Showing posts with label lol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lol. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bernard always had a few prayers in the hall and some whiskey afterwards as he was rarther pious but Mr Salteena was not very adicted to prayers so he marched up to bed. Ethel stayed as she thourght it would be a good thing. The butler came in as he was a very holy man and Bernard piously said the Our Father and a very good hymm called I will keep my anger down and a Decad of the Rosary.
-Daisy Ashford, The Young Visiters, found in the comments here!

Friday, April 27, 2012

"INTENSE SCENES: A cat is on the toilet and screeches" (via IP; warnings for violence, language, puppet sexuality and crucifixion, and Neil Patrick Harris)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

(I sometimes think of Ezra as the Yosemite Sam of poetry. "Ya varmits, I want ya to read Ovid and Dante." I think of T. S. Eliot of the Elmer Fudd. "Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm saving Western Civilization. Heh, heh, heh."

--here (via Jesse W again?)

Monday, April 09, 2012

Let none lament his failings,
forgiveness has risen from the tomb.
Let none fear death,
for the death of the Savior has set us free.

--St John Chrysostom, via Wesley Hill

...and speaking of WH and Easter, this made me laugh, perhaps inappropriately.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

"DEAR EVE TUSHNIK...." I feel like I shouldn't enjoy this as much as I do. Via Mark Shea.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On October 19th of 1955, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Marianne Moore, was approached by a Mr. Robert Young of the Ford Motor Company and asked to assist them in naming a new series of cars.

Mongoose Civique! (via Dylan, I think)


Friday, October 28, 2011

The Persecution & Assassination of Charlie Brown as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of St. Paul Under the Direction of Lucy van Pelt
--Jesse Walker pitches a play; via VJ Morton

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A question for language-learners: what have been your most depressing moments along the path to fluency?

more (via IP)
"I DECIDED TO PHOTOGRAPH the reactions of my friends and family when I told them my good news - I'm going to be a dad!" Via Ratty.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

IT'S AN UNSAFETY DANCE--IT'S AN UNSAFETY DANCE! Disney's Skeleton Dance, via Kindertrauma. I had a music teacher in middle school who did us all the favor of wheeling in a giant tv on a fat black cord every Halloween so we could watch this, followed by the Fantasia "Night on Bald Mountain." So middle school wasn't all bad, is what I'm saying.