
Showing posts with label Criminal Law History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criminal Law History. Show all posts

08 March 2024

OPEN ACCESS: Christina BARD, Frédéric CHAUVAUD, Michelle PERROT & Jacques-Guy PETIT (dir.), Femmes et justice pénale, XIXe-XXe siècles (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2002), 382 p. ISBN 9782868477514



Ensemble articulé d'une trentaine d'études sur les femmes et la justice, cet ouvrage constitue la première synthèse sur ce sujet peu connu qui s'intercale entre le domaine du droit en amont, et celui de la peine – et notamment de la prison – en aval. Il se concentre sur l'histoire contemporaine de quelques pays occidentaux, particulièrement la France et le Canada. Femmes et justice : ce thème dessine d'abord les contours d'une histoire spécifique, celle des illégalismes féminins (vol domestique, infanticide, avortement, prostitution) du XIXe et du début du XXe siècle... Le fonctionnement judiciaire, marqué par la différenciation des sexes, est aussi mis en lumière. Cette asymétrie qui produit tantôt de l'indulgence, tantôt un surcroit de sévérité à rencontre des femmes jugées s'explique en partie par les représentations collectives qui érigent en modèle la femme-mère, douce et soumise. Toute déviance paraît dès lors monstrueuse : la criminelle occupe une place de choix dans l'imaginaire misogyne. Autre facette, la femme victime des violences masculines, privée du droit de se défendre, suspectée dans ses dires. Un long combat sera nécessaire pour que sa parole soit reconnue. La féminisation toute récente des métiers de justice n'est pas étrangère à cette révolution impulsée par les féministes.

Read the book here: DOI 10.4000/books.pur.16148.

06 February 2023

BOOK: Marco Paolo GERI (cur.), Condanna a una pena, condanna di una pena? Atti dell’incontro di studio di Pisa 19 novembre 2021 [Collana di Studi di storia del diritto medievale e moderno, eds. Paolo ALVAZZI DEL FRATE, Giovanni ROSSI & Elio TAVILLA; Collettanee, vol. 6] (Roma: Historia et Ius, 2022), 113 p. ISBN 9788894637663 [OPEN ACCESS]


(image source: Historia et Ius)

From the introduction:

«I libri son fatti coi libri» pare che amasse dire Francesco Carrara1. E, lasciando da parte il tipo di cultura giuridica che nel profilo intellettuale di Carrara poteva star dietro ad una frase del genere, testimoniata del resto dalla consistenza della sua biblioteca, oggi conservata presso la Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa, il volume che si presenta oggi al pubblico, davvero, può vantare di essere nato proprio in questa maniera e, per di più, di avere pure a che fare un poco con il maestro criminalista lucchese. Nel 2021, in maniera del tutto indipendente, sono stati pubblicati i risultati di due ricerche, una di carattere marcatamente storico, da parte del sottoscritto, l’altra a firma di Paolo Passaglia, relative entrambe al tema della pena di morte. La prima riguardava l’attività di uno dei grandi padri dell’abolizionismo, Francesco Carrara, che aveva pubblicato la traduzione di una serie di opuscoli provenienti da vari paesi europei, raccogliendoli entro la Biblioteca abolizionista, la seconda, era volta a investigare le forme, i limiti e le variabili più rilevanti dei vari percorsi abolizionisti contemporanei. Gli autori, allo scambio dei libri, assieme a Ilario Belloni, ritennero di approfondire le loro ricerche con un momento seminariale da svolgersi nell’ambito del Dottorato di ricerca pisano. Capitò, però, che a forza di parlare dell’idea, si raccolsero non poche manifestazioni di interesse a contribuire all’evento. Cosicché, il seminario ideato in origine diventò l’incontro pisano del 21 novembre 2021, del quale oggi si pubblicano i contributi.

Series presentation:

The Series of Studies in medieval and modern legal history Historia et Ius, published in electronic form in open access, was created on the initiative of the same editorial board of the homonymous history journal of the medieval and modern age. It aims to constitute an instrument of diffusion, on an international basis, of the results of historical legal research and of the comparison of ideas and methodological approaches. Each volume, as well as the articles published in the journal, is subject to double blind peer-review. The book series receives texts in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German languages.

Read the book for free here.

