Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Birthday cake for him

A birthday cake I have baked for my hubby. Wishing him good health and stay happy! This is a Charcoal cream cheese roll cake. Verdict from my children except my elder boy is good. My elder boy just refuse to take the cake after hearing the name Charcoal..... =) And this is the cross section of the cake. My first attempt of a roll cake

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Getting lazy

Oh.... for more then a month I did not log on to my blog!!! Sign of laziness....on the other hand I am so into facebook..... as a result I am neglecting my blog....aiya...getting no discipline....

Anyway during these absence period, I'm still very much into baking...something which I can't stop totally =) just that I bake lesser these days and bake mostly during weekends.

I am also into bento making for my girl . This is not an easy task but I try my best to learn from blogs and books. I hope I can sustain this 'bentoing' but for how long I have no idea....cos I have to wake up as early as 5am then rush everything by 630am and to leave home by 645am.....rushing like mad right? But when my girl and boy told me that they love the food I prepared for them...I think its just worth it =)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Evan our little nephew

Baked this batch of rompers cookeis for my little nephew who celebrated his full month on 18 December. Guess what its the same day as my birthday. I got a little surprise from my cousins cos they have prepared me a present too =) Soooooo happy! Thanks to my cousins!
And this is my present yeah!!

Avrem's Birthday celebration on Christmas Eve 10

Baked a 11 inch SpongeBob cake for my elder boy to celebrate his birthday which falls on Christmas Eve. Yap he is a Chirstmas Eve bb =) We did a last minute invitation to his friends who stayed near to my aunty place so that we can pick them up and head to our house. I rushed home after my work to fried some finger food to go with the 4 big pizzas we have ordered. I hope the kids have fun playing together. To my boy: 乖乖听爸妈的话哦!

Verdict on the cake: Personally find the cake too dry...but the children still comment that its nice. 太给我面子了哈哈!

Long break

Yap took a long break from blogging but am still active in my kitchen =)and facebook.

Like to thanks all for the encouragement and well wishes for Fatpapa. He have went for a final review and doc informed that the pus at the liver has been cleared and what left before was a 3cm scar that will take some time for new tissue to grow and heal. So glad to hear this from the doc.

ok ok back to my posting too many photos to uploads....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to my bake mode!

Yes I'm into my bake mode again not because I got nothing better to do or to worry about but I bake to 减压!!!!!!!!! I need a b.........r...........e.........a........k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FatPaPa got warded....

FatPaPa is down in the month of November....fever followed by blood infection, fluctuating sugar level and pus at the liver which measured about 4cm. Got warded in the hospital for nearly 2weeks. He has since been discharged and is on a dose of antibiotic drip for a period of one month. He will need to report back to the hospital on a daily basis for the drip. Doc have inserted a tube on his arm during this period to aid in the dripping. Early next month he will go for another round of ultra sound scan to see if the pus react to the antibiotic. FatPaPa is now watching his diet more closely so as to maintain his sugar level at healthy range. Well I don't know if you will be reading my blog but just want to pen down ' I know you are suffering but you got to stay strong for our family ok! We have survive the C thingy so this is another hurdle for us to cross over. 加油! '

Thanks our mama(s) sisters and brothers, friends, colleagues and neighbours who have help us during this period. Not forgetting docs and nurses who have attended to FatPaPa. 谢谢你们!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Amelia Cake No 2

Seen here from left is Alicia, Amelia and Andrea. The three little princess of my Sister. As promise this is the doll cake for Amelia with helps from 姨s and her mummy. Oops..... I have overwhipped the cream as a result it is not smooth. I have also baked some cuppies to match with it. 2 times of sponge cake recipe to make this batch~~~doll cake and 18 small cuppies. Thanks Sisters for helping with the moulding of fondant on the cuppies.
Cross section of cake. Sister told me that the cake is soft and nice. Most of the kids have 2 serving.
We also baked a batch of burger bun. Three of us (大姐,四姐, me)take turn to throw the dough. Recipes from 孟老师一百道面包. The bun is nice and fragrance when u bite on the sesame seeds! Woo~~~~~

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cuppies for my Niece ~~~Amelia

My sis requested to bake some cuppies for Amelia and her ah lao whose birthday are just few days apart. Amelia is born in the same year as Ashly and celebrating her 5th birthday! Amelia is born in the year of 鸡 and her daddy in the year of 猪. So sis requested cuppies of piggy and chicky! Last night she came over to help out too. This is what we have prepared for them. A total of 9 piggy and 9 chicky and a 6' berries cake.

Noticed the different on the above and lower pic? with piggy and chicky on the cake itself. As they are mould using fondant I have asked my sis to place them only during serving time else worried that they will melt on the fresh cream.

XAY still owe u a princess cake =)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

2nd birthday cake for Ashly

I have never make any ice cream cake in my baking so far. Looking inside my freezer I have all the ingredients.....a box of ice cream (courtesy from JC) and some durian chunks. As such I decided to whip up durian ice cream cake.

I prepared a 8' sponge cake and sliced into 3 layers. Use a loose base tin for easy removal later on. Allowed the ice cream to defrost slightly and scoop them in between layers, compact it slightly and add chunks of durian. Freeze it over night or at least 4 hours and covered with whipped cream. The covering of cake with whipped cream must be fast else the ice cream will melt and create a mess.

As usual we celebrated at my mum's place. However, this time round Alicia, Amelia & Andrea were not there to celebrate as Amelia was down with HFMD. Hope she recovered soon. So during cake cutting time only Ashly 大哥& 二哥 around to sing birthday song for her :) miserable hor haha.... Birthday girl making her wish after reminded by his 二哥. She say her wish is to be in No1 in anything haha....Her present from my sisters!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Celebration in School

This is the first time I am passing my camera to the teahcers to snap some photos of her celebration.
K1A Form Teacher: Ashly with Ms Aida
Ashly with Bubbly Teacher Mas
Ashly with Aunty helper
Ashly with her classmates
Making her wish.............

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ashly 5th birthday Cake

Time flies! It's my girl Ashly 5th Birthday! This year she request a mermaid/princess cake. I know she likes the character of Little Mermaid but there is no way I can do a similar one for her. I also don't have enough time to get for her any toppers (haha...tons of reasons). Hence I decided to google for mermaid cake image. In this era, Internet & googling really helps to solve many of my problems :)

Using what I have learnt from my baking lesson I used the same set up and just change the design and pipe a mermaid tail. I think I did badly on the scale part. I used the piping tip meant for piping petal and the cream is too soft to hold the shape. I make use of piping jelly to pipe the crab and tortoise. As for the fish I used melted chocolate to pipe the shape the fish. The chocolate are left over coating for my mini donuts which I have packed in a box of 2 to be given to the children at the end of the celebration. Just decorating the cake itself took me 3 1/2 hours.
I hope Ashly have a wonderful celebration in school and Mummy wish you 快高长大,身体健康!

* Not forgetting to thank my ah lao for getting the 旺旺小馒头at a very last minute request!