the prevailing era of industrialisation. Painting initially followed revolutionary suggestions, then adapted to the magniloquent exaltation of Napoleon's exploits and the monarchies during the Restoration period, before becoming a denunciation of social injustice in satirical caricatures in tandem with the rise of Impressionism and Realism. Partially different movements followed in sculpture, which asserted itself in the 19th century as a monumental representation of political power in statues of monarchs and emperors, but also as an exaltation of the rights of freedom to be made present and visible in the urban spaces of the new cities.

The subjects connected with the theme of the conference are therefore multiple and concern the connection of the varied artistic world with law and thus with political power, justice, legislative power and the fundamental rights of the individual. It is also possible to question the influence of the legal phenomenon on art, exploring the relations between artists and jurists, as well as painters and rulers; or again, to analyse artistic works that oppose a given legal and political system, denouncing the abuses of power or the injustice of laws. 

From this point of view, the historical reconstruction of this evolution is essential to grasp its deep implications as well as to highlight caesuras and continuities with respect to previous legal experience. The contributions of the history of art, architecture, and culture in general can lead to a deeper and more conscious reading of the legal phenomenon, one which takes into account its irreducible specificity but also its vital connection with contemporary cultural and artistic manifestations.

The conference, therefore, aims to analyse the theme of the artistic representation of law in the 19th century via a multidisciplinary and comparative approach, stimulating discussion and dialogue among the participants, so as to ensure the historical profundity and depth of interpretation of an topic pervasive but underestimated, that of the translation into images of the values and 'myths' of law and power. It will thus be possible, starting from the notion of the changes experienced by society and, therefore also by its law in the 19th century, to lay bare first of all the operation of the ideological configuration of the rule of law and bourgeois society, which certainly benefit significantly from recourse to images capable of constructing a shared ideal and which is also disseminated through artistic images.

The conference organisers invite all interested scholars to participate in the call by sending the title and abstract (minimum 300 words - maximum 500 words) of the proposed paper and also indicating name, surname and university of affiliation, together with a curriculum vitae (of no more than four pages).

In addition, the organisers are also accepting proposals for panels, consisting of three speakers and a chair and possibly a discussant; in this case, a title and an abstract of the panel (minimum 300 and maximum 500 words) are required in addition to the abstracts of the individual papers and the curriculum vitae of each speaker, chair and discussant.

The conference will be held in Italian, French and English, so proposals can be submitted in any of these languages. Applications must be sent by 30 June 2022 to:

Proposals will be accepted by 31 July 2022.

The conference will take place in Verona in October 2022, potentially in person, although we are also considering online transmission of the event (candidates who know already that they will not be able to travel to Italy are requested to indicate this, and to specify the time zone of their country).

The organisers will bear the cost of accommodation and meals for the conference participants.

The conference papers will be published following successful peer review. A prerequisite for participation in the conference is the delivery of the text ready for publication (maximum limit: 60,000 characters including spaces and notes) on the date of the conference, in one of the languages used for the work.

  • For any further communication or information:
  • The Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Prof. Giovanni Rossi:;
  • The person in charge of the organisation: Dr Pietro Schirò:  

More information can be found here.

01 April 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS: International conference Law and Art in the 19th Century: Power in Images (Verona, 19-21 October 2022), DEADLINE: 30 JUNE 2022


(Image source: Wikipedia)

The Coronation of Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David; the courthouse of the Court of Cassation in Rome; the statues of Justice or Liberty; the caricatures by the painter Honoré Daumier: these are just a few examples of the artistic representation of law, power, justice and rights in the 19th century. Sometimes faithful reproductions of the legal values produced at the time, sometimes exaltation, transfiguration or denunciation of certain aspects of the legal system. 

Art, like law, is a human factor that is sometimes able to assert itself from below, from the society that produces it; at other times it comes from above, in tune with the designs of those who hold political power and who use art to put forward a certain image of power, as well as to disseminate a precise idea of the juridical.

The importance of artistic images and, more specifically, of the iconographic representation of key themes and concepts of law in their various legal contexts, requires no lengthy demonstration. The evocative capacity and symbolic potential released by images has often been used in Western history to effectively  express, and at the same time to reinforce, key ideas from the legal world through the strength and immediacy of an iconic message, so as to obtain the broadest possible understanding and adherence in the community of reference for the model of legal organisation in force at any given moment.

The research team set up to further study the project Images, Law and Power in the Modern Age, within the framework of the Excellence Project of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Verona (2018-2022), is organising a conference on the theme of the artistic representation of law in the 19th century, from the French Revolution to the early twentieth century.