23 December 2022

BOOK: Marco CAVINA, Un inedito di Giulio Claro (1525-1575): il «Trattato di duello». Edizione dal manoscritto [Madrid] Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, g. II. 10 (Bologna: Bologna University Press, 2022), ISBN: 9791254771297 // OPEN ACCESS

(Image source: Bologna University Press)


Giulio Claro è universalmente noto come uno dei padri fondatori della scienza moderna del diritto criminale. Il saggio sul duello, che si offre qui alle stampe – sinora inedito in un manoscritto della Biblioteca di San Lorenzo de El Escorial – si segnala, fra l’altro, per illuminare di una luce nuova lo spirito con cui il Claro osservava e concepiva la società e il diritto del suo tempo. Nel trattato sul duello, l’acceso interesse per il diritto tradizionale del ceto nobiliare e per le modalità di soluzione dei conflitti intracetuali lo individua – insieme a una inedita vena laica e a un disinvolto utilizzo della lingua volgare – come nobiluomo del proprio tempo, profondamente calato nella propria cultura di ceto. Ne deriva un quadro assai più sfumato della sua immagine ufficiale e corrente di giurista dotto e alfiere della giustizia d’apparato fra trono e altare. Ma il trattato sul duello appare anche estremamente suggestivo per le notizie inedite sul diritto tradizionale nobiliare e sulle relative pratiche giuridiche esperienziali, di cui Giulio Claro si rivela profondo e acuto conoscitore e maestro.


Marco Cavina è Professore ordinario di Storia del diritto medioevale e moderno presso l’Università di Bologna, e ha insegnato nelle Università di Modena, Roma (Luiss) e Udine. È direttore del Centro dipartimentale per la Storia della Giustizia Criminale nell’Università di Bologna, del CISUI (Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia delle Università Italiane) e della rivista Annali di storia delle Università italiane, oltre che della relativa collana editoriale. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e monografie sulla storia della giustizia criminale, delle Università, della famiglia e dei diritti tradizionali. In particolare è autore di Il sangue dell’onore. Storia del duello (Roma, 2005), Il padre spodestato. L’autorità paterna dall’Antichità a oggi (Roma, 2007), Nozze di sangue. Storia della violenza coniugale (Roma, 2011), Andarsene al momento giusto. Culture dell’eutanasia nella storia europea (Bologna, 2015), Maometto Papa e Imperatore (Roma, 2018). Per la BUP dirige la collana editoriale “Diritto Cultura Società. Storia e problemi della giustizia criminale”, ed è autore di Ai confini del problema criminale. Saggi storico-giuridici (2015) e Lineamenti dei poteri paterni nella storia del patriarcato europeo (2017).

Detailed information and the entire publication can be found here.

18 October 2021

CONFERENCE: Feuerbach 2.0? Das griechische Strafrecht von 1834 (Regensburg: Universität Regensburg/Zoom, 9-10 DEC 2021)


(image source: Wikimedia Commons)


Am 25. März 2021 hat Griechenland sein großes Jubiläum gefeiert: 200 Jahre Unabhängigkeit und staatliche Souveränität. Dies nehmen wir zum Anlass, um eine Tagung zu organisieren, deren Gegenstand die strafrechtlichen Gesetze sind, die von dem bayerischen Juristen Georg Ludwig von Maurer verfasst wurden und 1834 im neu gegründeten Griechenland in Kraft traten. Feuerbach 2.0? Das griechische Strafrecht von 1834 Georg Ludwig von Maurer war in seiner Eigenschaft als Mitglied der Regentschaft des bayerischen Prinzen Otto, der im Alter von 17 Jahren griechischer König geworden war, der erste Gesetzgeber des Königsreiches Griechenland. Grundlage seines griechischen Strafgesetzes war insbesondere das Feuerbach‘sche bayerische Strafgesetzbuch von1813. Auf dem Schreibtisch stehen hatte Maurer dieses bayerische Gesetzbuch allerdings in einer mehrfach novellierten Fassung, die der Kritik, die alsbald an Feuerbachs Werk laut geworden waren, zum Teil Rechnung getragen hatte. Gleichzeitig berücksichtigte Maurer auch die bayerischen Entwürfe für ein völlig neues bayerisches Strafgesetzbuch aus den Jahren 1822, 1827 und 1831 und kannte auch die französischen Strafgesetzbücher aus den Jahren 1810 und 1832 gut. Während Feuerbachs StGB auch ein Prozessrecht enthielt, hatte Maurer eine eigenständige Strafprozessordnung für das Königreich Griechenland vorgesehen. Umgekehrt gliederte er das Polizeistrafrecht als Dritten Teil dem Strafgesetzbuch an, während in Bayern ein das Polizeistrafrecht ein eigenständiges Gesetz bildete. Eine deutsche Übersetzung der griechischen Gesetze hat Maurer selbst 1835 publiziert (Maurer, Das griechische Volk in öffentlicher, kirchlicher und privatrechtlicher Beziehung. Vor und nach dem Freiheitskampfe bis zum 31. Juli 1834, Dritter Band. Anhang, Heidelberg 1835, abrufbar bei google books). Das Bayerische Strafgesetzbuch von 1813 ist der erste Versuch, die Vorstellungen der philosophisch gebildeten Strafrechtswissenschaftler jener Zeit von einem rationalen und liberalen Strafrecht in eine umfassende Kodifikation zu überführen. Es markiert den Beginn der modernen deutschen und europäischen Strafgesetzgebung, so wie sein Verfasser, der Wirkliche Staatsrat Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach (1775-1833), in Deutschland als Begründer der liberalen, rechtsstaatlichen Strafrechtswissenschaft gilt. Das Gesetzbuch war gilt bis heute als Prüfstein für die Liberalität, Modernität und Rationalität von Strafrechtskodifikationen. Zu nennen sind die Unterscheidung zwischen Allgemeinem und Besonderem Teil des Strafrechts, die systematische Geschlossenheit des Allgemeinen Teils, die Durchführung des Grundsatzes „nulla poena sine lege“ und die Umsetzung des Bestimmtheitsgebots im Besonderen Teil. Das Strafrecht Griechenlands erscheint vor diesem Hintergrund gleichsam als die Version 2.0 des Feurbach’schen Werkes. Dies lässt eine eingehende Befassung mit dem Straf- und Strafprozessrecht des Königreichs Griechenland, wo Maurers Werk übrigens bis 1951 gegolten hat, sehr lohnenswert erschienen.


