MULTITUDE OF BLOGS None of the PDFs are my own productions. I've collected them from web (e-mule, avax, libreremo, socialist bros, cross-x, gigapedia..) What I did was thematizing. This blog's project is to create an e-library for a Heideggerian philosophy and Bourdieuan sociology Φ market-created inequalities must be overthrown in order to close knowledge gap. this is an uprising, do ya punk?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Agamben - Means Without End
Means without End
Notes on Politics
Giorgio Agamben
Translated by Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino
An essential reevaluation of the proper role of politics in contemporary life.
A critical rethinking of the categories of politics within a new sociopolitical and historical context, this book builds on the previous work of the distinguished political philosopher Giorgio Agamben to address the status and nature of politics itself. Bringing politics face-to-face with its own failures of consciousness and consequence, Agamben frames his analysis in terms of clear contemporary relevance. He proposes, in his characteristically allusive and intriguing way, a politics of gesture-a politics of means without end.
Among the topics Agamben takes up are the "properly" political paradigms of experience, as well as those generally not viewed as political. He begins by elaborating work on biopower begun by Foucault, returning the natural life of humans to the center of the polis and considering it as the very basis for politics. He then considers subjects such as the state of exception (the temporary suspension of the juridical order); the concentration camp (a zone of indifference between public and private and, at the same time, the secret matrix of the political space in which we live); the refugee, who, breaking the bond between the human and the citizen, moves from marginal status to the center of the crisis of the modern nation-state; and the sphere of pure means or gestures (those gestures that, remaining nothing more than means, liberate themselves from any relation to ends) as the proper sphere of politics. Attentive to the urgent demands of the political moment, as well as to the bankruptcy of political discourse, Agamben's work brings politics back to life, and life back to politics
Agamben - Homo Sacer
Giorgio Agamben - Homo Sacer
tr by: Daniel Heller-Roazen
Stanford University Press 1998
The work of Giorgio Agamben, one of Italy’s most important and original philosophers, has been based on an uncommon erudition in classical traditions of philosophy and rhetoric, the grammarians of late antiquity, Christian theology, and modern philosophy. Recently, Agamben has begun to direct his thinking to the constitution of the social and to some concrete, ethico-political conclusions concerning the state of society today, and the place of the individual within it.In Homo Sacer, Agamben aims to connect the problem of pure possibility, potentiality, and power with the problem of political and social ethics in a context where the latter has lost its previous religious, metaphysical, and cultural grounding. Taking his cue from Foucault’s fragmentary analysis of biopolitics, Agamben probes with great breadth, intensity, and acuteness the covert or implicit presence of an idea of biopolitics in the history of traditional political theory. He argues that from the earliest treatises of political theory, notably in Aristotle’s notion of man as a political animal, and throughout the history of Western thinking about sovereignty (whether of the king or the state), a notion of sovereignty as power over “life” is implicit.The reason it remains merely implicit has to do, according to Agamben, with the way the sacred, or the idea of sacrality, becomes indissociable from the idea of sovereignty. Drawing upon Carl Schmitt’s idea of the sovereign’s status as the exception to the rules he safeguards, and on anthropological research that reveals the close interlinking of the sacred and the taboo, Agamben defines the sacred person as one who can be killed and yet not sacrificed—a paradox he sees as operative in the status of the modern individual living in a system that exerts control over the collective “naked life” of all individuals.
Monday, November 19, 2007
'das kapital' song by Lyapis Trubetskoy
Here is a song about capital & Marx by Lyapis Trubetskoy (Ляпис Трубецкой) [from Belarus]
translation of lyrics:
download mp3
translation of lyrics:
For dinner I devour gold bars
Diamond desert, oil cream
My name is Baalzebul
Owner of the stratosphere
I am unrealistically cool
My respect is beyond measure
In my left hand is Snickers
In my right hand is Mars
My PR Manager is Karl Marx
In my left hand is Snickers
In my right hand is Mars
My PR Manager is Karl Marx
Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!
I devour the cities and wash them down with the seas.
My beard covers the sky.
Thunder and lightning, rain and fog
My boots are licked by ministers and leaders.
In my left hand is Snickers
In my right hand is Mars
My PR Manager is Karl Marx
In my left hand is Snickers
In my right hand is Mars
My PR Manager is Karl Marx
Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!