The purpose is to investigate the ways in which, during the nineteenth century, the substantial change in the structural characteristics of the legal phenomenon, and the emergence of an alternative legal experience, corresponded to the replacement - or re-semantization - of the symbols and images traditionally expressed in the law, so that they were more suitable to convey the new concept of the juridical in society.

By studying the painting, sculpture and architecture of a particular epoch, it is possible to understand and delve into the legal reality, observing law in its complexity, as well as its ability to reside within society and give it order and structure. In this sense, the nineteenth century is a complex century, which begins with the French Revolution and the great break with the social and legal order of the Ancien Régime, and with the simultaneous establishment of a new socio-political order, marked by the affirmation of bourgeois society. The century ends with the emergence of a plural and complex society, marked by the advent of positivism, Darwinism and an unprecedented technological and industrial order.

The cultural, political and economic changes are intertwined - in a play of reciprocal influences - with the legal and institutional ones, and are also expressed in an extensive and coherent iconographic system, either new or repurposed, which not only serves to describe the new order but also aims to make it empathetically present to the minds and hearts of those who confront it.

These were sometimes the result of a specific cultural policy expressed on an iconographic level with reference to the world of law, and sometimes the result of a series of progressive ‘adjustments’ of the iconic baggage of the past to the new situation of modernity. Art follows the movement of history and the needs of society. Taking up the simple forms of the past in neoclassicism, it at the same time felt the urgency to describe the new, perceiving a cultural and social restlessness capable of evolving rapidly at the turn of the century. Architecture, with its harmonious neoclassical geometric forms, clashed with the utilitarian architecture desired by governments and required by the prevailing era of industrialisation. Painting initially followed revolutionary suggestions, then adapted to the magniloquent exaltation of Napoleon's exploits and the monarchies during the Restoration period, before becoming a denunciation of social injustice in satirical caricatures in tandem with the rise of Impressionism and Realism. Partially different movements followed in sculpture, which asserted itself in the 19th century as a monumental representation of political power in statues of monarchs and emperors, but also as an exaltation of the rights of freedom to be made present and visible in the urban spaces of the new cities.

The subjects connected with the theme of the conference are therefore multiple and concern the connection of the varied artistic world with law and thus with political power, justice, legislative power and the fundamental rights of the individual. It is also possible to question the influence of the legal phenomenon on art, exploring the relations between artists and jurists, as well as painters and rulers; or again, to analyse artistic works that oppose a given legal and political system, denouncing the abuses of power or the injustice of laws. 

From this point of view, the historical reconstruction of this evolution is essential to grasp its deep implications as well as to highlight caesuras and continuities with respect to previous legal experience. The contributions of the history of art, architecture, and culture in general can lead to a deeper and more conscious reading of the legal phenomenon, one which takes into account its irreducible specificity but also its vital connection with contemporary cultural and artistic manifestations.

The conference, therefore, aims to analyse the theme of the artistic representation of law in the 19th century via a multidisciplinary and comparative approach, stimulating discussion and dialogue among the participants, so as to ensure the historical profundity and depth of interpretation of an topic pervasive but underestimated, that of the translation into images of the values and 'myths' of law and power. It will thus be possible, starting from the notion of the changes experienced by society and, therefore also by its law in the 19th century, to lay bare first of all the operation of the ideological configuration of the rule of law and bourgeois society, which certainly benefit significantly from recourse to images capable of constructing a shared ideal and which is also disseminated through artistic images.

The conference organisers invite all interested scholars to participate in the call by sending the title and abstract (minimum 300 words - maximum 500 words) of the proposed paper and also indicating name, surname and university of affiliation, together with a curriculum vitae (of no more than four pages).

In addition, the organisers are also accepting proposals for panels, consisting of three speakers and a chair and possibly a discussant; in this case, a title and an abstract of the panel (minimum 300 and maximum 500 words) are required in addition to the abstracts of the individual papers and the curriculum vitae of each speaker, chair and discussant.

The conference will be held in Italian, French and English, so proposals can be submitted in any of these languages. Applications must be sent by 30 June 2022 to:

Proposals will be accepted by 31 July 2022.

The conference will take place in Verona in October 2022, potentially in person, although we are also considering online transmission of the event (candidates who know already that they will not be able to travel to Italy are requested to indicate this, and to specify the time zone of their country).

The organisers will bear the cost of accommodation and meals for the conference participants.

The conference papers will be published following successful peer review. A prerequisite for participation in the conference is the delivery of the text ready for publication (maximum limit: 60,000 characters including spaces and notes) on the date of the conference, in one of the languages used for the work.

  • For any further communication or information:
  • The Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Prof. Giovanni Rossi:;
  • The person in charge of the organisation: Dr Pietro Schirò:  

More information can be found here.