MULTITUDE OF BLOGS None of the PDFs are my own productions. I've collected them from web (e-mule, avax, libreremo, socialist bros, cross-x, gigapedia..) What I did was thematizing. This blog's project is to create an e-library for a Heideggerian philosophy and Bourdieuan sociology Φ market-created inequalities must be overthrown in order to close knowledge gap. this is an uprising, do ya punk?
Showing posts with label made in istanbul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label made in istanbul. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jean-Luc Nancy - The Gravity of Thought [made in istanbul]

pebbles, mothers: imagination dead, imagine!

Houlgate (ed) - The Hegel Reader [made in istanbul]

Blumenberg - The Legitimacy of the Modern Age [made in istanbul]

we will see in this new century the forces his work released, they are written for a coming age where no witness of The Century will remain.

In this major work, Blumenberg takes issue with Karl Lowith's well-known thesis that the idea of progress is a secularized version of Christian eschatology, which promises a dramatic intervention that will consummate the history of the world from outside. Instead, Blumenberg argues, the idea of progress always implies a process at work within history, operating through an internal logic that ultimately expresses human choices and is legitimized by human self-assertion, by man's responsibility for his own fate.

Hans Blumenberg is professor of philosophy at the University of Munster. The Legitimacy of the Modern Age is included in the series Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought, edited by Thomas McCarthy.

The Agamben Effect (special issue of SAQ) [made in istanbul]

Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben-whose work has influenced intellectuals in political theory, political philosophy, legal theory, literature, and art-stands among the foremost thinkers of the modern era. Engaging with a range of thinkers from Carl Schmitt and Martin Heidegger to Jacques Ranciegrave;re and Alain Badiou, Agamben considers some of the most pressing issues in recent history and politics. His work explores the relationship between the sovereign state and the politically marginalized Homo sacer-exiles, refugees, prisoners of war, and others whom the state actively excludes from political participation and full humanity. Further, his critique of the increasing deployment of a "state of exception"-the declaration of a state of emergency that legitimizes the sovereign state's suspension of law for the public good-as a dominant paradigm for governing has particular power in today's global political climate. Infused with the spirit of Agamben's critical self-reflection, this special issue of SAQ examines his seminal works Homo Sacer (1995), The Open (2002), and State of Exception (2003). Some contributors use Agamben's work to examine the history of abortion law in the West, the history of slavery, and women's rights. Others analyze the connections between Agamben's work and that of his contemporaries, including Jacques Derrida, Slavoj Zizek, and Jean-Luc Nancy. Other essays identify new points of interdisciplinary communication between some of Agamben's most provocative ideas and popular twentieth-century writing.

Leibniz - Philosophical papers and letters [made in istanbul]

Paperback: 752 pages
Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (December 31, 1975)

Erwin & Dora Panofsky - Pandora's Box: The Changing Aspects of a Mythical Symbol [made in istanbul]

This is one of my favourites.

Pandora was the "pagan Eve," and she is one of the rare mythological figures to have retained vitality up to our day. Glorified by Calderon, Voltaire, and Goethe, she is familiar to all of us, and "Pandora's box" is a household word. In this classic study Dora and Erwin Panofsky trace the history of Pandora and of Pandora's box in European literature and art from Roman times to the present.

Dallmayr - Hegel: Modernity and Politics [made in istanbul]

Who is the leading philosopher of modernity? With this innovative volume, Dallmayr offers his learned opinion by exploring Hegel's thought as it pertains to the meaning of modernity and postmodernity: the celebration of individual freedom and the importance of a network of social relationships, public justice, and civic virtue. This lucid examination illustrates how Hegel responds to the urgent contemporary issues for which we look to the past for assistance. Because Fred R. Dallmayr's text clearly explicates Hegel's work in the context of current theoretical and philosophical debates about modernity, Hegel is recognized as a great figure in the history of political thought. This important text combines rigorous scholarship with a style that is accessible to both intermediate and advanced undergraduates, and graduates and professionals in political theory and the humanities. "Taking a sensible, chronological approach to Hegel's writings, G.W.F. Hegel is a well-written and thoughtful exposition of Hegel's political philosophy that should be accessible to advanced undergraduates and graduate students." --Choice "Hegel for our times. . . . Fred R. Dallmayr shows dramatically how Hegel enriched even those traditions that were critical of him. A lucid, well-argued exposition of the richness of Hegel's political philosophy. Hegel emerges from this study as a most-sophisticated and almost prescient critical philosopher of modernity. Surprisingly relevant for the attempts to achieve a viable civil society in post-communist countries. Inspiring and fresh, the book brings out the historically immense impact of Hegel's thought in all its variety." --Shlomo Avineri, The Hebrew University, Israel "Fred Dallmayr has written a splendid book on Hegel, focusing primarily on Hegel's political philosophy. Dallmayr's treatment is lucid, informed, judicious, and lively. Hegel comes 'alive' because Dallmayr shows how Hegel is relevant to some of the deepest tensions and problems that we confront today in our political life. Dallmayr is especially insightful in showing how Hegel deals with the tensions between the demands for individual freedom and the need to nurture communal social and political bonds. He explores the ways in which Hegelian themes have been developed and attacked by Hegel's heirs and critics. Dallmayr presents a strong case for showing that Hegel is the philosopher of modernity and how he still 'speaks to us.'" --Richard Bernstein, New School for Social Research "Fred Dallmayr has written a profound and wide-ranging book on Hegel. It draws on a substantial range of sources and throws a great deal of light on difficult ideas. It will be indispensable to scholars and students alike." --Raymond Plant, University of Southampton