In my left hand is Snickers
In my right hand is Mars
My PR Manager is Karl Marx
I am the face of Madonna
Within me are rotten apples
Everyone on your knees!
Orchestra! The flourish!
Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!
download mp3
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Heidegger - Contributions to Philosophy : From Enowning
Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning), written in 1936-38 and first published in 1989, is Heidegger's most ground-breaking work after the publication of Time and Being in 1927. If Time and Being is perceived as undermining modern metaphysics, Contributions undertakes to reshape the very project of thinking. In this unusual work, thinking becomes a dimension of time and space, and a historical unfolding of being occurs.
DivShare File - Contributions To Philosophy _from Enowing.pdf just click on the link and it will take you to the divshare page from there it will be automatically downloaded. yet fear and trembling stays
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heidegger öldürüyor
Blanchot & Derrida - The Instant Of My Death
This volume records a remarkable encounter in critical and philosophical thinking: a meeting of two of the great pioneers in contemporary thought, Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Derrida, who are also bound together by friendship and a complex relation to their own pasts. More than a literary text with critical commentary, it constitutes an event of central significance for contemporary philosophical, literary, and political concerns.
The book consists of The Instant of My Death, a powerful short prose piece by Blanchot, and an extended essay by Derrida that reads it in the context of questions of literature and of bearing witness. Blanchot’s narrative concerns a moment when a young man is brought before a firing squad during World War II and then suddenly finds himself released from his near death. The incident, written in the third person, is suggestively autobiographical—from the title, several remarks in the text, and a letter Blanchot wrote about a similar incident in his own life—but only insofar as it raises questions for Blanchot about what such an experience might mean. The accident of near death becomes, in the instant the man is released, the accident of a life he no longer possesses. The text raises the question of what it means to write about a (non)experience one cannot claim as one’s own, and as such is a text of testimony or witness.
Derrida’s reading of Blanchot links the problem of testimony to the problem of the secret and to the notion of the instant. It thereby provides the elements of a more expansive reassessment of literature, testimony, and truth. In addressing the complex relation between writing and history, Derrida also implicitly reflects on questions concerning the relation between European intellectuals and World War II.
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JL Nancy - The Deleuzian Fold of Thought
Jean-Luc Nancy, The Deleuzian Fold of Thought, in (ed) Paul Patton, The Deleuze Critical Reader, Blackwell, 1996, pp. 107-113.pdf
mevzu var abi
Derrida - Memoirs of the blind
In this brilliant essay, Jacques Derrida explores issues of
vision, blindness, self-representation, and their relation to
drawing, while offering detailed readings of an extraordinary
collection of images. Selected by Derrida from the prints
and drawings department of the Louvre, the works depict
blindness—fictional, historical, and biblical. From Old
and New Testament scenes to the myth of Perseus and the
Gorgon and the blinding of Polyphemus, Derrida uncovers in
these images rich, provocative layers of interpretation.
For Derrida drawing is itself blind; as an act rooted in
memory and anticipation, drawing necessarily replaces one
kind of seeing (direct) with another (mediated). Ultimately,
he explains, the very lines which compose any drawing are
themselves never fully visible to the viewer since they exist
only in a tenuous state of multiple identities: as marks on
a page, as indicators of a contour. Lacking a "pure"
identity, the lines of a drawing summon the supplement of the
word, of verbal discourse, and, in doing so, obscure the
visual experience. Consequently, Derrida demonstrates, the
very act of depicting a blind person undertakes multiple
enactments and statements of blindness and sight.
Memoirs of the Blind is both a sophisticated
philosophical argument and a series of detailed readings.
Derrida provides compelling insights into famous and lesser
known works, interweaving analyses of texts—including
Diderot's Lettres sur les aveugles, the notion of
mnemonic art in Baudelaire's The Painter of Modern
Life, and Merleau-Ponty's The Visible and the
Invisible. Along with engaging meditations on the history
and philosophy of art, Derrida reveals the ways viewers
approach philosophical ideas through art, and the ways art
enriches philosophical reflection.
An exploration of sight, representation, and art,
Memoirs of the Blind extends and deepens the
meditation on vision and painting presented in Truth and
Painting. Readers of Derrida, both new and familiar, will
profit from this powerful contribution to the study of the
visual arts.
