Hey guys! Before we get into my week and my book haul (long overdue!) I wanted to tell you guys about #NYE14Reads!
It's almost 2014 y'all! And that means...
Or something of the like! Authors will be tweeting about other authors' books (linking Goodreads pages and the like) and we encourage you to do the same! Chat with authors, tweet about your most anticipated books, or just squeal about your excitement for 2014!
It'll go throughout the day from noon to night. Support the 2014 debut authors and HAVE FUN!
So a) I made a new banner because the old one was...weird to me. So, yeah.
WINTER BREAK!! HALLELUJAH. I think my midterms went pretty well (97 on History, 100 in English, 97 in Math, 88 in Art--we had an actual freaking written exam. What?, 95 in Science, and...Gym. Uh.)
It's been a pretty awesome break but this week, all my relaxing goes away and I have to start working on a giant project due the week we get back from break. So ugh. But anyways!
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
Control by Lydia Kang
Flawed by Kate Avelynn
Losing Lila by Sarah Alderson
Ink by Amanda Son
Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
These Broken Stars by Meagen Spooner and Amie Kaufman
The Nightmare Dilemma by Mindee Arnett
Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
Pivot Point by Kasie West
Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs
The Chance You Won't Return by Annie Cardi
Caminar by Skila Brown
There Will Be Bears by Ryan Gebhart
I got my friend to check these two out for me (I asked her to get some others for me, but she couldn't get them SIGH.) since I lost my library card...ahahahaha...haha...anyways I read Amy and Roger's already and I ADORED IT SO MUCH. I need to get my own copy soon! I loved Matson's other book, Second Chance Summer, so I had high hopes for Amy and Roger's Epic Detour. Now, I'll officially read anything by Morgan Matson.
CONTROL! I'm so excited to read Control by Lydia Kang. I've been aching for a sci-fi lately, so this is perfect! I also stopped by Half Price Books and picked up Flaw, which seems heartbreakingly emotional, and Losing Lila, the sequel to Hunting Lila. I've been eyeing the series for a while and I jumped at the chance to get the sequel since it wasn't available in the US. Now I have to get my hands on a copy of the first book and I'll be good!
INK! I got Ink from Harlequin Teen's Panel and I already had an ARC copy, but the finished copy is gorgeous! And I read both These Broken Stars and Fire and Flood--loved both! Reviews to come soon! (These Broken Stars though omg. I need a Pandora, btw.)
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO JESSI FOR THE NIGHTMARE DILEMMA! Read and loved and review shall come! Thanks to Eileen for Pivot Point which I've been DYING TO READ lately and THANKS SO MUCH to Inky for The Coldest Girl in Coldtown!
I won a Candlewick Press Giveaway and WAS SO EXCITED TO READ THE STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL SORROWS OF AVA LAVENDER. Which, by the way, is as strange and beautiful as the title suggests. I absolutely adored it.
I also got a rather epic Secret Santa gift from my Merp Squad Secret Santa, Annabelle! She's a pretty awesome gift giver guys:
Bag of Jolly Ranchers (Actually Inky also got me a bag of Jolly Ranchers! I LOVE JOLLY RANCHERS)
Turquoise Maybelline eyeshadow
$20 B&N Gift Card
See's Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle (it was delicious)
Blue/Purple Scarf
Loved this gift! <3 Annabelle is so sweet!
AND THEN GUESS WHAT ELSE I GOT. WAIT FOR IT. WAIT FOR IT. (It being the terrible photo, but...)
I BOUGHT TEDDDDYYYYY BEARS. I couldn't decide so I got my mom to get one for herself. Then stole it from her. You know. (Hey so they're both the same but with different shades of brown. BUT THE SHADE OF BROWN IS IMPORTANT DUDE.)