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Showing posts with label dragons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dragons. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Cover & New Ideas...

It's November crunch time again. The time of year when I always seem to bite off more than I can chew. This year, I'm doing not one, but TWO writing challenges - NaNoWriMo and 70 Days of Sweat. So far, I have little actual word count to show for this month because of edits. I've been working dilligently on my upcoming paranormal/fantasy release, Sweeter Than Wine. It has a sexy werecougar, a vamp couple, a fey knight and some magic users lobbing fireballs around. Lots of fun! But I haven't done much new writing and that always makes me cranky.

Like a dragon with a stone stuck under one of its scales, I've been itching to get to something new for a while now. I've decided what - I just have to get the time to actually work on it. I'll give you a little hint: it's a new dragon series, set in a different part of the same world as my Dragon Knights series. This new series will be a little more heavily epic fantasy - with romance, of course - but I'm thinking a tiny bit less explicit. Maybe. I still haven't quite decided yet, but I'm definitely enchanted with this new part of the dragon world.

In the meantime, I'm still glowing about my new cover. So please forgive me for posting it here for your perusal. I just got the cover 2 days ago, so it's still shiny, sparkly new in my eyes and I'm beginning to really dig it! ;-) Oh, and I'll post info about my upcoming fey holiday short story, coming in December, next time. I promise. :-)
Come over to the D'Arc side... www.biancadarc.com

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dragons, Dragons, Everywhere!

I don't know if I posted this here yet... My editor went above and beyond the call of duty and created a GREAT video for the I Dream of Dragons anthology, of which my story, Wings of Change, is part.

The anthology will be in print next May, but all five stories are available right now as individual ebooks. Thanks to all of you who've helped put Wings of Change on the Best Seller List over at MyBookstoreAndMore.com! :)

In other news, I spent last weekend at Lora Leigh's Reader Appreciation Weekend (RAW) and had a blast! I met a lot of readers and some of my favorite authors, including Lora herself, Lorie O'Clare, Christine Feehan, and a whole bunch more! I'm still recovering from the sleep deprevation (LOL), but I had a really great time and enjoyed meeting everyone. Watch my official blog next week for a contest where I'll be giving away a T-shirt and some other goodies from the event. :)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Special: I Dream of Dragons Anthology

On September 11, five dragon stories will release as ebooks from Samhain Publishing. One of them is mine - Wings of Change - with the lovely cover you see on the left.

What you may not yet be aware of, is that all five of these stories will also release in print as part of a 2-volume anthology in the Spring. The anthologies will be called I Dream of Dragons I and II, and they will have two different covers (see below).

Wings of Change is one of my Dragon Knights stories and acts as a sort of bridge between the first series of Dragon Knights, which told the love stories of a mother and her three daughters, and the next set of books. Wings of Change picks up with new characters, introduces new magical creatures and will lead to a new series of Dragon Knights stories focusing more on the men. Mmmmm. ;-)

Here's the blurb for Wings of Change:

One young woman could be the miracle that heals a dying dragon—and unites a family with her love.

Lucia, born a lady in a foreign land, now waits tables for her keep. When she sees Sir Reynor wasting away, she storms the Castle Lair seeking help for the dying dragon. What she finds is a dashing rogue, a mighty dragoness, and a contrite knight who blames himself for his dragon partner’s injury.

Marcus is enchanted by the foreign beauty and intrigued by her mission. Few women will go near dragons and fewer still can communicate with them. Marcus recognizes Lucia for the treasure she is and knows she is meant for him…and for Kaden.

Kaden is wracked with guilt over the injury that has grounded the dragon—possibly forever. He knows Lucia is special, and he wants her. Lucia just might be the missing piece they all need to form a family. But with Reynor unable to fly, how can any of them be happy?

To make this family whole, they need a miracle. And love—the greatest miracle of all.

My partners in crime for the anthology (volume I) are Summer Devon and Marie Harte. I'm fans of both those ladies and can't wait to see what they've come up with in the dragon realm!

Website: www.biancadarc.com
NEW Blog: http://biancadarc.com/blog/

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Prince of Spies - Available for Pre-Order!