Panel 1: Grundlagen (09.12.2021 – 15.00 Uhr) Marcus Schladebach Georg Ludwig von Maurer und die griechische Staatsgründung Martin Löhnig Was stand auf Maurers Schreibtisch? Zur Entwicklung (nicht nur) des bayerischen Strafrechts im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts Konstantina Papathanasiou Das griechische Strafrecht von 1834 Die "vollständigste und mildeste unter allen vorhandenen Strafgesetzgebungen"? Panel 2: Inhaltliche Fragen (10.12.2021 – 09.00 Uhr) Georgios Tzagkournis Der Einfluss der Lehre Feuerbachs auf die griechische Beteiligungsdogmatik Michael Tsapogas Die Blasphemie vom Bayerischen zum Griechischen Strafgesetzbuch Ioannis Morozinis Die Feuerbachsche Untreueregelung des ersten griechischen Strafgesetzes und das überlieferte Missverständnis um die Novelle von 1911 Nikolaos Pavlakos Der Vermögensbezug des Betrugstatbestands im griechischen Strafgesetz von 1834 Panel 3: Aus bayerischem Recht wird griechisches Recht (10.12.2021 – 14.00 Uhr) Philippos Kotsalis / Anna Sakellaraki Die soziale Legitimation des griechischen Strafgesetzbuchs von 1834 Wassiliki Neumann-Roustopanis Die Gerichts- und Notariatsordnung von 1834 Ioannis Giannidis Strukturen der Rezeption am Beispiel des Einflusses der deutschen Strafrechtswissenschaft auf das Griechische Strafrecht

(read more on HSozKult

06 October 2021

BOOK : Herbert HART, Le Droit, la liberté et la morale, (Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2021), ISBN : 978-2-4061-1299-0, pp. 301, 29,00€


A propos de l'ouvrage : 

Plaidant pour la dépénalisation de l’homosexualité, H. L. A. Hart préconise, dans Le Droit, la liberté et la morale (dont la première édition, anglaise, date de 1963), de limiter l’action du droit pénal à la répression des actes qui nuisent à autrui. La Moralité du droit pénal dénonce la médicalisation progressive du traitement de la délinquance.

A propos de l'auteur : 

Herbert Hart était Titulaire de la chaire de Jurisprudence à l’Université d’Oxford de 1952 à 1968 et il a notamment écrit les ouvrages suivant : The Concept of LawCausation in the LawLaw Liberty and Morality... 

Table des matières : 

Préface p7-9

Note sur la présentation du texte p11

Le Droit, la Liberté et la Morale

Préface de 1963  p15-16

Note de l’auteur (tirage de 1969) p17

Préface de 1981 p19-25

I. La mise en œuvre de la morale par le droit p27-44

II. Us et abus du recours aux exemples p45-64

III. Diverses formes de mise en œuvre p65-84

Conclusion p85-86

La moralité du Droit pénal

I. Évolution des conceptions de la responsabilité p89-115

II. La mise en œuvre de la morale p117-140

Un libéralisme sans les droits naturels, la philosophie politique de H.L.A Hart

Abréviations des titres des travaux de H.L.A. Hart p143

Introduction p145-160

I. Libéralisme et « positivisme critique » p161-196

II. Des principes de morale critique en lieu des droit naturels p197-230

III. Dépasser les limites de l’analyse utilitariste p231-271

Conclusion p273-275 

Bibliographie p277-288

Index des noms p289-291

Index thématique p293-295

Table des matières p297-301

02 August 2021

BOOK: Amanda L. TYLER, Habeas Corpus: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: University Press). ISBN: 9780190918989, pp. 184, $11.95


