Showing posts with label Ashley Judd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashley Judd. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Intentionally clueless.

I got a lot of e-mails and tweets from folks wanting to know my opinion about this "accidental racist" song that Uncle L and some country singer decided to serenade us with.

While I appreciate the attempt to address the issue of race and our differences here in America (and yes, I know that the country singer has love for Obama, but that doesn't get him a pass in my book), I am sadly going to have to give thumbs down to these artists and call out this song for the bull s*** that it is.

Why would I give some dude a pass for wearing a confederate flag? You are not an "accidental racist", you are a f*****g racist! And someone besides his mama needs to knock out Uncle L for signing off on this crap. Please believe that some dude wouldn't be singing about wearing a shirt with a big fat swastika on the front and some Jewish rapper would be telling him that it's cool and he is just misunderstood. (BTW, Uncle L, I do not wear a big gold chain)

Loved this quote from someone calling themself "Censure" who posted comments under the article I linked.

"It is essentially Mr. Smith saying "You don't judge me for my innocuous chains and doo-rag and I won't judge you for sporting a symbol created to represent the battle to keep my people enslaved, which continues to be sported by card carrying racists today." It is essentially creating an offense on the part of black people in order to whitewash history, condone, permit, and assuage the guilty feelings of people that obviously don't care enough about the feelings of blacks that they continue to sport that flag. LL sounds like a battered wife excusing her husband's abuse because, "We both have our faults. I should have made sure dinner was done by the time he got home."

Where are Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder when you need them?

Maybe we should just take a break from this racism discussion thing for awhile.

Congrats to the Louisville Cardinals for winning the NCAA basketball championship last night. It will be interesting to see where Coach Pitino puts that tattoo. I have some suggestions, but I am sure that coach would like to put that episode behind him.

But all is not good in the state of Kentucky. (Thank you Mother Jones) Apparently the senior senator from that state was caught on tape with some of his "operatives" smearing a potential opponent and making fun of her mental illness.

Now, as is to be expected, the slimy senator is crying foul and playing the race card no less. When confronted about his actions he quickly said that liberals made fun of his wife's ethnicity and demanded an FBI investigation into the alleged "wire tap" of his campaign office.

Welcome to the new way of crisis management in America: attack the person responsible for allowing the rest of us to see that you are doing wrong.

Rutgers University is hoping that this tactic works for them. Eric Murdock, the whistle blower who exposed their ignorant Bobby Knight wannabe of a coach, is now being investigated for extortion.

"A person familiar with the FBI's probe told The Associated Press on Sunday that investigators are interested in Eric Murdock, who left his job as the men's basketball program's player development director last year and later provided the video to university officials and ESPN.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the inquiry has not been announced. The investigation was first reported last week by ESPN and The New York Times."

"Negro, I know you didn't just think we were going to give you close to a million dollars and allow you to just walk off into the sunset looking like a hero."