Prince of Spies

ISBN-10: 1599984253
ISBN-13: 978-1599984254

Prince Nico is a cunning master of stealth, but can he master a maiden’s fragile heart?

Book Four of the ongoing Dragon Knights series, but works well on its own, this is a dragon shapeshifter tale of magic, intrigue and spellbinding love.

If you pre-order, email me and I’ll send you a signed book plate, book marks and other promo items by mail, FREE. Just send email to: BIANCADARC at GMAIL.COM with the subject line “PRE-ORDER”, your mailing address. If you’d like the book plate personalized, please specify the name you want on it.

Website: www.biancadarc.com
NEW Blog: http://biancadarc.com/blog/

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thirteen Ways to Leave Your Fantasy Lover

Thirteen Ways to Leave Your Fantasy Lover

This is a public service announcement for all fantasy and paranormal romance heroines and heroes. We realize you believe you’ve found your Happily Ever After with the (insert supernatural species here) of your wildest dreams. However, we at the Paranormal Extended Romance Protection Society (PERPS, for short) know that not all human/other relationships perform as advertised. (If they did, we wouldn’t have sequels, now would we?)

With that in mind, the governing bodies of PERPS prepared the following handy guide for ending unwonted relationships with a person or persons of Otherworld origins:

1. Vampire - Stake the heart. (The wooden kind is best. Steak on the heart only makes them more amorous.)

2. Werewolf - Shoot with silver. (A sterling dinner fork may be used as a projectile, but make sure the tines are pointed away from you. Do not use knives, except per 5. below. The blades are invariably cold steel.)

3. Selkie - Burn the pelt. (The order is crucial here. Pelting with Burns will only compound the problem. Robert will want to write a poem about it, and George is simply too nice.)

4. Angel - Tear off wings. (Practice on flies and work your way up.)

5. Fairy/Elf - Cold iron on the pillow. (Preferably the skillet you used to bash the fae’s head in.)

6. Devil - Douse with holy water. (Bathtubs with tile surrounds are ideal for containing the combustion but require large quantities of blessed water for optimum performance--which can be difficult to procure beforehand, given this subject’s well-deserved reputation for paranoia.)

7. Dragonslayer - Feed to dragon. (Serve raw.)

8. Enchanted Beast - Trash the rose garden. (If you choose to pursue a chemical solution, avoid commercial preparations that target only the weeds.)

9. Dragon - Feed him/her a fire extinguisher. (Also serve raw.)

10. Merman - Surround the bed with dehumidifiers. (Remove all moisturizers from vicinity beforehand.)

11. Frog Prince - Introduce him to the cook. (A nice butter sauce is always a good choice.)

12. Gold-spinning Dwarf - Announce his/her on The View. (Remember to obtain free samples for producers and hosts before filming.)

13. Change the Locks - The governing bodies of PERPS neglected this critical step. That’s why they’re bodies…
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Creature Feature: D'Arc Royal Black Dragons

I was recently asked what makes the dragons I write about different from others and thought I'd answer the question here, in a "Creature Feature." Hope that's okay with you all. ;-)

In the Dragon Knights series, there are many varieties and hues of dragon, but the only black dragons in existence are the Royal Blacks. They are the shapeshifters - the beings of noble blood born and sworn to protect both humanity and dragonkind.

They rule with an understanding born of the fact they are both human and dragon. The founder of their line, Draneth the Wise, intended it just that way, so the dragons and humans could live in harmony and work together to protect their land and people against the forces of evil.

In my Dragon Knights series, the time has come when this partnership will be tested utterly. The last of the wizards have returned to continue their war against each other, using humans and other creatures like the venemous skiths as pawns in their deadly game. King Roland, Prince Nico, and their brothers will lead both the dragons and people of their land into battle... and beyond.

I hope that answers at least some of the questions about the Royal Blacks. I'll probably have to do another post sometime on the wild Northern Ice Dragons and some of the other creatures unique to my world. So what do you all think? :-)

Bianca D'Arc
Come over to the D'Arc side... www.biancadarc.com