Showing posts with label recycled wool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycled wool. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2009

More Art Journaling ... Somewhere In Here!

YES indeedy! Somewhere on this table there is art journaling going on. I am hard at work turning the book on Beethoven into a book on Me. (Christy had asked about the self-portrait in it that looked like Beethoven. "If it's a book about Beethoven, isn't it OK if it looks like him. Actually, you were correct in adding "unless it's supposed to look like you." It was supposed to be me, but I think it looks rather mannish. Oh, well, I'm working on self-portraits. It will all come about in due time, I suppose.) And the book is - again, I say - very heavy. I will weigh it tomorrow and record the poundage - before it's finished sometime in 2011. Then I'll weigh it again after!
And somewhere else on this table (look hard and you will see) is a packet addressed to Candace. Her scarf - her swag - is atop it and, Candace, I really am trying to keep it clean for you! I know you need it. What is the temperature there? Is it 70 degrees F? You poor thing.
Well, hopefully tomorrow it will be in the mail if all the ink is dry.
Today, in the mail for me, two books showed up: "Taking Flight," by Kelly Rae Roberts, and "Mixed Media Self-Portraits," by Cate Coulacos Prato. (Free shipping since I spent enough buckaroos.) I'm saving so much money here I might be able to buy myself more flowers.
I want to set aside some time to sit and really read these books and not just flip through them.
Also, my good friend, Barb, in Michigan, sent me some pictures of the bags she makes from recycled wool clothing. I am hoping to get one of these someday. I have no patience for material and sewing. She, however, is very talented at this! She sent me several pictures, but I love the colors on this one especially.
Well, guess what? It's time to go. Nice talking with you - femminismo