(Source: OUP)


The concept of habeas corpus--literally, to receive and hold the body--empowers courts to protect the right of prisoners to know the basis on which they are being held by the government and grant prisoners their freedom when they are held unlawfully. It is no wonder that habeas corpus has long been considered essential to freedom. For nearly eight hundred years, the writ of habeas corpus has limited the executive in the Anglo-American legal tradition from imprisoning citizens and subjects with impunity. Writing in the eighteenth century, the widely influential English jurist and commentator William Blackstone declared the writ a "bulwark" of personal liberty. Across the Atlantic, in the leadup to the American Revolution, the Continental Congress declared that the habeas privilege and the right to trial by jury were among the most important rights in a free society.

This Very Short Introduction chronicles the storied writ of habeas corpus and how its common law and statutory origins spread from England throughout the British Empire and beyond, witnessing its use today around the world in nations as varied as Canada, Israel, India, and South Korea. Beginning with the English origins of the writ, the book traces its historical development both as a part of the common law and as a parliamentary creation born out of the English Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, a statute that so dramatically limited the executive's power to detain that Blackstone called it no less than a "second Magna Carta." The book then takes the story forward to explore how the writ has functioned in the centuries since, including its controversial suspension by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. It also analyzes the major role habeas corpus has played in such issues as the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans and the US Supreme Court's recognition during the War on Terror of the concept of a "citizen enemy combatant." Looking ahead the story told in these pages reveals the immense challenges that the habeas privilege faces today and suggests that in confronting them, we would do well to remember how the habeas privilege brought even the king of England to his knees before the law.


Amanda L. Tyler is the Shannon Cecil Turner Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, where she teaches and writes about the federal courts, the Supreme Court, constitutional law, legal history, and procedure. Tyler is the author of Habeas Corpus in Wartime: From the Tower of London to Guantanamo Bay. She is also a co-author, with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, of Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue: A Life's Work Fighting for a More Perfect Union. In addition, Tyler has served since 2016 as a co-editor of Hart and Wechsler's The Federal Courts and the Federal System, and she was a contributing author to Federal Court Stories and the Cambridge Companion to the United States Constitution. Tyler is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School and a former law clerk to the Honorable Guido Calabresi at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court of the United States.


Lists of Illustrations



1: The English origins

2: The limits and potential of habeas corpus

3: Revolution

4: Habeas corpus comes to America

5: Habeas corpus in the early United States

6: Civil war and suspension

7: Reconstruction and expansion of the writ

8: World War II and the demise of the great writ

9: Habeas corpus today



Further Reading


More information with the publisher.

22 June 2021

WEBINAR: Circulação de modelos jurídicos: perspectivas brasileiras



This friday, 25/06, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and other Brazilian institutions will be organizing a webinar on the circulation of foreing legal models in Brazil.


Profa.MonicaDantas (USP) "Dos EstadosUnidos para o Brasil: os projetos de Edward Livingston e a elaboração dos primeiros códigos do Império" 

Prof. SamuelBarbosa (USP) "Modelosjurídicos circulam? Produção e tradução de conhecimento normativo"


Prof.GustavoCastagnaMachado (UFPEL) 

Prof. LuisRosenfield (PUC-RS) 

Prof.Wagner Feloniuk (FURG)

To watch the seminar:

20 April 2020

BOOK: Rossella MARZULLO, Cesare Beccaria. Del diritto, della pena, dell'educazione (Roma: Edizioni Anicia, 2018). ISBN: 8867093703, pp. 205, 22 €

Cesare Beccaria
(Source: Edizioni Anicia)


Era difficile immaginare, nel lontano giugno del 1764, che la pubblicazione di due libri senza il nome dell'autore e in formato tascabile avrebbe modificato definitivamente la concezione di pena e il rapporto tra essa, il delitto, la morale corrente e il valore dell'essere umano. Voltaire e l'allora sconosciuto e appena ventiseienne Beccaria stavano rispettivamente consegnando alla storia il "Dictionnaire philosophique portatif" e il "Dei delitti e delle pene". Il clamore suscitato dai due testi fu tale che generò, già nei lettori del tempo, le più disparate reazioni: dall'esplosione di nuove idee filosofiche, politiche e giuridiche alle contestazioni efferate da parte di statuti religiosi, etici, giuridici e politici. Come la piena di un fiume, queste moderne concezioni di un diritto penale laico e secolarizzato, basato sulla indiscutibile dignità della persona quale valore assoluto dell'intero ordinamento, approdano alla conquista del principio della pena proporzionata al reato e non inutilmente spietata e feroce. Insomma, una visione razionale, obiettiva, umana sia degli errori che gli uomini commettono violando il contratto sociale, sia della legge che tale contratto deve proteggere e legittimare, senza «questa inutile prodigalità di supplizi che non ha mai reso migliori gli uomini».