see google books

Amselle - Mestizo Logics [made in istanbul]

Amselle's investigation of kinship, identity and motherhood makes a tart touch; what if infinite regression is?

see google books

Hyppolite - Logic and Existence [made in istanbul]

Hyppolite, more than any other lector, taught how to make Hegel a contemporary, diligently worked out, these essays mark (and remark then earmark) the movement of negativity that blew up in/at/for/with 68

Monday, December 29, 2008

Derrida & Chérif - Islam and the West [made in istanbul]

[scars of différance presents]

Islam and the West:
A Conversation with Jacques Derrida
(Religion and Postmodernism Series)
By Mustapha Cherif

University Of Chicago Press

In the spring of 2003, Jacques Derrida sat down for a public debate in Paris with Algerian intellectual Mustapha Chérif. The eminent philosopher arrived at the event directly from the hospital where he had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the illness that would take his life just over a year later. That he still participated in the exchange testifies to the magnitude of the subject at hand: the increasingly distressed relationship between Islam and the West, and the questions of freedom, justice, and democracy that surround it. As Chérif relates in this account of their dialogue, the topic of Islam held special resonance for Derrida—perhaps it is to be expected that near the end of his life his thoughts would return to Algeria, the country where he was born in 1930. Indeed, these roots served as the impetus for their conversation, which first centers on the ways in which Derrida’s Algerian-Jewish identity has shaped his thinking. From there, the two men move to broader questions of secularism and democracy; to politics and religion and how the former manipulates the latter; and to the parallels between xenophobia in the West and fanaticism among Islamists. Ultimately, the discussion is an attempt to tear down the notion that Islam and the West are two civilizations locked in a bitter struggle for supremacy and to reconsider them as the two shores of the Mediterranean—two halves of the same geographical, religious, and cultural sphere. Islam and the West is a crucial opportunity to further our understanding of Derrida’s views on the key political and religious divisions of our time and an often moving testament to the power of friendship and solidarity to surmount them.

NEW LINK (and I think it is the only one that works)

mediafire link: thanks enes for the pdf, in this time of extreme unsociability

rapidshare link

Derrida interview on Holocaust

Monday, December 8, 2008

On the Study of Greek Poetry by Friedrich Von Schlegel [made in istanbul]

[made in istanbul]

On the Study of Greek Poetry
by Friedrich Von Schlegel

Stuart Barnett (translator and foreword)

after seeing that most of the people are not even aware of this text I felt an urgency to xerox it, an urgency to remind.

text of the epochal turn: a companion to planetary age

p.s. by mistake I named the file's author schelling

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jean-Luc Nancy - The Creation of the World or Globalization



The Creation of the World or Globalization
(SUNY Series in Contemporary French Thought)
by Jean-Luc Nancy

Francois Raffoul (Translator), David Pettigrew (Translator)

# Paperback: 129 pages
# Publisher: State University of New York Press (February 8, 2007)

Appearing in English for the first time, Jean-Luc Nancy's 2002 book reflects on globalization and its impact on our being-in-the-world. Developing a contrast in the French language between two terms that are usually synonymous, or that are used interchangeably, namely globalisation (globalization) and mondialisation (world-forming), Nancy undertakes a rethinking of what "world-forming" might mean. At stake in this distinction is for him nothing less than two possible destinies of our humanity, and of our time. On the one hand, with globalization, there is the uniformity produced by a global economical and technological logic leading to the contrary of an inhabitable world, "the un-world" (l'im-monde)--as Nancy refers to it--an un-world that entails social disintegration, misery, and injustice. And, on the other hand, there is the possibility of an authentic world-forming, that is, of a making of the world and of a making sense that Nancy calls a "creation" of the world. Nancy understands such world-forming in terms of an inexhaustible struggle for justice. This book is an important contribution by Nancy to a philosophical reflection on the phenomenon of globalization and a further development on his earlier works on our being-in-common, justice, and a-theological existence.