Derrida - On the Name
“A major new book by Derrida that represents his most recent thinking, and includes landmark readings of Plato and the German poet-mystic Angelus Silesius. The essays are wonderfully rich and provocative, and, in spite of their apparent diversity of topic, are bound together as three ways of approaching the problematic of naming and speaking of something that exceeds ‘isness.’ ” —J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine
Book Description
“The name: What does one call thus? What does one understand under the name of name? And what occurs when one gies a name? What does one give then? One does not offer a thing, one delivers nothing, and still something comes to be, which comes down to giving that which one does not have, as Plotinus said of the Good. What happens, above all, when it is necessary to sur-name, renaming there where, precisely, the name comes to be found lacking? What makes the proper name into a sort of sur-name, pseudonym, or cryptonym at once singular and singularly untranslatable?”
Jacques Derrida thus poses a central problem in contemporary language, ethics, and politics, which he addresses in a liked series of the three essays. Passions: “An Oblique Offering” is a reflection on the question of the response, on the duty and obligation to respond, and on the possibility of not responding—which is to say, on the ethics and politics of responsibility. Sauf le nom (Post Scriptum) considers the problematics of naming and alterity, or transcendence, raised inevitably by a rigorous negative theology. Much of the text is organized around close readings of the poetry of Angelus Silesius.
The final essay, Khora, explores the problem of space or spacing, of the word khora in Plato’s Tmaeus. Even as it places and makes possible nothing less than the whole world, khora opens and dislocates, displaces, all the categories that govern the production of that world, from naming to gender. In addition to readers in philosophy and literature, Khora will be of special interest to those in the burgeoning field of “space studies”(architecture, urbanism, design).
"My most resolute opponents believe that I am too visible, that I am a little too alive, that my name echoes too much in the texts which they nevertheless claim to be inaccessible." Derrida
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Robot as a Kid
Robot as a Kid is a music group from Quebec. One of the most silencing reconciliations of contemporary music scene embodied within the assamblage-like antifriction tonality. a master celebration of baudelarian-plathesque nuance of uncanny other.
to listen: robotasakid
Kant's Search for the Supreme Principle of Morality
"The writing is impeccably clear throughout, and given the intricate subject matter, even elegant." Rudiger Bittner, author of What Reason Demands
"...the author joins the discussion of the grounds for a moral theory that has preoccupied philosophers for some time, and advances that discussion significantly further. This is a book that will be required reading for those interested in that topic of Kant's moral theory." Roger Sullivan, Author of Immanuel Kant's Moral Theory and An Introduction to Kant's Ethics
"[Kerstein's] is a very level-headed approach that takes both Kant's texts and those of his commentators and critics seriously... [his] down-to-earth approach would certainly not upset an author who wrote for an 'age of criticism, to which everything must submit.'" Ethics
Book Description
At the core of Kant's ethics lies the claim that if there is a supreme principle of morality, then it is not a utilitarian or Aristotelian perfectionist principle, or even a principle resembling the Ten Commandments. The only viable candidate for the supreme principle of morality is the Categorial Imperative. This book is the most detailed investigation of thie claim. It constructs a new, criterial reading of Kant's derivation of one version of the Categorial Imperative: The Formula of Universal Law. This reading shows this derivation to be far more compelling than contemporary philosophers tend to believe. It also reveals a novel approach to deriving another version of the Categorial Imperative, the Formula of Humanity, a principle widely considered to be the most attractive Kantian candidate for the supreme principle of morality. Lucidly written and dealing with a foundational topic in the history of ethics, this book will be important not just for Kant scholars but for a broad swath of students of philosophy. Samuel Kerstein is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, College Park
a better reading will be JL Nancy's Kategorein of Excess i n "a finite thinking"
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kant kant kant çokokant,
practical reason
Schumpeter - Capitalism, Socialism And Democracy
Joseph A Schumpeter - Capitalism, Socialism And Democracy
Chapter One
Marx The Prophet
It was not by a slip that an analogy from the world of religion was I permitted to intrude into the title of this chapter. There is more than analogy. In one important sense, Marxism is a religion. To the believer it presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions; and, secondly, a guide to those ends which implies a plan of salvation and the indication of the evil from which mankind, or a chosen section of mankind, is to be saved. We may specify still further: Marxist socialism also belongs to that subgroup which promises paradise on this side of the grave. I believe that a formulation of these characteristics by an hierologist would give opportunities for classification and comment which might possibly lead much deeper into the sociological essence of Marxism than anything a mere economist can say.