Rossella Marzullo è professore associato abilitato, insegna Pedagogia generale presso l’Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, giudice onorario minorile, dottore di ricerca in diritto civile, dottore di ricerca in studi umanistici, autrice di pubblicazioni in materie pedagogiche e in materia di tutela minorile.


Capitolo I - Dal secolo dei Lumi al secolo senza Lumi
Capitolo II - “Dei delitti e delle pene”: la genesi del diritto penale moderno
Capitolo III - Paideia o ius corrigendi dello Stato sui minori autori di reato? 
Capitolo IV - La rieducazione dei ragazzi difficili: tradimenti e infedeltà della società contemporanea rispetto all’eredità beccariana
Brevi conclusioni 

A detailed index can be downloaded here.

More information here

07 April 2020

ARTICLE: Jeffrey MERRICK, "Sodomy, Suicide, and the Limits of Legal Reform in Eighteenth-Century France" (Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture XLVII (2017), 183-203; OPEN ACCESS

(image source: ProjectMuse)

First paragraph:
Foreign critics who described the French as a frivolous people could have cited two humorous treatments of serious subjects, sodomy and suicide, that provoked laughter in Paris in 1781. According to Le Pot-pourri de Loth, a comical and musical version of the story of Lot in the book of Genesis...
Read more on ProjectMuse.

06 April 2020

ARTICLE: François PIERRARD, "L’apport méconnu de Jean Domat (1625-1696) au droit pénal" Dix-Septième Siècle n° 237 (2020), 237-354

(image source: Cairn)

Surtout connu comme ami de Pascal et comme auteur des Loix civiles dans leur ordre naturel, Jean Domat (1625-1696) est aussi l’auteur d’un ouvrage sur le Droit public, encore largement méconnu. Déjà moderne par sa place au sein de cet ensemble publiciste, la doctrine criminaliste de Jean Domat l’est encore plus par ses distinctions des infractions et des finalités de la peine. Le fait d’avoir suscité des continuateurs et des traducteurs/transpositeurs en France et ailleurs en Europe laisse présager l’influence indirecte qu’elle exerça. Une étude du cheminement des idées qui y sont défendues confirme l’apport de Jean Domat au droit pénal et notamment au processus de codification.
Read more on Cairn (DOI

23 March 2020

BOOK REVIEWS: American Journal of Legal History on the crime of laesio majestatis under the French Revolution, and on Southern Law Colleges during the American Civil War (Advance articles)

(image source: Oxford Journals)

Chrystelle Gazeau (Lyon III) reviewed  Jean-Christophe Gaven, Le crime de lèse-nation: histoire d'une invention juridique et politique, 1789-1791, Paris,  Presses de Sciences Po, Domaine droit,  2016, pp.  559

First paragraph:
The security principle which emerged in 1789 during the Enlightenment has two complementary implications: the protection of the individual in the exercise of his or her rights and the protection of the community. It acknowledges that the State must have the means to assume the protective role assigned to it under the social contract, but which it could not perform if it was itself in danger. As is well known, the debates concerning the equilibrium between protection of the individual and protection of the State continues to this day among the democracies. Under exceptional circumstances, could the State be at risk of losing its founding liberal aspirations? 
Kelly Kennington (Auburn University) reviewed  Alfred L.Brophy, University, Court, & Slave: Pro-Slavery Thought in Southern Colleges & Courts & the Coming of Civil War (New York:  Oxford University Press,  2016). xxvi,  373pp. $41.95. 978-0-19-996423-9.
First paragraph:
In his most recent book, legal scholar Al Brophy investigates the world of antebellum intellectuals who debated the issue of slavery. Bringing together the writings of academics at southern universities and the opinions of appellate judges in cases related to slavery is his primary goal, but these two source bases are just the beginning of his sweeping survey of slavery ideology from the 1830s to secession. His impressive research and broad thinking on the subject allow Brophy to make larger claims about the role of law and constitutionalism in American culture, as well as the importance of the antebellum era to later jurisprudence.  
More information with Oxford Journals.

18 March 2020

BOOK: Francesco PAOLO DE CEGLIA, ed., The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine (Leiden-New York: Brill, 2020). ISBN 978-90-04-28481-4, €154.00

(Source: Brill)

Brill is publishing a new book on forensic evidence in early modern Europe.


When, why and how was it first believed that the corpse could reveal ‘signs’ useful for understanding the causes of death and eventually identifying those responsible for it? The Body of Evidence. Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine, edited by Francesco Paolo de Ceglia, shows how in the late Middle Ages the dead body, which had previously rarely been questioned, became a specific object of investigation by doctors, philosophers, theologians and jurists. The volume sheds new light on the elements of continuity, but also on the effort made to liberate the semantization of the corpse from what were, broadly speaking, necromantic practices, which would eventually merge into forensic medicine.


