Showing posts with label Kauai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kauai. Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Always the Winner in my Heart

LOSING an hour and readjusting the body and mind -- is there anything as annoying? Maybe it was just waking up to more rain this morning. Cold rain. But then again, I did wake up and could walk to the window. I think I should count my blessings!
The crocus are blooming and daffodils are all over the countryside. Yesterday (Saturday) I attended a horse show competition and my granddaughter was pretty darn cute in Western Showmanship. I was in the stands nestled between one of my oldest friends and my daughter and we snagged seats under the overhead heater so life was pretty good.
Here is Shey with Willow, the pony my daughter trained. She is a good little horse with beautiful eyes.
There are only two girls competing with the Oregon High School Equestrian Team from their small school, and I really have to thank Carol and Wendy for helping out so much. Being at a cold horse barn at 7 in the morning isn't my idea of fun, but these young people get to compete in ways beyond the classroom and it builds the kind of character you can't overestimate. Give me someone who can get a horse to do what they want it to do - like walk on top and over a 2X4 wooden box in trail class - and I'll give you a person who can pretty much tame society at large!
The Mister and I were certainly glad we timed our trip to Kauai when we did. The tsunami that devastated Japan also affected the Hawaiian Islands, though certainly not as badly. Such a loss of life and the ongoing threat of nuclear disaster. Such chaos in the world made this family event even more welcome. I hope you are all enjoying a day of peace and quiet in your day suddenly an hour later - femminismo

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Can You Spell Kauai?

I FINALLY learned how to spell it by Googling it enough times - about 17 majillion. I still don't know how the natives pronounce it, but I aim to find out.
There were so many choices on where to go for vacation, but when it's two people deciding there's always a flaw and it takes twice as long.
It has to be warm. It has to have beaches. It has to be interesting. It has to be relaxing.
So it was finally decided: Kauai it was. I will have pictures when I get back and hopefully the time to post them. I have been a really bad blogger lately, and since this is my journal (she reminds herself) I had better do a lot more writing and posting.
February has been a busy month, with lots to do at work and a lot to do at home. It snowed again on us and the temperatures have been very cold. I told the tree peonies not to leaf out yet, but they never listen to me. Year after year, they just keep getting more and more frisky and can't wait for spring. They have to sprout out those lovely green leaves that spread themselves in the sun and waggle in the breeze. In the fall they turn gorgeous colors. And the flowers!? Well, search this blog for "peonies" and you'll come up with lots of finds, I'm sure.
Here is one more picture and then it is time to do something non-electronic. I know, it's hard to find that nowadays, but I want to find a book to read, so off I go to my "library" - femminismo