Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Banana who?
Is it just my favorite, or is the banana joke the most well-known knock knock out there?
We were traveling home from Thanksgiving when my 4-year-old decided to start telling us knock knock jokes with nonsense words for the who and punch line. It was clear that he enjoys them, and I started trying to think up any halfway decent knock knock to share with the family.
Coming up with knock knocks is not the easiest for me. I managed a few, "Harry up and open the door!" but after about 5 or 6 I was seriously stuck and made it a point to go purchase a knock knock book at Amazon.
We were just looking at one of the books last night, Good Clean Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids
, as we were having another family knock knock session. (We improvised a great one in Jamaica based on the name of an appetizer on a restaurant menu. Here it is:
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Jamaica who?
Jamaica me crazy!
Hope you like it!)
It is hard to review a knock knock book. Some of the jokes are good, some are OK, some are clunkers, some don't make sense. But.... having a knock knock joke book on hand is a fun, good resource for some fun family entertainment. I think making up your own is awesome and great brain exercise, but when you run out, a joke book keeps the fun going.
I want to get some videos of the kids telling knock knock jokes. They are not master joke tellers by any means, but they enjoy the interaction and pattern of knock knock jokes. I think that we'll enjoy knock knocks for at least a few more years. Perhaps I will remember a few more in time than just the banana and Harry.
I *think* that joke books fall into the nonfiction category. If you are interested visiting today's Nonfiction Monday, check it out here at the APCL Mock Sibert blog.