Francesco Paolo de Ceglia, Ph.D. (2001), is a Professor of History of Science at the University of Bari, where he directs the Interuniversity Research Center, Seminary of the History of Science. He has often been a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. He has published monographs and articles on the relationship between the history of science and theology, including The Secret of Saint Januarius. Natural History of a Neapolitan Miracle (Einaudi, 2016).


List of Figures

Contributing Authors
Introduction: Corpses, Evidence and Medical Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age
Francesco Paolo de Ceglia


1. Saving the Phenomenon: Why Corpses Bled in the Presence of their Murderer in Early Modern Science
Francesco Paolo de Ceglia

2. Unfamiliar Faces: The Identification of Corpses In Late Medieval Valencia
Carmel Ferragud

3. Reading the Corpse (Bologna, Mid 13th-Early 16thth Century)
Tommaso Duranti


4. Dissection Techniques, Forensics and Anatomy in the Sixteenth Century
Allen Shotwell

5. Monstrous Exegesis: Opening Up Double Monsters in Early Modern Europe
Alan W.H. Bates 

6. Corpses, Contagion and Courage: Fear and the Inspection of Bodies in Seventeenth-Century London
Kevin Siena

7. Knowledge from and on Bodies and Resistance to Anatomical Discourse (Padua, 16th-18th Centuries)
Massimo Galtarossa


8. Reading Deeds, Lifestyles and Bodies: The Classification of Suicide in Early Modern Europe
Alexander Kästner

9. Corpses and Confessions: Forensic Investigation and Infanticide in Early Modern Germany
Margaret Brannan Lewis

10. Visum et Repertum: Medical Doctrine and Criminal Procedures in France and Naples (17th-18th Centuries)
Diego Carnevale

11. Frightening Whirlpools: Drowning in France in the Eighteenth Century
Lucia De Frenza and Caterina Tisci


More info here

16 February 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS, Approches épistémologique et historiographique du droit criminel. Jalons pour une histoire intellectuelle du droit pénal, (Université de Bordeaux), 2 October 2020.

(Source : Université de Bordeaux)

WHEN : Wednesday 2 October 2020

APPLICATION DEADLINE : 26 February 2020 

WHERE : Université de Bordeaux

TOPIC : This symposium aims to promote legal criminal thought and discussing about "an intellectual history of criminal law".



1) Envoi et sélection : Les propositions (500 mots maximum) devront nous parvenir au plus tard le 26 avril 2020 à l’adresse
suivante : . Vous serez recontacté.e.s fin mai 2020.
2) Financement : Les participant.e.s sélectionné.e.s seront défrayé.e.s pour le transport et le logement (le cas échéant), et ce dans les limites du budget du colloque.
3) Publication : Les actes de cette journée feront, en principe, l’objet d’une publication dans une revue — sous réserve d'acceptation par son comité de lecture.
4) Présentation : Ce colloque est organisé par Alexandre FRAMBÉRY-IACOBONE et Marine VETTER, doctorant.e.s contractuel.le.s de l’Université de Bordeaux ; il bénéficie du soutien structurel et scientifique de l’Institut de Recherche Montesquieu (IRM-CAHD — Université de Bordeaux), du Centre d’Études et de Recherche sur la Diplomatie, l’Administration publique et le Politique (CERDAP2 — Université de Grenoble Alpes), et du Centre d’Histoire et d’Anthropologie du Droit (CHAD — Université Paris Nanterre).

-Antonio AMALFITANO, Docteur en droit (université de Bordeaux) & Docteur en Sciences   politiques (Università Federico II di Napoli) ;
- Jérôme FERRAND, Maître de conférences, Université de Grenoble Alpes ;
- Nader HAKIM, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux ;
- Jean-Louis HALPÉRIN, Professeur, ENS ;
- Martine KALUSZYNSKI, Directrice de recherche CNRS, Pacte ;
- Marie MANIKIS, Professeure, McGill University ;
- Massimo MECCARELLI, Professeur, Università di Macerata ;
- Annamaria MONTI, Professeure, Università Bocconi ;
- Mathieu SOULA, Professeur, Université Paris Nanterre.

12 February 2020

BOOK: Caroline DERRY, Lesbianism and the Criminal Law - Three Centuries of Legal Regulation in England and Wales (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). ISBN 978-3-030-35300-1, 92,64 €

(Source: Routledge)

Routledge is publishing a new book on lesbianism and criminal law in English and Welsh legal history.


