
Showing posts with label book presentation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book presentation. Show all posts

13 June 2023

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: American Society for Legal History Virtual Book Club (DEADLINE: July 1, 2023)

The American Society for Legal History Book Club is a monthly event series that will bring together ASLH members to engage virtually with authors about their recently published books.

The Book Club will provide ASLH members the opportunity to gather on a regular basis throughout the year and discuss recently published work.  In doing so, our hope is to sustain and enrich the existing legal history community as well as welcome new people, some of whom may be new to thinking of themselves as doing legal history.

Each Book Club will feature a conversation between an author and an interlocutor of their choosing, followed by Q&A. Book Club events will be 1 hour, on Zoom, hosted by the ASLH Digital Initiatives Working Group.  Events will be held monthly, typically on Wednesdays, 6-7 pm (central).
There is no expectation that audience members will have read the book; discussion will be structured accordingly.

  • Eligibility:  Books published since January 2021 (major articles will also be considered). Scholars at all career stages working in all geographic and chronological fields of legal history (or work expected to be of interest to legal historians) can apply. ASLH membership is not required to present at the Book Club. This call is for Book Club events from Sept. 2023-March 2024.  (There will be a second call for Book Club Events from April – Aug. 2024.)
  • Applications: max. 1 page with: Book Author, Title, Publisher and Publication date; Book Abstract (1 paragraph); Author Bio (1 paragraph); Interlocutor Bio (1 paragraph)
  • Deadline:  July 1, 2023

Please direct Questions & Submissions to Barbara Welke (
More information can be found here.

12 April 2023

BOOK PRESENTATION: Presentazione del libro Emilia MUSUMECI, Veneficium. Storia di un crimine atroce [Colloquium Eum] (Macerata: University of Macerata, 17 APR 2023)



Nell’ambito dei Colloqui Eum, lunedì 17 aprile alle 17.00 sarà presentato il libro Veneficium. Storia di un crimine atroce di Emilia Musumeci. Con l’Autrice dialogheranno Simona Antolini, Presidente delle Eum, Paolo Marchetti, Professore di Storia della giustizia, Massimo Meccarelli, Professore di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, Michele Pifferi, Professore di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno e Chiara Scarponi, Allieva della Scuola di Studi Superiori “Giacomo Leopardi”. L’incontro si svolgerà presso la Sala Sbriccoli del Casb (Piazza Oberdan, 4 – Macerata).

Il veneficio, crimine più volte definito atrocissimo e femmineo per le sue vili e premeditate modalità di realizzazione mediante il veleno, porta con sé i timori di epidemie e pestilenze come punizioni divine per i propri peccati, di oscure magie opera di demoni, streghe o spiriti malvagi, così come una sanguinosa storia di intrighi di corte, morti inspiegabili e tradimenti eclatanti. Ogni epoca ha tracciato i confini incerti del veneficium, di volta in volta ambiguamente vicino alle categorie di maleficium, di homicidium, e infine di proditio. Ma la sua storia giuridica dimostra come esso sia stato sempre qualcosa di più che una delle svariate modalità con cui si può sopprimere la vita altrui, assumendo una valenza propria e dei confini autonomi. Ricostruire questa storia vuol dire innanzitutto avventurarsi nei meandri del diritto di antico regime e, successivamente, esplorare come nell’età moderna e contemporanea sussistano continuità, rotture, affioramenti e nuovi inabissamenti che caratterizzano tale controverso crimine fino agli albori della codificazione ottocentesca.

Emilia Musumeci insegna Storia del diritto medievale e moderno e Storia del diritto penale e della criminologia all’Università di Teramo. È autrice dei volumi Cesare Lombroso e le neuroscienze: un parricidio mancato. Devianza, libero arbitrio, imputabilità tra antiche chimere ed inediti scenari (FrancoAngeli, 2012), Emozioni, crimine, giustizia. Un’indagine storico giuridica tra Otto e Novecento (FrancoAngeli, 2015) oltre che di numerosi articoli e saggi pubblicati in riviste e volumi collettanei editi sia in Italia che all’estero.

More information here.

27 December 2022

BOOK TALK ANNOUNCEMENT: Ada Kuskowski, Vernacular Law: Writing and the Reinvention of Customary Law in Medieval France - 20 January 2023, 12:30--2 pm (on Zoom)


Where does law come from? In the Middle Ages, there were generally two answers: legislation and custom. Later history would see custom largely pushed out of the realm of the legal, notably because of the advent of the legislative state and philosophies of legal positivism (with some exceptions). During the Middle Ages, however, legislation was piecemeal and record-keeping nascent. Large swathes of legal life were governed not by fiat but by custom. 