The least important point about this is that it explains the success of Marxism. Purely scientific achievement, had it even been much more perfect than it was in the case of Marx, would never have won the immortality in the historical sense which is his. Nor would his arsenal of party slogans have done it. Part of his success, although a very minor part, is indeed attributable to the barrelful of white-hot phrases, of impassioned accusations and wrathful gesticulations, ready for use on any platform, that he put at the disposal of his flock. All that needs to be said about this aspect of the matter is that this ammunition has served and is serving its purpose very well, but that the production of it carried a disadvantage: in order to forge such weapons for the arena of social strife Marx had occasionally to bend, or to deviate from, the opinions that would logically follow from his system. However, if Marx had not been more than a purveyor of phraseology, he would be dead by now. Mankind is not grateful for that sort of service and forgets quickly the names of the people who write the librettos for its political operas.
But he was a prophet, and in order to understand the nature of this achievement we must visualize it in the setting of his own time. It was the zenith of bourgeois realization and the nadir of bourgeois civilization, the time of mechanistic materialism, of a cultural milieu which had as yet betrayed no sign that a new art and a new mode of life were in its womb, and which rioted in most repulsive banality. Faith in any real sense was rapidly falling away from all classes of society, and with it the only ray of light (apart from what may have been derived from Rochdale attitudes and saving banks) died from the workman's world, while intellectuals professed themselves highly satisfied with Mill's Logic and the Poor Law.
Now, to millions of human hearts the Marxian message of the terrestrial paradise of socialism meant a new ray of light and a new meaning of life. Call Marxist religion a counterfeit if you like, or a caricature of faith--there is plenty to be said for this view--but do not overlook or fail to admire the greatness of the achievement. Never mind that nearly all of those millions were unable to understand and appreciate the message in its true significance. That is the fate of all messages. The important thing is that the message was framed and conveyed in such a way as to be acceptable to the positivistic mind of its time--which was essentially bourgeois no doubt, but there is no paradox in saying that Marxism is essentially a product of the bourgeois mind. This was done, on the one hand, by formulating with unsurpassed force that feeling of being thwarted and ill treated which is the auto-therapeutic attitude of the unsuccessful many, and, on the other hand, by proclaiming that socialistic deliverance from those ills was a certainty amenable to rational proof.
Observe how supreme art here succeeds in weaving together those extra-rational cravings which receding religion had left running about like masterless dogs, and the rationalistic and materialistic tendencies of the time ineluctable for the moment, which would not tolerate any creed that had no scientific or pseudo-scientific connotation. Preaching the goal would have been ineffectual; analyzing a social process would have interested only a few hundred specialists. But preaching in the garb of analysis and analyzing with a view to heartfelt needs, this is what conquered passionate allegiance and gave to the Marxist that supreme boon which consists in the conviction that what one is and stands for can never be defeated but must conquer victoriously in the end. This, of course, does not exhaust the achievement. Personal force and the flash of prophecy work independently of the contents of the creed. No new life and no new meaning of life can be effectively revealed without. But this does not concern us here.
Something will have to be said about the cogency and correctness of Marx's attempt to prove the inevitability of the socialist goal. One remark, however, suffices as to what has been called above his formulation of the feelings of the unsuccessful many. It was, of course, not a true formulation of actual feelings, conscious or subconscious. Rather we could call it an attempt at replacing actual feelings by a true or false revelation of the logic of social evolution. By doing this and by at tributing--quite unrealistically--to the masses his own shibboleth of "class consciousness," he undoubtedly falsified the true psychology of the workman (which centers in the wish to become a small bourgeois and to be helped to that status by political force), but in so far as his teaching took effect he also expanded and ennobled it. He did not weep any sentimental tears about the beauty of the socialist idea.
3ünü de sallayın ayva tatlısı hepsine takar, ısmarlayan var mı?
