Showing posts with label mom's weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom's weekend. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mom's weekend away! Photo post!

 Mom's weekend!
My best friend for the last 20 years,  
(can't believe I'm old enough to have had a friend for 20 years)
and I spent a wonderful 3 full days up in a beautiful mountain town. 
We enjoyed a little shopping, lots of walking, some hiking, nice peaceful dinners, and hours and hours 
in the mountains taking pictures!  

It was absolutely beautiful!
And it was great being able to just sit and enjoy the sights and not have to worry about
a little one climbing the trees, or reaching over the cliff, or chasing the wildlife!

We simply
and watched!

The animals were incredibly friendly and curious!
And hungry! (or so they wanted you to think)

It rained each day, but even with the clouds the mountains were

One thing about being on vacation with another photographer
is that they will get you in a photo or two as well.
As I am usually the one behind the camera, there are very few
photos of me. (not that I'm complaining)

We spent over an hour in one field alone simply enjoying the beauty and
taking pictures God's wonderful creations!

This tree just called to me!
Don't laugh but I think I have nearly 15-20 photos of this tree alone,
from different angles.

I love the view through trees!
It shows so much.
The strong and sturdy rock, the dead branches of a tree, the green of growing trees in the
distance, and the dry ground beneath the rock.

In the field we spent so much time in,
stood three lone sunflowers surrounded by tall wild grass.
It caught my eye, and of course I took half a dozen or more pictures
of the sunflowers too!

I believe this may have been the first time I ever had the time and freedom to
just sit and really look at the amazing world around tiny detail!
Never underestimate the beauty of each individual blade of grass or petal on a flower!

While many of my pictures of the waterfall didn't turn out as I'd hoped 
this one of the bridge did. 
Again, being able to stop and actually see the beauty of the bridge itself was wonderful.  

This view was from the top of the mountain. 
Even as a storm was making its was towards us, the view was breathtaking. 

The beauty went on for miles and miles.
I could have stayed up there for days just taking it all in.

At the top of these stairs we sat at 12,000 ft.
Which means...THERE WAS NO AIR!!
Every 5 or 6 steps we had to stop, just to breath!
This was when I decided that asthma truly sucks!


It was a great and relaxing weekend

It was a very needed break away from the city and reality.
Of course we were far from being ready to come home, but we promised
we would make sure to take a weekend away at least once a year!

Next Posts:
Another year of homeschooling begins!
And The Liebster Award from Yellow Rose!  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm alive! I promise! 

I went on a wonderful weekend with my best friend. We relaxed! We walked and hiked, and walked some more! We had peaceful dinners, one dinner was at a nice Italian restaurant where we sat outside right next to the river. We saw some beautiful mountains, flowers, waterfalls, and wildlife! We even stopped long enough to spend nearly an hour in one single field just photographing the flowers and trees! We drove up a very scenic road to the top of the mountain, a narrow mountain road with an incredible drop off on one side! 

We truly enjoyed our moms getaway, yet we had to jump right back into "reality" the day we got home. And it has not stopped since. But this weekend I am going to make time to stop and blog and share some of the wonderful photos I took of our weekend. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mom's weekend away begins in 3...2...1

A peaceful weekend filled with beautiful views and hiking... meals enjoyed in peace...

...time spent with best-friend of 20 years...

...a few good nights sleep, and peaceful beginnings each morning...

...a much needed break and time away from life.

**Actual photos will follow upon return...if we decide to come back! *wink-wink*

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!