"Graced by a lucid introduction from his superb translators, Jean-Luc Nancy's The Creation of the World or Globalization plots the creative world-forming possibilities by which, in the name of a certain justice, the nihilism of globalization may be resisted. The future of the world hangs in the balance; Nancy makes a brilliant contribution to thinking new beginnings." -- David Wood, author of The Step Back: Ethics and Politics after Deconstruction


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jean-Luc Nancy - A Finite Thinking


A Finite Thinking
(Cultural Memory in the Present)
by Jean-Luc Nancy

# Paperback: 348 pages
# Publisher: Stanford University Press; 1 edition (October 6, 2003)

This book is a rich collection of philosophical essays radically interrogating key notions and preoccupations of the phenomenological tradition. While using Heidegger’s Being and Time as its permanent point of reference and dispute, this collection also confronts other important philosophers, such as Kant, Nietzsche, and Derrida. The projects of these pivotal thinkers of finitude are relentlessly pushed to their extreme, with respect both to their unexpected horizons and to their as yet unexplored analytical potential. A Finite Thinking shows that, paradoxically, where the thought of finitude comes into its own it frees itself, not only to reaffirm a certain transformed and transformative presence, but also for a non-religious reconsideration and reaffirmation of certain theologemes, as well as of the body, heart, and love. This book shows the literary dimension of philosophical discourse, providing important enabling ideas for scholars of literature, cultural theory, and philosophy.

via dolorosa

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: Representation and the Loss of the Subject


Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: Representation and the Loss of the Subject
(Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
by John Martis

# Hardcover: 316 pages
# Publisher: Fordham University Press (November 1, 2005)

This is the first full-length book in English on the noted French philosopher Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Martis introduces the range of Lacoue-Labarthe’s thinking, demonstrating the systematic nature of his philosophical project. Focusing in particular on the dynamic of the loss of the subject and its possible post-deconstructive recovery, he places Lacoue-Labarthe’s achievements in the context of related philosophers, most importantly Nancy, Derrida, and Blanchot. John Martis, S.J. teaches at the United Faculty of Theology, Melbourne, Australia, as a member of Jesuit Theological College, where he is Professor of Philosophy and Academic Principal.

here is the book as I promised here.

Bonus Track: Sylvia Plath reads "November Graveyard"

Friday, February 1, 2008

Bourdieu - Photography: A Middle-Brow Art [made in istanbul]

Fark Yaraları = Scars of Différance


Photography: A Middle-Brow Art (Paperback)
by Pierre Bourdieu
# Paperback: 232 pages
# Publisher: Stanford University Press; 1 edition (March 1, 1996)

“It is one of only a few studies to apply the results of surveys and interviews to form an analysis from a social perspective. It is also important because it reveals aspects of Bourdieu’s theories at an early stage.”—Choice

“The significance of Bourdieu’s work for American studies lies in his powerful argument about the social definitions of popular aesthetics. His insistence that even the most trivial photographs serve social functions can be extended beyond photography and, thus, should be of interest to any student of popular culture.”—American Quarterly

“The book contains several elements by Bourdieu: an analysis of the role of photography in the family life of peasants and small-town and urban dwellers, and an exploration of the ‘social definition of photography,’ including a brief essay on how different classes and groups express their aesthetic worldview in response to different photographs and photographic styles. Additional chapters by Bourdieu’s colleagues explore the sociology of the camera club, photographic practice and the fine arts, and the nature of photography as an occupation. . . . Sociologists interested in culture will learn a great deal about the operation of a peculiar and pervasive symbolic system from this book. Bourdieu’s writing (as that of his colleagues) is intricate, complex, and intellectually rewarding.”—American Journal of Sociology


Friday, November 2, 2007

Vernant & Vidal-Naquet - Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece [made in istanbul]

Fark Yaralari Presents:

Jean-Pierre Vernant and Pierre Vidal-Naquet are leaders in a contemporary French classical scholarship that has produced a stunning reconfiguration of Greek thought and literature. In this work, the authors present a disturbing and decidedly nonclassical reading of Greek tragedy that insists on its radical discontinuity with our own outlook and with our social, aesthetic, and psychological categories. Originally published in French in two volumes, this new single-volume edition includes revised essays from Volume I as well as the first English translation of Volume II.

“What is Dionysiac about Greek tragedy, Vernant suggests, and specific to the genre, is the ‘otherness’ of the hero, his belonging to an absent world that no longer exists, and the blurring and shifting of the boundaries between illusion and reality that result for the audience from the enacted fictions of the tragic theatre.... Myth and Tragedy is a book to be unreservedly welcome for its progressive unfolding of ideas which have proved consistently fertile in new perceptions and for thinking that is in the best sense individual as well as collective.”
— Times Literary Supplement

the uncanny as the ground