Showing posts with label Ferrara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ferrara. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

4th Annual Textual Criticism Summer School in Italy

Ferrara in 2016
Paolo Trovato is once again putting on his Summer School in Textual Criticism in Ferrara, Italy. The dates are July 2nd–July 7th. I attended a few years ago and can recommend it as a great opportunity. And this year there appears to be an online option.

Particularly for those doing Biblical textual criticism, the chance to learn from people working deeply in the textual criticism of other texts can be particularly stimulating. Some of my most helpful conversations during my PhD were had with text critics who didn’t work on the Bible. Their outside perspective can be invaluable. I still try to read beyond Biblical textual criticism to see how scholars in other fields approach similar problems. And did I mention this is in Italy?
The Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara will offer an intensive six-day summer school in Textual Criticism. The course is designed for both graduate and PhD students (max. 20 people) from different disciplines who would like to improve their knowledge in the field of Textual Criticism and discuss their research topics with instructors and colleagues. An introduction to current theories as well as the presentation of individual research subjects will be covered in the first 3 days. The final days will be spent delving more deeply into particular aspects of Textual Criticism, both in modern and classical languages, featuring more recent developments, and discussing individual research. A free guided visit to Ferrara medieval and Renaissance Art Collections is scheduled.

Online option. The classroom meetings are live streamed for registered students ( ). They will receive an email with the link and a personalized username and pw to login.

Among the programme instructors you will find Dàniel Kiss (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), Federico Marchetti (Ferrara), Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (Pisa), Francesco Stella (Siena), Elisabetta Tonello (e.Campus), Luciano Formisano (Bologna) and Paolo Trovato (Ferrara). The enrolment dead-line is on 11th June.

For further information and application forms see our website: or contact the Director of the Summer School: Professor Paolo Trovato, Department of Humanities, University of Ferrara, Italy, with the subject line: SUMMER SCHOOL
The full program is available here

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

3rd Summer School in Textual Criticism in Ferrara, Italy

(photo credit)
Paolo Trovato sends word about his 3rd summer school in textual criticism. I attended part of last year’s school and can say it was a great experience. One of my favorite aspects is that it attracts students who are working on a range of textual traditions. I find that I learn the most about textual criticism from those not working on NTTC. So do not be put off by lectures on Catullus and Dante; NT students will be most welcome.

The Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara will offer an intensive seven-day summer school in Textual Criticism. The course is designed for both graduate and PhD students (max. 20 people) from diverse disciplines who would like to improve their knowledge in the field of Textual Criticism and discuss their research topics with instructors and colleagues. An introduction to current theories as well as the presentation of individual research subjects will be covered in the first four days. The final days will be spent delving more deeply into particular aspects of Textual Criticism, both in modern and classical languages, with particular attention to more recent developments, and discussing individual research.

On Saturday and some weekday afternoons free guided visits and tours in medieval and Renaissance Ferrara are scheduled.

Among the programme instructors you will find Dario Bullitta (University of Venice), Dàniel Kiss (Universitat de Barcelona), Nicola Morato (Université de Liège), Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (Università di Pisa), Elisabetta Tonello (University e.Campus) Paolo Trovato (Università di Ferrara), and Giorgio Ziffer (Università di Udine).
See here for complete details.

One tip for those attending: book a room with A/C. You will thank me later. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

2nd Summer School in Textual Criticism in Ferrara: 29 June-8 July

Castello Estense (photo credit)
This summer the Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara (Italy) will again be offering an eight day summer school on textual criticism. Attendance is capped at 14 which means there should be plenty of personal attention.

The first week will be taught by Paulo Trovato whose book I have mentioned before on this blog. The second week includes a list of invited lecturers who will be covering specific textual traditions and their unique problems. This year I will be be teaching the slot on the New Testament with a special focus on the CBGM. There is also time for students to share their own research.

It’s a great opportunity for NT students to get a much broader view of textual criticism. The problems and solutions from other textual traditions can often be very illuminating. I am very much looking forward to hearing the other speakers present. And then, of course, there’s the gelato.

More details:
The course is aimed at both graduate and PhD students (max. 14 people) in diverse disciplines who would like to improve their knowledge in the field of Textual Criticism and discuss their research topics with colleagues and teachers. The basics and current theories, as well as the presentation of individual research subjects will be covered in the first 4 days. Further days will be spent deepening particular aspects of Textual Criticism, both in modem and classical languages, with particular attention to more recent developments, and discussing individual research. On Saturday and in some afternoons free guided visits and tours in medieval and Renaissance Ferrara are scheduled.  
Among the programme teachers you will find Joydeep Bagchee (Freie Universität Berlin), Dario Bullitta (Siena), Paolo Chiesa (Milano), Peter Gurry (Cambridge), Francesco Stella (Siena), Elisabetta Tonello (University e.Campus) and Paolo Trovato (Ferrara).  
For further information and application form see our website or contact the Director of the Summer School: Professor Paolo Trovato at subject: SUMMER SCHOOL.
Full program here.