Showing posts with label Terry Peasley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terry Peasley. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another Art Reception Down ... another to go?

WELL, I and my "reception twin," Catherine, have helped put on the last two artist receptions at Valley Art. We have a good way of working together: We take it as it comes and don't sweat the small stuff. (Is there any other way?)
Catherine opened a high cupboard looking for plastic forks and found them all right. They rained all over her and onto the floor. I was walking away from the scene of the accident but I didn't hear her say naughty word one. She just picked them up and kept on going.
With the help of a couple of other volunteers we managed to put on a modest feast for our featured artist, Terry Peasley, and opened the gallery to a lot of First Wednesday visitors. Check out Terry's watercolors. They are very good.
I wanted to take a picture of the green Mountain Dew/limeade punch I made since it fit the evening's theme of "Going Green" and would have looked so good here. However, I didn't have my camera handy just then. Then I found this interesting screwdriver in the back of the gallery with this anonymous note: "Modern Art."
I hope you enjoy the photos. That's my buddy Catherine and me in the very, very upper left hand corner. Sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite. - femminismo
p.s. I say that because we've been having an invasion of small black "springtime" ants. They are driving me completely nutts-ola!! Did you ever notice the odd smell crushed ants produce? Not pleasant. -: ( grrrrrrr!