Showing posts with label Published. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Published. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The wait is over

The book "1000 Artisan Textiles" arrived yesterday and these are the two out of four pieces of my work that were chosen. I was pretty certain that 713 would be in the book but I thought that perhaps one of the other two would be in the book rather than 714. To see all the 52 creations go here: The one following these two, #32, is the one that I assumed would have been chosen, and the other piece I entered for consideration is in the process of becoming something else.

Kudos to Sandra Salamony and Gina M. Brown for putting together a marvelous book; the volume is truly beautiful and very inspiring.

A  mono-print from this weeks marathon session of screen printing and fabric dyeing. The results from spending hours in the garage studio have left me in a quandary. What do I do with all of the screened and dyed fabric? I have vague ideas that most likely will become solid ideas when the time is right to work on them. Right now I need to get in as much time as I can before the desert heat keeps me indoors of which it nearly did today. I wanted to shout at the universe, "Not yet! Bring back some cooler temps!" It's been about 88 degrees for a couple of days now. And if that isn't annoying/worrying enough I was awake after 2am when a gentle aftershock from the earthquake that hit 6 days ago reminded us that the earth is still shifting on her axis. So, if you feel a little out of balance it could be that Mother Earth is having a difficult time finding her balance.

Quote: Our primeval Mother Earth is an organism that no science in the world can rationalize. Everything on her that crawls and flies is dependent upon Her and all must hopelessly perish if that Earth dies that feeds us.
-Viktor Schauberger

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I was visiting this blog (check out the barbed wire stitch tutorial) when I saw that a book that two friends and I had sent some work to for consideration will be out June 1. Being very curious I went to Amazon and checked out the index, yep, Circles Journal. Put my name in "search" and hit the mother lode! Starting on page 56 are a couple of pages of our collaborative. Seeing how we never heard, even after numerous emails, anything about our submission we're all thrilled. It was Darlene's initiative that landed us in the book.

The upper right spread is the one that seems to have published in LK Ludwig's newest book. Good thing seeing how the top left is bloody awful. What was I thinking?

Last night while mixing up dye I decided to move from using hearts in my work to circles, oddly enough. So, last year a quilt was in a traveling QA exhibit and so far this year published. Not bad for someone who isn't overly productive.

Quote: A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end - and if you put several circles over each other, then you get a spiral. Maynard James Keenan