Showing posts with label US Presidential Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Presidential Election. Show all posts

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Clarification from Bishop Hollis

Possibly in answer to the protests his earlier message caused, Bishop Hollis has added a clarification.

Barack Obama: A Clarification
I would like to add some words to the statement that I issued last week on the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.

I genuinely welcome his election because he represents such a different political profile from that of President Bush. America – and the world – needs that political change and will benefit from it.

However, I am aware of what he has said about abortion and about the so-called freedom of choice and I deplore his words. There is no way in which I endorse his position on these crucial “life” matters, nor, as a Catholic bishop, could I ever do so.

Perhaps it’s naïve to say this but I hope and pray that the realities of the political process will mean that he has to temper his personal policies on these all important life issues and pay serious attention to the outrage with which many view his “life” agenda.

Bishop Crispian Hollis

h/t Catholic Action UK

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thanks, Bishop Hollis

Oh dear, the Bishop of Portsmouth, Crispin Hollis, has done it again. In his excitement and enthusiasm about the election of the most anti-life president in history, Bishop Hollis has issued a special message to mark the occasion:
“With millions of others, I have been thrilled by Barack Obama’s victory and I thank God for it. For me, it represents a rare moment of hope and optimism which shows American democracy at its best and it is of seismic significance and potential for the whole global community. And so, more than ever now, he deserves and needs us to keep him in our prayers.”

Yes, well for those of us with naturalisation papers to planet Earth, the picture is rather different. Vacuous adulation like this really causes me grave concern because it shows at best a lack of understanding (and I very much doubt Hollis is lacking in understanding) and at worst, a callous disregard for the fate of millions of innocent human lives who will never benefit from Obama's hope.

It is certainly major news when a non-white has been elected to the highest office in the US, Obama however is the most pro-abortion President ever to be elected to this high office. I cannot therefore share Bishop Hollis' moment of hope and optimism but there is one issue on which I am in complete agreement with him, Obama certainly does need our prayers, we must pray for a Pauline conversion and a very urgent one at that, otherwise the consequences of his threathened actions will be disastrous. Of particular concern is his promise to IPPF to sign the freedom of choice act.

I would add that in addition to prayer for Obama, the United States needs our prayers and in particular we need to pray for the protection of all innocent life

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pro-Life concern following Obama election

So, US voters have made their choice: President elect Barack Obama.

They have chosen a president who:

Was unable (or unwilling), when asked, to say when life begins. He declared it to be above his pay-grade.

* Co-sponsored the "Freedom of Choice Act,” which would overturn the ban on partial-birth abortion, require taxpayer funding of abortion, and strike down virtually all limits on abortion, such as parental notification laws.

* Has stated “I have consistently advocated for reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President."

* Voted FOUR times against legislation that would have protected the lives of children who survived abortion.

* Could overturn the Mexico City Policy and will appoint only pro-abortion judges to the Supreme Court.

US citizens must now face the consequences of their decision but this decision will inevitably have consequences throughout the world. President elect Obama's seemingly unstoppable campaign was likened to a whirlwind and we must all now reap the whirlwind

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gianna Jessen responds

Gianna Jessen has released a second advertisement in response to a personal attack on her by presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Jill Stanek, executive director of, who are behind the ad, said:

“Senator Obama had the audacity to go after Gianna Jessen, born alive after a failed abortion, and call her and the ad she appeared in ‘a despicable lie.' We want to make sure voters are aware of Barack Obama’s extreme stance on abortion and that he voted four times, while an Illinois State Senator, to deny medical care to infants born alive after abortions.”

Friday, October 31, 2008

Life at the heart of US election

Saint Mary Magdalen has published a video produced by the diocese of Scranton, urging Catholics to vote pro-life in the forthcoming election. The video was made in response to various groups in the US putting out the message that it is acceptable for Catholics to vote pro-abortion candidates. The video carries the stark message that each and every citizen of a democratic country has a massive moral responsibility to vote for the protection of innocent life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life hangs in the balance

Please view this powerful video which sums up the choice American voters are facing in the forthcoming election. America's Choice Now was made with Christians in mind but it carries a compelling message for all people of good will.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Palin Effect

Isn't it amazing how quickly things can change. There is clearly truth in the old adage that a week is a long time in politics. The US presidential election has taken on a new impetus and a new sense of excitement, in the space of just one week. What a difference McCain's choice of Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate has made to the race. There is no doubt that this choice and the resulting increased popularity of the republican team is seen as a 'real and present danger' by the democrats, the liberal media and the pro-abortionists.

There were immediate and sustained attempts by liberal media at character assassination of Governor Palin, which seemed to rebound on those who spread the stories, and then there was a promise by major pro-abortion organisations to pump millions of extra dollars into the campain to elect the pro-abortion democratic team of Obama and Biden.

Despite all of this, recent opinion polls show a huge swing in favour of the Mc. Cain and Palin team.