Routledge Philosophy Guide Book to Being and Time
Book Description
Heidegger is one of the most controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. A difficult and powerful philosopher, his work requires careful reading. Being and Time was his first major book and remains his most influential work. Heidegger and Being and Time introduces and assesses: Heidegger's life and the background of Being and Time; the ideas and text of Being and Time; Heidegger's importance to philosophy and to the intellectual life of this century. Ideal for anyone coming to Heidegger for the first time, this guide will be vital for all students of Heidegger in philosophy and cultural theory. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Heidegger is one of the most controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. His writings are notoriously difficult; they both require and reward careful reading. "Being and Time" , his first major publication, remains to this day his most influential work. Heidegger's "Being and Time" introduces and assesses: Heidegger's life and the background to "Being and Time", the ideas and text of "Being and Time", Heidegger's continuing importance to philosophy and his contribution to the intellectual life of our century. In this second edition, Stephen Mulhall expands his treatment of skepticism, revises his discussion on death, and reassesses the contentious relationship between the two parts of "Being and Time" with a focus on the notion of authenticity. This guide will be vital to all students of Heidegger in philosophy and cultural theory.
especially for beginners, but the question is: can you dare?
The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger
Martin Heidegger is now widely recognized as one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century. He transformed mainstream philosophy by defining its central task as asking the ‘question of being’. His thought has contributed to the turn to hermeneutics and to postmodernism and poststructuralism. Moreover, the disclosure of his deep involvement in Nazism has provoked much debate about the relation of philosophy to politics. This edition brings to the fore other works, as well as alternative approaches to scholarship. The essays cover topics such as Heidegger’s conception of phenomenology, his relation to Kant and Husserl, his account of truth, and his stand on the realism/anti-realism debate. This edition includes a new preface by the editor, revised versions of several essays from the first edition, and an exhaustive bibliography, providing guidance for both newcomers to Heidegger’s work and established scholars.
• Features essays by many of the leading Heidegger scholars • A carefully selected bibliography, offering an exhaustive guide to further reading • Includes a preface by the editor, explaining how his views on Heidegger (and contemporary scholarship on the man) have developed
List of contributors; Abbreviations: works by Heidegger; Chronology; Preface to the second edition; Introduction Charles B. Guignon; 1. The question of being: Heidegger’s project Dorothea Frede; 2. Reading a life: Heidegger and hard times Thomas Sheehan; 3. The principle of phenomenology Taylor Carman; 4. Time and phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger Robert J. Dostal; 5. Laying the ground for metaphysics: Heidegger’s appropriation of Kant William Blattner; 6. Heidegger and the hermeneutic turn David Couzens Hoy; 7. Engaged agency and background in Heidegger Charles Taylor; 8. Death, time, history: Division II of Being and Time Piotr Hoffman; 9. Truth and the essence of truth in Heidegger’s thought Mark A. Wrathall; 10. Authenticity, moral values, and psychotherapy Charles B. Guignon; 11. Heidegger, Buddhism, and deep ecology Michael E. Zimmerman; 12. Heidegger and theology John D. Caputo; 13. Heidegger on the connection between nihilism, art, technology and politics Hubert L. Dreyfus; 14. The fourfold Julian Young; Bibliography; Index
thou shalt dwell!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Vernant & Vidal-Naquet - Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece [made in istanbul]
Fark Yaralari Presents:
Jean-Pierre Vernant and Pierre Vidal-Naquet are leaders in a contemporary French classical scholarship that has produced a stunning reconfiguration of Greek thought and literature. In this work, the authors present a disturbing and decidedly nonclassical reading of Greek tragedy that insists on its radical discontinuity with our own outlook and with our social, aesthetic, and psychological categories. Originally published in French in two volumes, this new single-volume edition includes revised essays from Volume I as well as the first English translation of Volume II.
“What is Dionysiac about Greek tragedy, Vernant suggests, and specific to the genre, is the ‘otherness’ of the hero, his belonging to an absent world that no longer exists, and the blurring and shifting of the boundaries between illusion and reality that result for the audience from the enacted fictions of the tragic theatre.... Myth and Tragedy is a book to be unreservedly welcome for its progressive unfolding of ideas which have proved consistently fertile in new perceptions and for thinking that is in the best sense individual as well as collective.”
