Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Friday, July 08, 2011

A few social media tips

I love Twitter and Facebook. They're great ways to interact with other authors, writers, publishing professionals and best of all - readers. FB especially has allowed me to converse with folks who've read my books and wanted to ask questions. Twitter has given me a chance to get to know other authors better, to get involved in writing-related conversations and to have fun.

But with all that good comes some not-so-good. Here are a few things to avoid when using social media:

1. Don't be Linda Links-a-lot - if all you do on Twitter is post links, you're going to look like a spammer. I'm not saying don't ever do it, but posting link after link isn't really interacting so much as it is shilling. No one knows what those links are until they click them and without knowing you (and trusting the content you provide) people have little reason to click through.

2. Don't add your friends to your groups without getting their permission. This is just rude. It fills their inbox with craploads of FB notifications. How do you know someone wants to be a part of Fluffy Bunny Slippers Rule? Maybe they hate fluffy bunny slippers. (Okay, I'm sure no one hates fluffy bunny slippers, but you get what I'm saying.)

3. Don't be all me me me. Constant self promotion on either FB or Twitter does you zero good. If you haven't taken the time to interact, why should I care about your commercials? I won't. No one will. And don't tell me you don't have the time to interact. You have time to post commercials, you have time for some basic communication.

Here are some great ways you CAN interact on FB and Twitter:

1. "Like" the pages of your favorite authors on Facebook. That's a super easy way to let them know you appreciate their work.

2. Retweet the important info your favorite authors post on Twitter. Are they announcing a release day? Sharing a link to something they're involved in? If it seems important to them, they'll appreciate a retweet.

3. Engage - whether you're on FB or Twitter, people enjoy chatting. Ask questions! You might just be amazed at who answers you.

I can be found on Twitter here and Facebook here. Feel free to share your personal links in the comments. Maybe we can all make some new connections!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

New Facebook Page--yeehaw!

Did you know The Fictionistas has a brand-new Facebook page? AND that it's the most fun you can buy? AND...uh, that we're uber-foxy?!? That's right--check us out HERE.

Every time you like our page, an angel gets its wings. A romance heroine gets her happily-ever-after. A fat kid gets cake.

Come on, be a hero.

Also, while you're being so awesome, check out our individual Facebook pages. Here's the list:

--Kristen Painter

--Gwen Hayes

--Mel Francis

--Rhonda Stapleton

--Amanda Brice

Now, go forth and enjoy, my preciousssss!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Funny Facebook statuses

I found this website that has really funny facebook status ideas. Here are a few of my favs:

--In this world, there are 3 kinds of people: people who can count, and people who can't count.


--is proofreading to make sure she hasn’t any words out.

--1 of my nipples is a different color than the other 2--is that normal?

--I hate being's awesome!!!

--For the past hour, I've done some heavy duty reflecting, dreaming, planning, laughing, crying and thinking. Then it hit me: I have GOT to get out of this shower and get ready for work.

--Behind every successful man is a woman rolling her eyes.

--once your pants catch on fire, the fact that you just lied will become less important.

--sometimes i just don't have enough middle fingers to let people know how i feel....

--The great thing about Facebook is that you can quote someone and totally make up the source. (Ghandi 1937)

--When i'm sad I cut myself...another slice of cheesecake

So, if you're on twitter or facebook or another social networking site, where do you get your ideas for status updates?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook Can Get You Suspended?

Last week, Chicago honors student Justin Bird was suspended from school for creating a Facebook group called "I hate Big Daddy V." Turns out one of his teachers is Mr. Valiscus, and the group is devoted to griping about him. Within days of creating the Facebook group, 50 pf his classmates had joined.

The school administration was not amused.

This isn't the first time a student has been suspended for Facebook activity. Earlier this month, a federal magistrate ruled that now-college-sophomore Katharine Evans' lawsuit against her Florida school district could go forward. She is suing to have her suspension expunged because she alleges that the school district violated her First Amendment rights.

What did she do wrong to get suspended for three days? School officials said her Facebook page devoted to trashing a teacher constituted "cyberbullying."

The ACLU applauded the decision, saying it clearly extended First Amendment rights to online writings of a non-threatening manner. “This is an important victory both for Ms. Evans and Internet free speech,” Maria Kayanan (associate legal director of the ACLU of Florida) said, “because it upholds the principle that the right to freedom of speech and expression in America does not depend on the technology used to convey opinions and ideas.”

So what do you think? Should these students have been suspended for creating these Facebook pages on their own time, outside of school? Is this a violation of their First Amendment rights? If the latter, should a teacher then be allowed to create a similar page to gripe about her students?


Monday, January 11, 2010


I love Facebook and Twitter. MySpace feels a little skeevy to me now, but at one time, I loved it, too.

What I don't love? The drama that surfaces. Lots of times it's celebrity drama, which we seem to be willing to forgive because they're, you know, CELEBRITIES. But lately I've noticed more everyday people drama popping up and it makes my head spin.

As Bob Newhart said in one of my favorite Mad TV skits:


When your marriage is coming to an end, don't post about whose fault it is, what went wrong, if he's a cheating bastard or if you're much happier with your new lesbian lover.


When you get into a fight with your BFF, I know it's tempting to be passive aggressive and post something that will dig at your friend and get her riled up. As you're posting that witty little status update, just remember I may read it and I'll be yelling at my computer:


I know sometimes you're tempted to post about how deliriously happy you are with your love life, and that your partner is the best thing next to Mark Wahlberg's Taylor Lautner's abs, but remember, while your tweeting your bliss and adding "if you know what I mean...", I'm yelling:


Seriously, folks. It's one thing when kids do this...but adults? We should know better. So from this point forward, when you're thinking about posting something that will hurt someone else, or make me feel slightly uncomfortable please remember:


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How hooked up are you?

Technology today seems all about social media. Yesterday someone somewhere mentioned that the average age of those who use Twitter was around 46. I have to say that really surprised me. And got me thinking.

Am I hipper than I thought?

I used to be on Myspace and while my page is still there, I haven't logged in in ages. Myspace seems like the horror movie trailer park of social media now. It's gaudy, run down and you just never know who's parked next door.

Now I focus on Twitter and Facebook, although to be honest, I mostly use Facebook for games and sending messages to far-away friends.

What social media do you use and what's your favorite?