This book offers a comprehensive examination of the ways in which the criminal justice system of England and Wales has regulated, and failed or refused to regulate, lesbianism. It identifies the overarching approach as one of silencing: lesbianism has not only been ignored or regarded as unimaginable, but was deliberately excluded from legal discourses. A series of case studies ranging from 1746 to 2013 from parliamentary debates to individual prosecutions shed light on the complex process of regulation through silencing. They illuminate its evolution over three centuries and explore when and why it has been breached. The answers Derry uncovers can be fully understood only in the context of surrounding social and legal developments which are also considered. Lesbianism and the Criminal Law makes an important contribution to the growing bodies of literature on feminism, sexuality and the law and the legal history of sexual offences.


Caroline Derry is Lecturer in Law at the Open University, UK. She taught for fifteen years at London Metropolitan University where she was a senior lecturer in Criminal and Evidence Law and Gender and Law, and LLB course leader. She has been a visiting lecturer in Criminal Law at SOAS and at Paris Descartes. She is a co-author of Complete Criminal Law (OUP, 2018) and Gender and Law (Routledge, 2018).


Mary/Charles Hamilton: Eighteenth-Century Female Husband Prosecutions
Louise Mourey and the ‘Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon’
‘Gross Indecency Between Females’: The 1921 Parliamentary Debates
Victor/Valerie Barker: Sexology and Challenges to Silencing
The Wolfenden Report: A Shift in Silencing
Allen: Sexual Offences Prosecutions in the Late Twentieth Century
McNally: After the Sexual Offences Act 2003

More info here

17 January 2020

JOURNAL: Revista de Historia de las Prisiones. V. 9 (2019). OPEN ACCESS

Historiografía de las Instituciones de reclusión.
Una cárcel que se decía penitenciaría: La cárcel de Belem en la ciudad de México durante el Segundo Imperio 1863-1867  (Arturo Aguilar Ochoa y Juan Alfonso Milán López). 
«Por algo están donde están». La juventud «desviada» de Montevideo : hacia la creación del radio urbano de Malvín en 1929 (Facundo Álvarez Constantin) 
Enredos punitivos: historias conectadas de transporte penal , deportación y encarcelamiento en el imperio español (1830-1898) (Christian G. De Vito). 
Una nueva cárcel penitenciaria para Montevideo: del edificio radial de Miguelete al Penal de Punta Carretas (1888-1910) (Daniel Fessler) 
Presos políticos-exiliados: Nuevas fuentes para la historia de los opcionados en la última dictadura militar en Argentina (Silvina Jensen)
Instituciones penitenciarias y derechos fundamentales.
Personas con trastorno mental grave: el éxodo tras la reforma psiquiátrica en España (María Revelles Carrasco)
Singularidades conectadas en la historia global de la prisión y de la deportación penal: entrevista con Christian G. De Vito 
Margarita Torremocha Hernández. Cárcel de Mujeres en el antiguo régimen. Teoría y realidad penitenciaria de las galeras (Ornella Maritano) 
Matías Ruiz Díaz. La ciudad de los réprobos. Historia urbana de los espacios carcelarios de Buenos Aires, 1869-1927 (Alejo García Basalo)
More information:

25 September 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Michael KAISER Reviews Kaspar VON GREYERZ, André HOLENSTEIN & Andreas WÜRGLER (Hgg.): Soldgeschäfte, Klientelismus, Korruption in der Frühen Neuzeit. Zum Soldunternehmertum der Familie Zurlauben im schweizerischen und europäischen Kontext [Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit; Bd. 25], (Göttingen: V&R unipress 2018), 289 p., ISBN 978-3-8471-0859-7, € 45

(image source: Sehepunkte)

First paragraph:
In der Vormoderne lag die Organisation des Kriegs zu weiten Teilen in den Händen von Kriegsunternehmern. Dank ihrer Professionalität wurde der Krieg mehr denn je als profitables Geschäft etabliert. Besonders im Reich sieht die Forschung dabei auf einzelne Protagonisten, die in dieser Weise sehr erfolgreich agierten. Der Blick auf die Schweiz zeigt nun, wie sehr sich das Geschäft mit dem Krieg in der Hand einiger Familien konzentrierte (wobei die Rolle der Kantone nicht zu unterschätzen ist), die daraus ein über Generationen hinweg funktionierendes Geschäftsmodell etablierten.
Read more in Sehepunkte 2019/9.