— Times Literary Supplement
the uncanny as the ground
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greek philosophy,
jean-pierre vernant,
made in istanbul,
philosophy of art,
Eleni Karaindrou - Rosa / Wandering
" Directors Chistoforo Chiristofis and Lefteris Xanthopoulos, as it happens, were both published poets before they turned their attention towards cinema, and their use of the camera is freely "lyrical". Of Wandering, his first film, Christofis has noted that "my explorations into the workings of memory and the possibilities of film making were clearly ruled by an adagio rhythm". An easy, graceful camera motion, like the sea's slow undulation, also shapes Xanthopoulos's Happy Homecoming, Comrade and some of Angelopoulos' work. The rhythms of Rosa are generally more troubled and distracted, as befits this metaphysical thriller, though there's hushed raptness to "Rosa's Song", originally sung by Karaindrou against a closing shot of the rosecoloured still waters of Missolonghi at sunset. Chiristofis's lyrics here are exceptional, beginning
My name is Rosa
and I'm the song of the soul
over the roof-tops
beyond the wind.
I tried to change the world
and turned into a song to save the dream
from musicolog
thank you for the GIFT
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eleni karaindrou,
music as such,
Property and Power in Social Theory: A Study in Intellectual Rivalry
Property and Power in Social Theory: A Study in Intellectual Rivalry
by Dick Pels
In social and political theories of class inequality and stratification, property and power perform a key role. However, theorists have yet to clearly define these concepts, their mutual boundaries and scopes of application. Moreover, a ''primacy puzzle'' remains unsolved: is power ultimately dependent on property, or property upon power? Which is primary, which derivative? Dick Pels seeks answers to the property/power puzzle by undertaking a broad historical inquiry into its intellectual origins and present-day effects. He re-examines the increasingly misleading terms of the debate between property and power by placing the traditional controversy within the framework of intellectual rivalry. He traces the intricate pattern of rivalry between the two master concepts through a series of case studies, including: * Marxism vs. anarchism * the fascist assertion of the primacy of the political * social science as power theory * the managerial revolution * the knowledge society and the new intellectual classes Having examined knowledge as property-and-power, Pels elaborates a radical and reflexive theory of intellectual rivalry This book unravels the dialectics of social-scientific dichotomies and provides a novel and informative way of organizing twentieth century social theory. The work makes a valuable contribution to sociological theory and to the history of thought.
bu işler otobüste koltuk kapmakla başlıyor
Jacques Lacan: A Feminist Introduction
Jacques Lacan
A Feminist Introduction
By Elizabeth Grosz
Elizabeth Grosz focuses on the controversial texts of French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, analysing and assessing them from a feminist point of view. Designed as an introductory text for students of psychoanalysis and feminism, it places Lacan's work in the context of Freud's writings and contemporary debates generated in French intellectual and political life. In particular the back outlines Lacan's subversive conceptualisation of the human subject as a fundamentally divided being; split bilogically, sexually, linguistically and socially. Lacan's account of the genesis of the ego, his understanding of the sexual drives and his notion of the 'unconscious structured like a language' provide the background needed to conceptualise how he understands relations between the sexes, especially love relations. The book also provides a background for understanding the contributions of the French 'feminists of difference', particularly Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray, to contemporary debates within Feminist theory.
yahu bacım otur evinde çocuğuna bak seninki ne kompleksi daha iyi bilirsin
The Cambridge Companion to Levinas
The Cambridge Companion to Levinas
Series: Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Edited by Simon Critchley
University of Essex
Emmanuel Levinas is now widely recognized alongside Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Sartre as one of the most important Continental philosophers of the twentieth century. His abiding concern was the primacy of the ethical relation to the other person and his central thesis was that ethics is first philosophy. His work has had a profound impact on a number of fields outside philosophy--such as theology, Jewish studies, literature and cultural theory, psychotherapy, sociology, political theory, international relations theory and critical legal theory.
Emmanuel Levinas: a disparate inventory Simon Critchley; 1. Introduction Simon Critchley; 2. Levinas and Judaism Hilary Putnam; 3. Levinas and the face of the other Bernhard Waldenfels; 4. Levinas’s critique of Husserl Rudolf Bernet; 5. Levinas and the Talmud Catherine Chalier; 6. Levinas and language John Llewelyn; 7. Levinas, feminism and the feminine Stella Sandford; 8. Sincerity and the end of theodicy: three remarks on Levinas and Kant Paul Davies; 9. Language and alterity in the thought of Levinas Edith Wyschograd; 10. The concepts of art and poetry in Emmanuel Levinas’s writings Gerald Bruns; 11. What is the question to which ‘substitution’ is the answer? Robert Bernasconi; 12. Evil and the temptation of theodicy Richard J. Bernstein.