What custom meant, however, went through a radical shift during the period. Between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, custom went from being a largely oral and performed practice to one that was also conceptualized in writing. Based on French lawbooks known as coutumiers, Ada Kuskowski traces the repercussions of this transformation – in the form of custom from unwritten to written and in the language of law from elite Latin to common vernacular – on the cultural world of law. Vernacular Law offers a fresh understanding of the formation of customary law as a new field of knowledge. Instead of a fossilized and somewhat inaccurate presentation of legal practice, this book shows authors combining ideas, experience and critical thought in order to transform disparate individual customs and practices into a new medium that presented them as a cohesive 'customary law.' Medieval customary law, commonly seen a community norm repeated by rote, emerges also as a product of individual craft and a law of dynamic innovation. 

Registration Link:

20 September 2022

EVENT: Book launch Security and Credit in Roman Law (Nijmegen, 19 October 2022)


(Source: Eventbrite

We learned of a book launch of the monograph Security and Credit in Roman Law organized by Nijmegen’s Onderzoekscentrum Onderneming & Recht.

Onlangs is het boek Security and credit in Roman law van prof. Rick Verhagen verschenen. Het boek is opgenomen in de Oxford Studies in Roman Society & Law en is het eerste uitgebreide Engelstalige werk over zekerheidsrechten in het Romeinse recht. Ter ere van de verschijning van het boek, vindt op 19 oktober a.s. om 15:30 uur de boekpresentatie plaats. Het inhoudelijke programma, met o.a. prof. Willem Zwalve, dr. Nathalie de Haan en prof. Ben Schuijling, duurt tot ongeveer 17:00 uur, waarna een borrel en buffet worden aangeboden. De bijeenkomst is Nederlandstalig.

U bent van harte uitgenodigd deze bijeenkomst bij te wonen. U kunt zich aanmelden via de knop hiernaast.

Aanwezigen kunnen het boek met korting bestellen. Meer informatie daarover treft u in de bevestigingsmail.

Aanmelden kan tot 16 oktober a.s.

Wij hopen u te mogen verwelkomen op 19 oktober a.s.!

Vriendelijke groeten, mede namens het bestuur van het OO&R,

Feben van der Linden van Sprankhuizen

Secretaris van het Onderzoekcentrum Onderneming & Recht

Registration link here.

17 May 2021

BOOK PRESENTATION: Coronations and Inaugurations in the 18th-19th Century Habsburg Monarchy (Standen & Landen/Anciens Pays & Assemblées d'États, 20 MAY 2021, 17:00 CET)

(poster; source: S&L/APAE)

Book abstract:
Across the medieval and early modern eras, new rulers were celebrated with increasingly elaborate coronations and inaugurations that symbolically conferred legitimacy and political power upon them. Many historians have considered rituals like these as irrelevant to understanding modern governance—an idea that this volume challenges through illuminating case studies focused on the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Habsburg lands. Taking the formal elasticity of these events as the key to their lasting relevance, the contributors explore important questions around their political, legal, social, and cultural significance and their curious persistence as a historical phenomenon over time.

Table of contents here

(RSVP details here)

04 May 2021

BOOK PRESENTATION: Mary GIBSON, "Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism (1861-1914)" - Università degli Studi di Teramo, 7 maggio 2021 - 16.00 CET, on Google Meet


(Source: UniTe)

Lectio Magistralis di Mary Gibson, City University of New York, con presentazione del suo libro "Italian prisons in the age of positivism (1861-1914)"

Discutono con l’Autrice:
Michele Pifferi, Università di Ferrara
Paolo Marchetti, Università di Teramo
Emilia Musumeci, Università di Teramo

Webinar nell’ambito nel progetto PRIN 2017WLPTRL – Unità di Teramo

25 February 2020

BOOK PRESENTATION: Filippo Maria Renazzi, Università e cultura a Roma tra Settecento e Ottocento - presentazione del volume, Roma 5 marzo 2020


Tavola rotonda in occasione della presentazione del volume a cura di M.R. Di Simone, C. Frova, P. Alvazzi del Frate.

Università Roma Tre, Dip. di Giurisprudenza – via Ostiense 161 Roma
Giovedì 5 marzo 2020 – ore 15 - Sala del Consiglio (1 piano)

More information here