June 29, 2010

Only the lonely

Some days this is just too remote...

Books as Art

“Book lovers will understand me, and they will know too that part of the pleasure of a library lies in its very existence.”

~Jan Morris

From the creative mind of Frederico Uribe

June 28, 2010


No, a radiator.


Splash radiator by Runtal

June 26, 2010

The chair

“"I am," I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
"I am," I cried
"I am," said I
And I am lost, and I can't even say why
Leavin' me lonely still.”

~ Neil Diamond

Mac shot.

Click Hey Harriet for more shadow shots
Get a Grip Contest Winner
Announced here

June 25, 2010


"The summer day is closed, the sun is set:
Well they have done their office, those bright hours,
The latest of whose train goes softly out
In the red west."

~ Bear Bryant

June 23, 2010

The Guardians

I've been working on a charity project with the High Desert Design Council this week. Yesterday, while doing prep work, I came across this print and recognized the work of Silverton artist, Ann Altman.

The Guardians by Ann Altman

Altman's work is perfect for the redesign of Saving Grace. Our color palette is bright and cheerful, and multi-cultural artwork is highly desired.

We'll be searching for similar pieces to display.

June 21, 2010

Get a Grip - Contest

The name I drew for the contest winner is Victoria - only she didn't leave any contact information. I'll give here until noon today to get back to me, then I'll draw a second name.

12:29 pm here...haven't heard back from Victoria, so I drew a second name. The new winner is Karine Swenson! Congrats Karine! I just sent you an email...


I received a blind e-mail a few weeks ago from a company called Appliance Art. Typically, blind e-mails end up in my trash. I blog because I want to...not to advertise for corporations. But I was intrigued by the product, and free merchandise was offered...so what the heck, I decided to try something new.

Appliance Art makes magnetic, vinyl and metal foil covers for dishwashers and refrigerators. Their philosophy is: "Don't replace a working appliance just because you don't like the look of it, cover it with an Appliance Art, it's easier on your wallet and the environment."

Makes sense, right?
Can't help but think they'd work great in a rental as well.

There's a variety of designs: Quotes, colors, art, seasonal, kitsch, landscape, etc. Take a peek.

For a chance to win a dishwasher design of your choice (excluding custom), leave a comment about how you found my blog. (The company has asked that the contest be open to US residents only) That's it, besides making sure your contact information is there. I'll choose a winner on June 27th. Once I get the winner's address, Appliance Art will send the prize.

Let the comments begin!

June 20, 2010

Back yard re-vamp

We're starting work on the back patio. Our plan is to have a (cement) flagstone patio, a gravel path, and native, drought tolerant shrubbery to conceal the parking area from the patio/deck.

Mark's sketch.
Cement flagstones.
The blue flags mark the area where the patio will be...with the exception of the two out by the gravel which delineate the width of the path.

Mark's string system in place to make sure we're keeping the backfill dirt level...and, of course, Trux - supervising.
Gettin' there!
The homemade, weighted roller thing...
sadly, the garden tractor isn't working.

June 19, 2010

Garden Center Shadows

"Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy."

~ Astrid Alauda

Hey Harriet's shadow shots - click here for other shadow shooters

June 18, 2010

River property

I spent last evening on a deck, sipping wine, and enjoying the view of the canyon and the Deschutes River.

What a gorgeous piece of property!

iPhone photos

June 17, 2010

Wintercreek Nursery, part two

Inspiration in a waterfall.
Vertical gardens.

Small garden shop.

I like the willow branch fence.
Succulent planters.

All that garden goodness made me want to get out and plant!

June 16, 2010

Field trip

Yesterday, the Mariposa Lily Garden Club (I'm co-prez) took a field trip to Wintercreek Nursery. A few photos to drool over:

A native plant nursery near Bend, Wintercreek offers plants we (locals) should all be using. No need to ask if the plants will survive our cold winters and hot summers...they will.

Beautiful grounds and test gardens.

Veggie garden.
A pleasure to wander through.