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History of Mathematics: from Mesopotamia to Modernity
A History of Mathematics:
From Mesopotamia to Modernity
by Luke Hodgkin
Reviewed by Herbert Kasube
The first thing you notice about this text is its thickness, or should I say lack of thickness. For a text that claims to go "From Mesopotamia to Modernity" it is remarkably thin, just 281 pages, and that includes the bibliography and index. Do not let its thin size deceive you. There is still a substantial amount of material here. The first 132 pages cover Babylonian and Geek mathematics in sufficient depth to give the reader a good feel for the mathematics done by these two ancient civilizations. The coverage is probably not as thorough as that found in other texts, but the topics are well chosen. There is also a chapter on Chinese mathematics and another on Islamic mathematics. While I would hesitate to call these chapters "sparse", it is fair to say that they are "to the point".
To understand the direction that this text is taking one must read the "Introduction" carefully. Hodgkin spends thirteen pages justifying the text and his approach to the history of mathematics. His philosophy is (essentially) that other textbooks in the history of mathematics are "accumulation(s) of facts". He bases his approach on a quote from E. H. Carr who wrote
What had gone wrong was the belief in this untiring and unending accumulation of facts as the foundation of history, the belief that facts speak for themselves and that we cannot have too many facts, a belief at that time so unquestioning that few historians then thought it necessary — and some still think it unnecessary today — to ask themselves the question 'What is history?' (E. H. Carr, in What is History?)
Hodgkin's goal was to write a history of mathematics book that answers Carr's fundamental question. Much time is spent on historiography and not just history. That can be a bit of a double-edged sword. I found the philosophical discussion of history in the Introduction very interesting, but at the same time it was a bit distracting, especially some of his "political" commentary. For example, in discussing a letter written by Simone Weil on the teaching of the history of science Hodgkin made a point of mentioning her "extreme-left sympathies" which had little to do with the context. Part of me wanted to say, "Let's get on with the history of mathematics!"
Once I got past the Introduction I found the exposition to be quite readable and the coverage adequate. I must say "adequate" and not "complete" because the author admits to leaving out some topics typically found in a textbook on this subject. He omits "Egypt, the Indian contribution aside from Kerala and most of the European eighteenth and nineteenth centuries." His bibliography is relatively extensive and does include what he would call "more traditional" textbooks in which the deleted material could be found.
The chapter on the calculus presents a balanced view of both Newton and Leibniz with an excellent use of diagrams. There is also a concise discussion of the "priority dispute" between Newton and Leibniz.
Exercises are sprinkled throughout the text with many having solutions appearing at the end of the chapter. The selection is adequate, but as with other aspects of this book, a bit sparse.
In conclusion, Hodgkin makes the case in his Introduction for a different perspective on the history of mathematics. His argument is well justified and I think he succeeds in producing a text that is different from others on the market. That is the good news. The bad news is that it may not be to the liking of instructors looking for a textbook that would be successful in the classroom. Practitioners of the history of mathematics will find the approach taken by Hodgkin to be interesting and insightful. It is a much tougher read for individuals new to the subject.
kitabı okuduktan sonra olayı aştım: 2+2=5
An Introduction To Mathematical Cosmology
An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology
2nd Edition
J. N. Islam
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
This book provides a concise introduction to the mathematical aspects of the origin, structure and evolution of the universe. The book begins with a brief overview of observational and theoretical cosmology, along with a short introduction of general relativity. It then goes on to discuss Friedmann models, the Hubble constant and deceleration parameter, singularities, the early universe, inflation, quantum cosmology and the distant future of the universe. This new edition contains a rigorous derivation of the Robertson-Walker metric. It also discusses the limits to the parameter space through various theoretical and observational constraints, and presents a new inflationary solution for a sixth degree potential. This book is suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. It will also be of interest to cosmologists, astrophysicists, applied mathematicians and mathematical physicists.
