Showing posts with label OZ - Day 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OZ - Day 8. Show all posts

Sunday 21 July 2013

Awesome Australia - Day 8 (4/3/13)

Assalamualaikum, salam Ramadhan to all readers.

" Pengalaman mematangkan diri "

Hari terakhir kami di bumi Australia, nothing much happened. Flight kami MH 122 akan bertolak pada pukul 3.30 petang waktu tempatan. Like I said earlier in my very first entry, it was such a meaningful experience, simply because it was the first time I went abroad.
Beautiful sceneries, magnificent architectures, great and friendly citizens, all left footprints on my heart. InsyaAllah, if God wills, I'd love to come and visit Australia again in the future. Maybe Melbourne, Perth or Adelaide.

Alhamdulillah keadaan cuaca yang baik tidak menggangu penerbangan pulang kami. Perjalanan selama 8 jam bagai tidak dirasa. Minda masih di Australia, jasad semakin menghampiri bumi Malaysia. Aduish! emosi pulak petang-petang puase nih. Jangan termuntah sudah, nanti batal puase, huahua...

Chicken with potatoes, mixed vege, bun, cream cracker & ice cream...yum yum !

I am thankful for all that Allah has given me. A chance like this, some people wait a lifetime (alamak, cam cilok lirik lagu orang je nih !). I could not ask for more. 

Some people describe this as a dream comes true, and in my case, it did. Dan sesungguhnya, pengalaman yang dikutip di bumi Australia telah banyak membantu saya dalam percutian-percutian yang berikutnya. 

Saya berdoa semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan kita semua dan dijauhkan dari sebarang kesulitan. 

Keep dreaming, because it's always better to have an impossible dream than to have none. But you've got to act upon it. Work hard, save money, plan your trip and keep praying. 

Akhir kalam, selamat menyempurnakan ibadah puasa. We are approaching the last 10 days of ramadhan in which there is a night which is greater than 1000 months. It is called Lailatul Qadar. Till we meet again, Assalamualaikum.

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