Showing posts with label Knitty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knitty. Show all posts

20 September 2006


Well all I can say is WOW!!!!!!

Still waiting....

....Noni bag is FINALLY on the last spin.
I tell you I could have fried eggs on the mmachine an hour ago- it was HOT!!!
*drums fingers impatiently*

Noni Bag- It's Felting Time!!!

Well I've knitted the bag and just finished the last flower of the Noni Bag so now it's destructo craft time!
And it's in!
Time to wash my knitting at a hot hot hot (to quote Big Chef!!) 60 degree wash!
I shall let you know how it goes!

Watch it spin........

Ker-nitting update

I have finished the sockies *grin*
Just loved this Debbie Bliss pattern and her Cashmerino wool is sooooo soft I LOVE IT!!! Hope they fit the little person they were knitted for- sending love to bubz XXX

And here's one of the FIVE flars I'm knitting for the Noni Bag I'm on my LAST ONE!!!!
Soon it will be a boilin' time *maniacle laff*

Ker-nitting Ker-razy

So far in the last ten days I have created a scarf, a pair of baby socks, a bag and four knitted flowers....WOW see my kneedles fly!!!
Whilst I was waiting for my Noni Bag items to arrive from Paviyarns I had twitchy fingers and as we have a GORGEOUS knitty shop in the Tree nearby I had to go look! Well my looking turned into a Sirdar Loopa and two balls of wool- oops tee-hee
By tea time I had Looped myself this lush scarf....try Loopa it's fast and fun!

What a Knit!

I have a new obsession and it is the fault of FrenchieJo!!!!
She mentioned knitting a bag to be felted and HORROR posted a link
Then a strange thing happened I believe it may have been the ghost of a female relative from long ago possessed my being and FORCED me to purchase supllies for a Noni bag.
I am of course respectful of my ancestors and feel that by complying with their wishes I am honouring them- and saving myself a spiritual ear bashing!!!
Anyway thanks to Frenchie for the info - I am thoroughky enjoying ker-nitting and cannot wait to finish my bag!!