Preface to first edition; Preface to second edition; 1. Some basic concepts and an overview of cosmology; 2. Introduction to general relativity; 3. The Robertson-Walker metric; 4. The Friedmann models; 5. The Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter; 6. Models with a cosmological constant; 7. Singularities in cosmology; 8. The early universe; 9. The very early universe and inflation; 10. Quantum cosmology; 11. The distant future of the universe; Appendix.
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
Derrida - Writing and Difference
Jacques Derrida
Writing and Difference
Translated by Alan Bass. 362 p. 1978
First published in 1967, Writing and Difference, a collection of Jacques Derrida's essays written between 1959 and 1966, has become a landmark of contemporary French thought. In it we find Derrida at work on his systematic deconstruction of Western metaphysics. The book's first half, which includes the celebrated essay on Descartes and Foucault, shows the development of Derrida's method of deconstruction. In these essays, Derrida demonstrates the traditional nature of some purportedly nontraditional currents of modern thought—one of his main targets being the way in which "structuralism" unwittingly repeats metaphysical concepts in its use of linguistic models.
The second half of the book contains some of Derrida's most compelling analyses of why and how metaphysical thinking must exclude writing from its conception of language, finally showing metaphysics to be constituted by this exclusion. These essays on Artaud, Freud, Bataille, Hegel, and Lévi-Strauss have served as introductions to Derrida's notions of writing and différence—the untranslatable formulation of a nonmetaphysical "concept" that does not exclude writing—for almost a generation of students of literature, philosophy, and psychoanalysis.
Writing and Difference reveals the unacknowledged program that makes thought itself possible. In analyzing the contradictions inherent in this program, Derrida foes on to develop new ways of thinking, reading, and writing,—new ways based on the most complete and rigorous understanding of the old ways. Scholars and students from all disciplines will find Writing and Difference an excellent introduction to perhaps the most challenging of contemporary French thinkers—challenging because Derrida questions thought as we know it.
1. Force and Signification
2. Cogito and the History of Madness
3. Edmond Jabès and the Question of the Book
4. Violence and Metaphysics: An Essay on the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas
5. "Genesis and Structure" and Phenomenology
6. La parole soufflée
7. Freud and the Scene of Writing
8. The Theater of Cruelty and the Closure of Representation
9. From Restricted to General Economy: A Hegelianism without Reserve
10. Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences
11. Ellipsis
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Husserl - Phenomonology and the Crisis of Philosophy
Phenomenology and The Crisis of Philosophy: Philosophy as Rigorous Science; and Philosophy and the Crisis of European Man
Editor / Translator: Lauer, Quentin
Published in 1965
Publisher: Harper & Row
Place of publication: New York
"Philosophy as a rigorous science? The dream is all dreamed out." Husserl
Lacoue-Labarthe - Heidegger, Art and Politics
Heidegger, Art and Politics by Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
from wikipedia
Lacoue-Labarthe received his doctorat d'état in 1987 with a jury led by Gérard Granel and including Derrida, George Steiner and Jean-François Lyotard. The monograph submitted for that degree was La fiction du politique (1988; trans., Heidegger, Art, and Politics), a study of Heidegger's relation to National Socialism. These works predate the explosion of interest in the political dimensions of Heidegger's thought which followed the publication of a book by Victor Farías.
all that silence prevails
Wittgenstein: Rethinking the Inner
Wittgenstein: Rethinking the Inner
By Paul Johnston
The idea of the inner is central to our conception of a person and is at the heart of all interaction. But how should we understand this concept, and what do we mean when we wonder what is going on inside our heads? This accessible and non-technical guide to Wittgenstein provides insight into his work in this area and on the problem of the inner. Using Wittgenstein's recently published writings on the philosophy of psychology, together with unpublished material, Paul Johnston presents a thorough account of a subject that was central to Wittgenstein's later work. He shows that Wittgenstein's arguments involve a radical re-thinking of our understanding of the inner and present a challenge to contemporary views which has yet to be fully appreciated or understood. "Wittgenstein" demonstrates how a Wittgensteinian approach can dissolve age-old problems about the nature of consciousness and the relationship between the mind, the body, and the soul. The resulting picture of the inner, with its stress on the crucial role of language, sheds light on the direction of Wittgenstein's work and presents a stimulating and controversial alternative to more fashionable positions on the subject.
"Tell them I've had a wonderful life." Wittgenstein
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philosophical anthropology,
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