BOOK REVIEW: Helga SCHNABEL-SCHÜLE reviews André KRISCHER, Die Macht des Verfahrens: Englische Hochverratsprozesse 1554-1848, Verhandeln, Verfahren, Entscheiden. Historische Perspektiven; Bd. 3), Münster: Aschendorff 2017, VII + 720 p., ISBN 978-3-402-14659-0, € 79 (Sehepunkte 2019/9)

(image source: Sehepunkte)

First paragraph:
André Krischer untersucht in seiner Habilitationsschrift englische Hochverratsprozesse über einen Zeitraum von 300 Jahren. Zwischen 1554 und 1848 fanden 491 Hochverratsprozesse statt, von denen der Verfasser 30 einer genaueren Analyse unterzieht. Quellengrundlage seiner Analysen sind nicht die durch die Verfahren generierten Akten, sondern publizierte Prozessdokumentationen sowie Zeitungsberichte, Selbstzeugnisse, Pamphlete, Flugschriften und anderes mehr (30-35). Von welchem Erkenntnisinteresse der Verfasser geleitet ist, bleibt vage. Es geht im Kern um die "Formierung des modernen Verfahrens", für die der Verfasser bis zum ersten Drittel des 18. Jahrhunderts den Hochverratsprozessen eine "Schrittmacherfunktion" zuschreibt (423), gleichzeitig aber auch festhält, dass für die Entwicklung des modernen Verfahrens die Hochverratsprozesse nicht die entscheidende Rolle gespielt hätten (500). Die normative Grundlage streift Krischer nur kurz (14-16), interessieren tut sie ihn wenig, denn "was jeweils unter Hochverrat verstanden und angeklagt wurde, lässt sich viel besser am konkreten Fall zeigen als generalisierend und abstrakt" (16). Dennoch kommt er im Verlauf der Arbeit immer wieder auf das Hochverratsgesetz unter Edward III. von 1352 zurück, das die Anklagevertreter bis ins 19. Jahrhundert zur Argumentation nutzten und viele nachfolgende Gesetze wurden nur als Auslegungshilfen dieses Statuts gesehen. Dass der Verfasser darauf verzichtet, die Entwicklung der Gesetzgebung zum Delikt des Hochverrats wie auch die normative Regelung der gerichtlichen Verfahren in seinem Untersuchungszeitraum systematisch zu erörtern, halte ich für einen Schwachpunkt der Arbeit. Denn so erscheint manches doch allzu beliebig.
Read more in Sehepunkte 2019/9.

24 September 2019

BOOK: Carlotta LATINI, Storia di un giurista eretico. Diritto e processo penale nel pensiero di Enrico Ferri (Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, 2018), ISBN 978-88-9391-417-8 202 pp., € 14

Book presentation:
The book traces the main issues of scientific reflection and the experience of Enrico Ferri, a famous criminal lawyer and socialist professor who lived between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, with an emphasis on relations with the university and academic milieu and the political environment. Ferri was not only a good criminal lawyer, but also dedicated himself to the academic career with some success. Linked to Cesare Lombroso, whome was a scholar, he led the Positive school, convinced of the importance of the dictates of the School especially in the context of penal reforms (penal Code Projects). Ferri had also a little part (at the end of his life) in making Rocco penal Code. He also was Violet Gibson lawyer, the famous woman who shot Mussolini. The book thus deals with central issues in the debate at that historic moment, such as imputability, free will, jury, suicide and the right to die, etc.
On the author:
Carlotta Latini, Full Professor of Medievale and Modern History of Law, University of Camerino, Law School, Italy 
(read more with the publisher)

19 September 2019

JOURNAL SECTION: Religion & Violence (French History XXXIII (2019), No. 2)

(image source: OUP)

French History has a special section on religion and violence in its latest issue. Some articles touch on legal history:

Political Justice and the Outbreak of the Wars of Religion (Stuart Carroll)
This article presents new archival evidence which illuminates the dynamic of the violence in the Agenais, the ‘laboratory of religious violence.’ It shows how social networks coalesced in 1557-61 and formed into armed factions. It argues that, contrary to what is usually claimed, Protestant violence was not confined to iconoclasm, but was from its inception a highly politicized movement prepared to use force against identified enemies. The kernel of factionalism was a feud, which led to the creation of rival militias well before the outbreak of full-scale military campaigns in 1562. The violence was highly organized, not spontaneous and not inter-communal. In this respect the events in Guyenne are indicative of the political conflicts that would shape the ancien régime and even anticipate the violence that would attend its fall.

Violence by Royal Command: A Judicial ‘Moment’ (1574–1575) (Penny Roberts)
The Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre remains the defining event of religious violence in sixteenth-century France. Its causes have preoccupied historians, its consequences far less so. While some contemporary observers called into question the nature of absolute royal authority, others defended its use as long as it was cautious and judicious. In the wake of the massacre, however, the opposite seemed to be true, as a series of measures were taken against leading aristocrats at court and in the provinces. These included the close surveillance and virtual imprisonment of the king’s brother and the princes of the blood, swift and exemplary justice meted out to some of their close servants, the incarceration of two marshals of France, and the judicial execution of Protestant commanders. Above all, this ‘judicial moment’ of 1574-5 suggested that the monarchy was engaged on a new and threatening track, as the agent of violence against its own nobility, fuelling further discontent. 
(read more on OUP's website)